
KPMG: Nigeria’s high speed rail is ‘world-class’

Nigeria’s high speed rail project initiated by President Goodluck Jonathan has been rated among the global top 100 world-class infrastructure projects by KPMG.

The rail will connect Lagos, Kano, Kaduna, Warri, Bauchi, Abuja, and Port Harcourt and will cost the country $13 billion, much of which will be financed with a loan from the Export Import Bank of China.

The China Railway Construction Corporation has secured the contract to build the 3,218-kilometre network, which will be digitally operated using fibre-optic cables, radio communication and wireless services.

The project is designed to cover 54 stations and will take 25 years to build.



In the report, The Infrastructure 100: World Markets Report, the KPMG panel of judges said the project “will remove heavy freight from Nigeria’s stressed roads, could save the country millions on road maintenance”.

Other African projects on the list are: Khi Solar One (South Africa), Square Kilometer Array (South Africa), PRASA Rolling Stock (South Africa), Kudu Gas Field and CCGT Project (Namibia),Trans-Saharan Natural Gas Project (Nigeria to Algeria), Mombasa-Kigali Railway (Rwanda), KivuWatt (Rwanda), Jinja Bridge (Uganda), and Jomo Kenyatta International Airport Terminal (Kenya).


In its note, KPMG said the report highlights key trends driving infrastructure investment around the world.

A global panel of industry experts identifies 100 of the world’s most innovative, impactful infrastructure projects showing how governments are coming together with the private sector to overcome funding constraints to finance and build projects that can improve quality of life – both solving immediate needs and planning for future societal demands.

The report looks at infrastructure based on the dynamics of four key markets: Mature International Markets (like Canada, Australia, and UK), Economic Powerhouses (including the US and BRIC countries), Smaller Established Markets (like Chile, Sweden, New Zealand, Korea and South Africa), and Emerging Markets (including a number of economies in Africa).

  1. This is the same project that was started under OBJ but was moribund by Yardua/Jonathan. So what do you mean by initiated by Jonathan administration? You can see the project concept when first initiated by OBJ by searching YouTube.

    1. Check your facts. Obasanjo started Lagos-Kano rail that was abandoned by Yar’Adua. This is a new project altogether.

    1. Keep talking negative about your country and the future of your country. I’m sure your parents are very proud of you.

      1. @Pastor Krees. Wake up from your slumber and face the reality. Check back and tell us the progress by 2018!
        Leaders without the capacity and ability to read and to lead can take us no where with fantom transformation.

        1. am sure you dont have kids because if you have kids you will speak well n positive words to your country. because they still have great future waiting them. so be positve

          1. @sfound/Pastor Krees, I can assure you that this got nothing to do with having kids or not. When you observe same old same old happening several times and you are expecting a different result, it is called insanity. Trust me, I have been on this circuit for a very long time and I know that this high speed train is going NO WHERE fast with these current set of captains on the wheels!

    2. you are right,every govt comes with its own project plan just to get contract kick backs and eventually cancels the right one.We are talkin out of past experience..unless a radical change takes place and the system adjusted!!!

  2. For those making uninformed comments here, FG has not taken over any Lagos initiative. Fashola is still working on his rail. Aba, Owerri are in Igbo states the last time I checked. And this is a new project altogether. Other rail projects are still ongoing. Kaduna-Abuja is awaiting inauguration. Nigerians are so cynical that they are ready to mix up their facts just to say things are not getting better. Contunu.

    1. God bless u for well analyzed reply to all this cynics out here.As we speak Abuja-Kadana rail was started by gej and it has been completed i saw this on CCTV news not from AIT so u wont come pouncing on me with ur -ve mind.we must understand that things have been terribly wrong and will take time to change.but where we see positives lets try to clap and not always look at for what is not working.

    2. Are things really getting better? In which areas. Please mention things that can be verified physically and don’t include those in icloud.

  3. Shameful Nigerians never see anything good in their Country. If we all continue to be negative about developments back home, what is the motivation for anyone to do anything positive.

