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Knorr Eativist Linda Ejiofor shares her best tips for mums looking to make healthy choices for their family

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In this delightful interview, we shine a spotlight on an ‘Eativist’ cultivating a healthier food culture in line with Knorr’s global Eat for Good campaign. Multi-talented actress and host- Linda Ejiofor, whose on-screen charisma is only rivalled by her off-screen parenting journey, tells us how she makes healthy food choices as a busy mother and wife. Get ready for a heartwarming and laughter-infused exploration into the life of this extraordinary mom!

What’s a typical day like in the Ejiofor-Suleiman household, and how do you ensure that you make time for quality moments with your family?

Linda: On a school day, one of us drops Keon off at school at 7:30 am. It is usually the person with a much later call time on set or an 8 am call time. The other person most likely would have left home as early as 6 am. Then we make sure one of us is available to pick him up at 2 pm. If I pick up, I ask Keon what he wants for lunch (thankfully, we are at the stage where he can say what he would like, which makes life easier), and then I get it ready for him. If Ibro does the pickup, we have half-made options he can finish cooking for him. On days we are all home early, we make sure we spend the evening with Keon going over his day, sorting his activities for the next day, doing his homework, and then watching something educational and age-appropriate with him before dinner, bath and bedtime at 630pm. Then Ibro and I talk about our day and catch each other up, plan the next day, watch an episode or two of something we both like and then go upstairs and prep for bed. We typically sit up and talk some more in bed while swapping phones to watch reels and read tweets before we pray and sleep. Non-school days are quite different. We often leave for work before he wakes up, so we video call at least twice during the day and try to make it home before he goes to bed. Otherwise, his nanny does a video call with us so we can pray with him and say goodnight to him.

Linda Ejiofor

How has becoming a mother changed your relationship with food?

Linda: Before I became a mother, I ate for enjoyment. As long as it looked and tasted good, I was good to go. Tasty food was my way of patting myself on the back for working hard and being a good girl. But after having Keon, I had to become very intentional about what I put in my body because of breastfeeding.

As he grew older and moved to proper food, I tried making purees for him (which he got tired of after about a month or two), but now as a family, we all intentionally eat a lot of steamed veggies, stir fry and fruits, along with smaller portions of stuff we normally would eat.

Thankfully, Keon loves carrots, so there are always fresh carrots in the kitchen.

Now I can say my relationship with food is no longer just for enjoyment but also as a means to stay healthier for longer because I want to live a long, healthy life for my family.

As a Knorr Eativist now, how do you ensure that you keep making healthy food choices when you are on set?

Linda: The hardest place to practice eating healthy is on set! Set food is almost always high carb and focuses on keeping bellies fuller for longer.

Rice, Yam, more RICE etc. As a result, I have certain foods I tell the production I will not be eating. I also have a conversation about having more colourful food, such as bell peppers, veggies, fruits, etc. Then I stick to smaller portions and also drink a lot of water. Overall, to avoid stories that touch, I just prepare my lunch and pack it to set.

I skip breakfast most days, anyway. As an actor, it is my responsibility to stay presentable on screen. So while I am not a fitfam fanatic, I do not abuse my body by what I put in it.

How has becoming a Knorr Eativist changed how you create healthy and delicious meals that lead to meaningful family moments around the table?

Linda: Being a Knorr Eativist has opened my eyes to see how much more fun it is to create meals that are tasty, nutritious and lovely to look at. Interacting with the chefs and other food enthusiasts also brings that feeling of community, and as a smart girl, I am pinching recipes left, right and centre. Ibro is my regular taster from ingredients prep (he’s always stealing chopped beef/carrots, shredded chicken, etc) to the finished meal. Keon loves to help with identifying vegetables and whisking eggs. When we sit to eat, there is always laughter and banter.

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