
AS IT HAPPENED: INEC names winner

  1. This is the first time in the history of Nigeria Democracy, when electronic machine was used to authenticate the PVC in order to cub massive rigging and disorderliness @ every polling unit. I salute the INEC Official to have come out with such a scientific methodology. Again, the prononucement of the Presidential winner should not be prolong unecessarily, cos a stich in time will always save nine.

  2. Your way for jonathan.nobody wil swear for u bt leave the sit for who mases want./buhari is our next presido..sey baba sey buhari

  3. Pls where is Jega
    Are we are having another ‘June 12′ stoppage in results announcement. Pls, where is Jega?. It is now 10.55 and he was supposed to have started making announcements at 10.00am. Unusually long Nigerian-time’ factor.
    Not an alarmist, but where is Jega?

  4. Nigeria is bigger than any single individual or group. Let the masses decide and the will of God must surely come to pass.
    Kudoos to INEC, JEGA and his team.

  5. It’s now 1am yet i can’t get myself to sleep. …completely on edge while following events back home in my beloved country.

  6. What is going to happen to Orubebe’s claim. Now that he has directly challenge the commissions credibility before the entire world.

  7. to the admin of this site I doff my cap for u sincerely u did a very Good job the updates were as accurate as possible and timely. pls am looking forward to updates come april 11 God bless u
    God bless Nigerians
    God bless the federal republic of Nigeria.

  8. Your comment..Nw am using this opportunity to congratulate our new president GMB of his victory. U nw appointed as a winner of the election u ll Never regret to of being there (AMIN)

  9. I congratulate G.M.B being the new President of Nigeria, the giant of Africa. I also say that kudos to Prof. Jega for his professorial act…

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