    1. I share your thought on the need to speak positive things to our nation. Most of us critical about everything do not realize that God grants us our negative outcomes just as we requested. Let whom God chose rule with our prayers to guide them right. Check out from Shagari-IBB-Abacha-OBJ-Yaradua-GEJ, no one is good? Nigeria is the only country we have, how many countries will accept us if we mouth ourselves into war?

  4. Plan to install an elaborate elevator (trains system) in your house when you don’t have a functional stairway (roads). Budget money you don’t have. Worsen your state of indebtedness. Meanwhile, there’s no power supply and security in this same house.

  5. This is commendable if it can pursued to the end and relieve most nigerians of the stress and burden of travelling by road. Time will tell.

    1. I don’t understand how we can be so blinded with all these noise and we fail to see that we are fighting a war with ourselves instead of helping ourselves. I am not a pessimist but I have been around long enough to know that this is another phantom project to steal money again. Someone who cannot throw his whole weight to make a stable economy but providing something as basic as electrical energy. We have spent a staggering $51 billion dollars to generate nothing and you are talking about a rail project that will be depended on electricity. Are you planning on powering this rail with the mikano generators we still allow them to import into this country. The wise and careful Nigerians will not celebrate because we have seen too many promising projects mouthed and abandoned. Let the government begin to work hard at restoring the confidence of Nigerians in them and stop all these fairy tale peojects that would only excite people who want window dressings. Fix electricity and provide a stable economy then you can come back to tell me about technology we are not ready for.

      1. Oloye what is technology? Don’t you think Technology leads to development? And if you are not ready for development then what are u ready for? Oloye

    2. Nigerians are fond of speaking negative about their fatherland remember there is power in the words of the tongue .pls for God speak positive words to this great nation.and erase this negative mind conception from your mind about Nigeria .Nigeria glory shall rise again in Jesus name

  6. some people jus talking trash jus 2 spoil jonathan name. wich contract obj sign. dis is a new project dat was signed resently. tanx 2 gej.

  7. Sincerely the rail way transportation in our country is experiencing transformation and this one is a very Nice vission for our Dear country Nigeria, let us stop playing politics in everything, let learn how to criticize Government, let us learn how to support a current government. There is no way the government can do better without our support besides we are the government for crying out loud, it is not fare when we destroy the Government with our mouth become ungreatfull with our life style ( our I don’t care attitude, after all government no be my papa name ) hmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmm we are developing country my fellow Nigerian and we should know that Developement is a gradual process Nigeria. Nigerians Let us always be optimistic despite Nigeria’s obvious challenges

  8. Nigerians are the problems of nigeria.untill we speak positively to our nation.,things wont change.lets be positive.leave all to God.the bad eggs will soon be fished out.

  9. Lots of government-sponsored trash here. And a lot more by the opposition. GEJ is sending signals of ineptitude if he thinks now is the time to begin to plan a 25-year project when anyway he is not going to survive the next four years in Aso villa. Where are our girls?

    1. BBOG,BBOG,bring back our girls,thats all you people whine all the time!!!!, tell me, what are you doing to help bring these girls home? You just sit ur as there and shout! Why cant you and afew of your fellow whiners form a taskforce to Sambisa to go free these girls, heh?

  10. All I can say is good luck is ready to transform Nigeria, and im seeing it I dnt knw abt u guys, 4yrs is too small to amend Nigeria that has been mess buy some u*****s Hausa president, come 2015 Gej get my vote

    1. You call Hausa presidents, useless if I’m correct. I no blame you. From their name you shall know them, Looks like you were adopted or something. What have the south south people done for Nigeria rather than disgrace our great nation. James Ibori in prison,Alamieyeseigha dressed as a lady to escape arrest because of corruption and later pardoned by your clueless outgoing president, and just today, a militant is dictating for government officials in Delta state and wants to be deputy governor. Sad, I really pity you people. That oil you people solely depend on will finish one day and una eye go clear. You this recharge card that can’t be loaded.

