
Lord, give me grace to be more patient!

On Tuesday 29th January, 2019, I gave three clothing materials to a young tailor whom I was just getting to know. After taking my measurement et al, we agreed on costs and the collection date. Right there and then, I paid him about 80% of his labour, to balance the rest on the 9th of February – the agreed date for collection.

As you might have guessed, when I stopped over at his shop to collect my clothes on Saturday 9th February (almost two weeks after), he had not even finished one. Naturally, I was disappointed and angry. I felt like pouncing on him and giving him the beating of his life. I wanted to do my latest Karate moves on him. I thought of reporting him to the police, the Nigerian army, EFCC and the FBI. I wanted to tongue-lash him – give him a piece of my mind, in fact, I wanted to give him all that was in my head. But, somehow, I was restrained from doing any of the aforementioned (only The Helper can take credit for that). Rather, I began to advice him on how to grow his business and gain more customers (wonders will never end O). He promised to deliver in another five to seven days. No qualms. I left, wondering what just transpired back there!

Fast forward a few days later. Thursday February 14th was ‘Lovers’ Day’. We had an outreach program targeting ‘unbelieving’ friends and artisans. I’d earlier invited my vulcanizer and he’d assured me that he would come. However, on the morning of February 14th, the ‘D-Day’, I felt a strong urge to extend an invitation to my tailor for the same program. So, I raced off to his shop and asked if he would like to come have dinner with me and a few friends in our church later that evening. He obliged, and I promised to pick him at 4.30pm. The challenge was, I had bought only two tickets, covering me and another person – the vulcanizer. Well, I resolved, if push came to shove, I would give up my ticket for the tailor to go in. The Supreme Being must have been working extra time on me O. So, at 4.30pm, I picked up the two invitees, and chauffeured them to the program.

Lo and behold, the young tailor gave his life to Christ when the altar call was made. Afterwards, he told me he had belonged to the other religion. I really didn’t know that before I invited him O.


Question: Would I have been able to invite him to that program if I had lost my temper on February 9th?

I could have driven that soul away permanently from Christ if I had not taken the high road of patience, tolerance, love, longsuffering, and forgiveness.

So, I pray for you and I, “Lord, give us grace to be patient with one another; to be tolerant and forgiving of trespasses and hurts, and to love human beings above material possessions. So help us God!”
Na so!

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