  11. One thing I have come to know abt this country is that we ve never experience any stable and good governance by the past administrations, even 10yrs is not enough to clean up the mess created by the past adminstration. If truely his administration mean business abt the railway innovations,of course its for the betterment of our dear country. For those who love to criticize govts, most of them argue blindly as if they are ready to offer anything good for the country. Let’s be positive. Good things starts from positive optimism and vote wisely.

    1. Those who fail to see anything good in GOODLUCK JONATHAN PRESIDENT OF NIGERIA are the same people who left their own tribesmen and kinsmen.s children whom they are supposed to have given sound education over the years of their blind governance of money sharing for them to realize the rights and positions in the country.

  12. we keep talking of long term projects which are always truncated. It is good to think far ahead but with leaders who hardly continue the project of their predecessors, I think such projects are useless

  13. As I was saying, what did I say last? Always better to under promise and over deliver. That is when I can stay strongly behind you.

  14. Am not a Nigerian but i think this is a great move by the Prz Goodluck , may God bless him.we wish to see such in Ghana Takoradi whatapps +233246774875

  15. Bab Jonathan…na God go bless u….but Nigerians no d c d better things wey u d bring come….I dey for ur back oooo

  16. Nigeria the largest Economy in Africa, the largest concentration of Black people on Earth is on the march again looking for its President. In less than two months from now Nigerians will go to the polls to elect a President of its choice. It is also a time to decide whether Nigeria will remain one as a nation or a fulfillment of the American prophecy that the country might break up by 2015. I pray that the country will not break up and I pray the country remain more united, stronger and prosperous. But there are issues that must be tackled for a successful and violence free election in the country.

    Let me first of all leave no one in doubt as to where I stand on the forthcoming Presidential election in the country. I am not a card carrying member of any political party but I wish that President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan and the Peoples Democratic Party [PDP] wins the election in the interest of peace, progress, unity of Nigeria and anything that will truncate that dream will never get my support.

    Agreed President Jonathan is not a perfect human being, no man is perfect after all, only God is perfect. Agreed also that politics is struggle for power but I don’t agree that we have to tell lies and deceive the people because we want to take power from the incumbent. Let us for the purpose of this discussion lower the struggle for the Presidency of Nigeria to Goodluck Jonathan and General Muhammadu Buhari compare both of them and allow Nigerians to make a choice in the interest of one Nigeria and future of their children and generations yet unborn.


    Let me remind President Jonathan what gave him the Presidency in 2011 and see whether he can still use that factor to claim the Presidency this time around. First the Presidency in the first place was made possible by God, first and foremost, because if late President Musa Yar Adua had not died he wouldn’t have smelt that position. Secondly, he won the Presidency because of the poor campaign machineries of the North. The North believed that they owned Nigeria, have the population and that only they can determine who becomes the President of the country, no other group matters, infact one Sheikh Gumi once said that over his dead body will a Christian win the Presidency of Nigeria. So people voted for Jonathan to prove them wrong. Thirdly Nigerians wanted to fight a cabal that have sworn to keep Nigeria in their pocket for ever, Nigerians voted to liberate itself from this cabal. Nigeria voted for fresh breath. Wtc.

    But the question is has anything changed since then. The answer is no. the truth is that those who voted for Jonathan in 2011 have nothing to show for it five years after. Roads in the South East and South South is still the worst in the country, even the National Publicity Secretary of the ruling PDP Olisa Metuh was quoted to have said sometime in November that Federal Roads in the South East is still the worst in the country. Even though we have a Christian as the President more Christians have been killed in the country more than ever before in the history of the country with no punishment meted out to the murderers and no compensation for Christians for the loss of their lives and properties. Has President Jonathan being able to fight the cabal, the answer is no. in fact they have become more vicious and deadly and even more powerful. President Jonathan has not told Nigerians why nobody was punished for the Post election violence of 2011, where over 800 innocent Nigerians including youth corpers were killed. President Jonathan has not told Nigerians why he sacked Professor Barth Nnaji his former Minister of Power who for the first time in Nigeria we noticed some improvement in power stability for over a month before he was sacked by the cabal that were not comfortable with power stability in the country. The President has not told Nigerians why Abba Moro is still in his cabinet. Abba Moro Nigeria’s minister of Internal affairs was busy fighting the former Comptroller General of Immigration Mrs Roseline Uzoma over some appointment of Igbo immigration officers. That little distraction was what the marauders from Libya and Mali needed and they entered the country with sophisticated weapons and mercenaries from Gadafi’s Libya, which are now been utilized by Boko Haram. If Nigeria is a serious country the Minister should have been sacked by now, but he has a powerful cabal behind him that may help generate vote for Jonathan.


    The President should know that the sentiments used to give him the position in 2011 may not work for him this time around.

    But despite all these is General Muhammadu Buhari a credible alternative. My answer is no. how I wished the PDP had brought out a better candidate to replace Jonathan. I have nothing against Northern President and how I wished the North or APC provided a better alternatives. But unfortunately I will still pray that Goodluck Jonathan wins the Presidency than allow Muhammadu Buhari win. Those who are managing Buhari have not convinced me why Buhari is a better alternative to lead the country. The only marketing strategy the media marketers are using to sell Buhari to Nigerians is that he will fight corruption and that he is the only Nigerian that is not corrupt. I am aware that when Buhari was a Federal Commissioner of Petroleum and Chairman of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation [NNPC] the sum of $2.8billion was missing from the NNPC account. In fact a former Nigeria Television Authority[NTA] reporter Theodora Ifudu was sacked for reporting the story. As a former Military Head of State General Buhari changed Nigeria currency and stopped the importation of naira into the country for change. His Personal Assistant at that time came in with 53 suit cases with orders from above that he should not be searched. The officer in charge of Nigeria Customs at the Murtala Mohammed Airport in Lagos then was Atiku Abubakar who insisted on searching the suitcases and discovered huge sums of money inside, Atiku was subsequently sacked from the customs. As a military Head of state General Buhari government arrested some Politicians in the country and sent them to prison. He left the then President Alhaji Shehu Shagari a northerner and muslim untouched while he went ahead to arrest and jailed the Vice President Alex Ekweme a southerner and Christian. And someone once told me if General Buhari is really as corruption free as people are packaging him he will not have anything to do with the likes of Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Rotimi Amaechi the two faces of corruption in Nigeria.

    We have certainly seen some development in the country in the last five years of Jonathan’s administration. We have seen roads being built and rehabilitated, seen remodeling of the Airports, Railways working again, Seaports working against, we’ve seen more investment in power sector, Petroleum sector, Telecommunication sector, Education sector, Health, politics etc.

    The big question is what does Nigeria need now. Nigerians are not interested in what the government does for the country, what Nigerians need now is what has individuals benefited from the country and this is what will decide the fate of Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in the next Presidential election. The advise I will give to Jonathan is that he should continue the projects being executed across the country, he should as a matter of urgency do something to ameliorate the suffering of Nigerians. He should bring out all the money in the foreign reserve, $40 billion or there about there is no point keeping the money for Nigeria that might not exist after the 2015 elections. Declare free education at all levels, declare free health for all, bring down the price of fuel in the country to about twenty naira per litre, settle traditional rulers and opinion leaders, Religious leaders, civil society groups, the Media, the military every body. For now all these people are under the control of Bola Tinubu. Take them away from him.

    Take care of people in the National Assembly buy them over, take care of all the governors buy them over. In politics there is no permanent friend what is permanent is interest. Find out from the governors like comrade Adams Oshiomhole who were your friends why they are suddenly against you. At the last media parley in Benin the previous week Governor Oshiomhole was asked why he will not support a South South President like himself and he said a brother who failed to act like a brother should be treated like an enemy. He said President Jonathan a President From the South South refused to give him money from ecological funds to take care of his people, but the President only gave ecological funds to Northern governors. Why will the President not give Oshiomhole what he want. Jonathan need Oshiomhole to deliver Edo vote more than he need Tony Anenih. These are issues the President must tackle and not rely on the luck of 2011.

    The biggest problem facing the President’s re election bid is the issue of Boko Haram. I was a child still growing up in 1984 during the apartheid regime when Chief Olusegun Obasanjo said we should use juju to defeat apartheid. Just last week during the inauguration of Governor Rauf Aregbesola in office, leader of APC Bola Ahmed Tinubu was reported to have told the people to use juju to defend their votes. I know the Yorubas believe so much in juju, how juju has helped him so far in politics today I do not know but I know Bola Tinubu is the most beautiful bride in today’s politics. I think we should consider using juju to bring back the missing Chibok girls and even end Boko Haram. I know the Ijaws also has an idol called Egbesu shrine, please consult him or her if he is not on leave.

    On the election proper the President should be serious to win the election or withdraw from race. He should not allow the post election killing take place again. From every indication there will be crisis before, during and after the election so he should prepare for it. Statements coming out from the opposition party leaders is not encouraging. General Buhari has talked of Monkey and Baboon soaking in blood, Bola Tinubu has talked of Use of juju, Rotimi Amaechi has talked of orange revolution. Amaechi has said if the 2015 election is rigged the APC will take to the streets and form an alternative government, so who define an election that has been rigged, no doubt he is afraid of going to prison after his tenure. The President should not rely on the security agencies alone to enforce law and order, we are dealing with opposition that is desperate for power. He should be thinking of mobilizing the OPC, BAKASSI BOYs, THE NIGER DELTA EX MILITANTS AND EVEN HUNTERS to save the country from Buhari and Tinubu whose nationalities are in doubt.

    I want to remind the Media that they have a responsibility to save the country. In the second Republic Chief Obafemi Awlowo was the leader of opposition in the country. He did not see anything good in Shagari’s government as he opposed and criticized every move made by government then. When the Buhari and his gang struck in 1983 they used some of the attacks made by Chief Obafemi Awolowo as reasons for the coup. Then one week after the coup the military went to Awolowo’s house in Apapa, Lagos ransacked everywhere beat up his personal staff and family members, the next morning Awolowo not only condemned Buhari’s coup but added that the worst democracy was better than the best Military regime. A word is enough for the wise.

    1. Ogbeni, wetin happen, this one done pass comment ooh. Chaiii. What amuses me is that your comment has nothing to do with the story. Back to this train scam. How can you built train when power is still epileptic, corruption is still on the rise, 25 yeeeeeaaaaars. All na scam to steal our remaining reserve. God will judge all of you.

  17. this is the begining of development for nigeria. if we keep at creating new things like this ,in less than 10 years. we will be at the for front of developed countries.

  18. Y r our leaders and some citizenry so shallow minded? Electricity comes 1st and other will follow. This is scam as usual. u can fool the some pple all the time bt u can’t fool all d pple all the time.

  19. My People, I am not saying that building a railway station is bad but, why is it now that Mr President wants to do this? I do not even think the House of senate should allow him to do this kind of project. The election is barely two months now and he will pull the funding for this project in debt, why? In January 2012, Mr president promised us 4 working refineries by the end of 2014, we have not seen any improvement in this yet billions of dollars was allocated for it as well. I remember billions of dollars was as well allocated for the power generation which is still epileptic till now (It depends on which part of the country you are anyway, but averagely it is bad). There are embezzlement that ranges in billions of dollars without any account. Now this phantom project again? Is it that we have enough money to waste. Nigerians are tired of PDP, we want a change. PDP has been ruling this country right from the beginning of democracy in Nigeria, fine there were developments over the military but they are not the best we can get, we need a change of taste. This change of taste will even solve the problem of cabal and therefore an end to Boko Haram which has been a contending issue over a decade now. All the allegations laid against Buhari which, Mr. Akuluno mentioned of I have not confirmed (and Obasanjo could not even confirm it) but I wonder why he could not talk of the illness of this present administration so I guess he is a paid member of TAN. I have not heard of a stolen money less than 100 million Naira in Jonathan’s administration. All we need presently is someone who will clean up the messes in our political offices, reduce corruption to the least possible better than in history. All other things will follow. I support General Muhammad Buhari as a leader, all I need from him is his word and I can take it to the bank. The best capability of Jonathan is the least possible of Buhari. If Jonathan could not even fight the cabals in the interest of Nigeria for more than 6 years then what would he do for the 4 years? He only wants to make more money for himself and his cabals but Nigerians are not subscribing to failure right now……Vote Jonathan out, vote PDP out, vote Boko Haram out, and vote evils cabals out of Aso Rock. Nigeria! United we stand

  20. Hmmmmnn Nigerians, i am so sorry that our mental state is not prepared for good things. Unfortunately we are all suffering from the burdens of freedom. To recall that not so long ago we were so scared to talk or express our opinion and now we are totally out of control, babbling incoherently. If you tell me a skyscraper that was built in a day then i can tell you of a man who can fix the half a century rut of Nigeria in a day. when we want to criticize or support issues let us be objective, applying the principles of fairness and having a firm grip on the foundation of the subject in discuss. God Bless Nigeria. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE.

  21. A blissful articulated idea, but implementation and follow up is the problem, I believe it will not be a white elephant project like the past ones. good luck to all of us and the future generation that will benefit and enjoy it

  22. Seriously! Why is it that people don’t just have the fear of God. They behave like they won’t die someday and leave behind all the stolen money. Can’t people have conscience and do the right things! Just for the sake of humanity. Leaders should lead well!

  23. I cant believe that a project on drawing board that may or may not see the light of the day has already been rated. you people should fear God sometimes na.
    what of the green field oil refinery plant that was promised to us aftermath of the fuel subsidy protest in kogi? Has it taken off? This Govt that it is clear that has achieved anything keep spewing hot air on daily basis

  24. all this negative things that you people talking about our country cannot take US nowere .focus US how Nigeria government can bring government and can our support country

  25. I read some comments here and laugh. Do you know you can have a dedicated electric line for the trains? Have u seen lights go off in aso rock? No. Y? because of dedicated lines. so people, it is possible.

  26. Thank Chyko for educating these western education is a sin dummies . It is easier to go on a street and throw bombs than supplying electricity to 170 million people . By the way why was electricity not fixed over the last 50 boko haram years ?

  27. Common sense. If we learnt lessons from our past actions, we should have learnt a thing or two from building power plants without thinking about gas supply, but maybe, hopefully, we would have been able to fix our electricity challenges in the next 25 years.

  28. Typical Nigerians. We believe all that glitters is gold and we do t realize it until it’s too late. If you knew how much of our money that is stolen/lost by this incompetent, toothless government, you just wouldn’t get swayed by some train service that used to run many years ago when Nigeria even spent far less than what it is spending/losing now. An independent financial consultant of non Nigerian origin stated that there is a discrepancy of $1.5 billion monthly from Nigeria’s crude sales alone. Unaccounted for. Have you forgotten the Odili gas plant scam? Or the long list of abandoned projects scattered all over the country? Continue to bury your heads in the sand and not to hold our governments accountable. Sell your souls and minds for pittance because that is your destiny. They steal trillions and give us pennies and we clap hands in glee and gratefully accept the crumbs from their tables because they have two two brains each and we have none so we worship them. We worship Pastor and President and his wife and governor and minister and the local crook who dashes us money once in a while and we are sooooo sycophantic that we mortgage our future and that of our children and their future generations because of pittance! Just to feed for a day. That is all our lives are worth…food for a day! And the crooks recycle themselves and come back and sell us the same scam that they have been selling since the inception of Nigeria and we gratefully buy it each time because we are that stupid. Then we come on online forums and and we fight, trade words, insult each other silly, call names etc and the same rubbish carries on day after day. Our president wants to buy another presidential jet because the other 11 he has are not enough. He has spent 48 billion naira on planes alone yet over 80% of the children in Nigeria live in poverty. And we are here trading blows over some ponsy train service as if it solves all our problems?!?

  29. we should not use the strenght of our weakness to cover reallity. A good plan though, for general growth that will enhance swift development.thumb-up to you gej, but hope it wont be like obj’s $16 billion for NEPA ,but we are still buying genrators

  30. I don’t know why we Nigerians keep blaming leaders when we know our problems are from us all. You are blaming a leader when you cannot tell your father the common truth about your school fees, you blame leaders when you are given common goods to deliver to your street you take some into your own pocket. blaming leaders when even in the office where you work, when sent for a job you double the cost. why am I saying this? most of you condeming these leaders beeing past or present has indulge in such or similar act.

    I think you guys should 1st work on yourselfs so we can make better tomorrow.

    Vote for your choice. few days to come

  31. This project will take 25 years being built by the Chinese. When will a Nigerian company built a infrastructure project in China of like magnitude? Or even in Nigeria for that case.

    1. if Buhari had allowed this project to continue in his time it could have been ready by now…..i hate Buharism

  32. Simple arithmetic Nigerians don’t know we only analyse things from our personal interest of our room. Yes it is unfortunate our leaders hav rob us for so long. But let embrace progress the way I hav seen project being executed practically with speed surprises me. From road to rail,agriculture,education, construction,etc as pointed out by shagari.”no leader hav done wat he has done”. The world community are pointing at the success from Africa largest economy to fastest developing at 7.0 just behind China and Qatar. Simple arithmetic bcos what is capacity of light generated b4 he took over power and wat is the population of nigeria that depend on d light and how visible is it to develop the project under 4yrs Read obj analysis of light project after his military regime. Capital project is not achieved over night no country in the world developed in a day. Most of us in Africa will marry 4to 5 wife’s with many children and say God will take care of them. If it took almighty America 11years to build world trade center just a building. Y are we looking for a day solution. Most people what hav u don for d country we should pray our leaders continue what we irrespective of who take over.God help nigeria

  33. The colonial administrators who laid the Nigerian railways ,did so for commercial reasons. Nigeria was, and still is, a land blessed with natural resources. In order that the raw materials from Nigeria could be easilytransported to Europe, the railway ran from coast to coast; that is from Lagos to Port Harcourt. The proposed railway network by this administration aims to cover literrally every region of Nigeria. the construction, costing billions of Naira, will, according to estimates , take 25years to complete. At this stage it is necessary to seriously consider the economic viability of the whole project. Although it might be politically justfiable to llink Abuja to the existing network’ it is nothing short irrationality to deviate from the existing network .Nigeria,like most emerging nationsneeds money for schools, colleges, universities, and provivionof health care for her people.The proposed rail network may buy afew votes at the impending presidential election,but it will surely earn the administration a condemnation by another unnecessary waste of money when it is scrapped for economic reasons. the task facing the next administration is monumental, and will need a man with selfless motives to carry out the reforms which are urgently needed if Nigeria is to take its rightful place among the comity of respectable nations. to start with we need a redrawing of the Nigerian Constitution Having had the experience of the WESTMINSTER systemof government, and the WASHINGTON type, I would in humble plea to fellow Nigerians that it was about time we had a uniquely NIGERIAN system of government. this will be an amalgamationof the best inthe Westminster system’ and the best in th Washington type. the problem with the presidential sysytem of government is that a President is not accountable to anybody for his, or her action. And with his henchmen inthe legislatures, his excesses might not be called into question. the beauty of the Westminster type of government is that the Prime minister ,and his cabinet, are answerable to parliament. And the parliment, may or may not approve of some expenditures. In Nigeria’s brand of of government a political organisation may continue in office for as it is able win the confidence of the electorates. But any person holding the position of a Prime minister will have to vacate that after serving two terms of eight years. finally Nigeria needs to drastically reduce the cost of our governance. The cost of running our legislatures has been growing exponentiall since independence.The is now so critical, to the point obscenity, that a Nigerian legislator now earns more in renumeration than the President of the United States, a far bigger country than Nigeria. We therefore need a rethinkof how we are going to be governed in the next in view of the dwindling oil revenue. There is no better time to embark on this desirable change than with the incoming administration. So let’s get cracking.

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