
My Bank, My Wife and the new social order

Over 400 sign petition asking CBN to sack FCMB's MD over 'marriage scandal' Over 400 sign petition asking CBN to sack FCMB's MD over 'marriage scandal'
Over 400 sign petition asking CBN to sack FCMB's MD over 'marriage scandal'

Let me first out myself. I am a former Employee of FCMB. I worked there for a bit in the securities trading arm, CSL. CSL is a legendary institution that continues to be the corner piece of the Nigerian Capital Market. I was the Head of Local Business.

One thing that attracted me to the firm was its legacy. Its founder, Chief Subomi Balogun, was a hero of sorts to young Stockbrokers like myself. He had built the institution from his boot straps to the behemoth it is today with over 50,000 Shareholders.

My first day at work, I was taken in a ride by the then Managing Director Ladi Balogun on his way to a meeting with Aliko Dangote and in those few minutes he perfectly situated the values that drove the institution. Ethical standards and integrity were the words he kept repeating as he stressed the need for me to join as he attempted to reclaim market share in the Local Securities market.

I stayed with the Bank for over 15 months and having worked in several financial institutions including about four Banks and several stockbroking and Asset Management Firms, I can safely say that the ethical standards at FCMB stand shoulder high above its peers. The FCMB woman is well regarded, with access to the very top to discuss her issues. They even have the FCMB Woman Platform which seeks to build cohesion and gives the FCMB woman the much needed push to fulfil whatever it is is her career goals.


That said, the news of the alleged dalliance between the well regarded MD Mr. Adam Nuru and the former staff leading to the supposed siring of two kids by him while still in her marriage and ultimately leading to her husbands passing has captured the imagination of Nigerians powerfully.

Daily the keen observer is assailed with all sort of social media commentary, memes and the rest on the matter. I hear an online petition has been in circulation with varied numbers being quoted as signatures asking both the FCMB and the CBN to act on the matter. A memo allegedly sent out by Group Managing Director Ladi Balogun quoting that the issue could derail the achievements’ of the Bank in the just concluded year is leaked, fueling calls for his removal.

All these have thrown up very important questions on the ethical behaviors of Bankers and its effect on the Bank’s public image and much more importantly the profitability of the Bank on the one hand and the safety of public funds in its custody on the other. It is also putting the regulator to task on the issue.


But tarry awhile. Why all these fervor on an unsigned petition innocuously posted on social media. How do we move against a Man based on a mere allegation without anybody coming out to own up to the allegations. Up until this point as I write, I have not seen a signed petition accusing the man of all of these allegations. What we are seeing so far are online petitions from people on the back of the anonymous trigger post. Should we now then hang a man based on this? Based on public push which is as is the case quite emotional.

The arbitrariness of this matter and others like this especially on social media is scary. What this portends is that if Nuru falls then anybody can fall based on any story thrown up there just by anybody. Before I am castigated, please note that I am not taking a stand as to Mr. Nuru’s innocence or not or if he breached Banks ethical rules or what not. All I am just saying is that there has been no concrete complaint from either the Mr. Thomas accusing this man of this heinous crime, nor an official complaint from the Woman alleging rape, forceful sex or any type of abuse using his power as a boss over her. We have not even seen DNA certification confirming the parentage of the children. All that is in the public domain are pictures of children who have an uncanny resemblance to Mr. Nuru. Are there sufficient factual and legal evidence to begin to push for the Mr. Nurus head.

In the last five years, Nigerians have witnessed the growth of what some of us have called digital mobs who unlike their physical counterparts who roast with used tyres and bonfires, these ones do their with words on social media. The arbitrariness and disregard for processes and institutionalized structures for arbitration continues to weaken the levers that hold society together pushing us closer to anarchy.

The FCMB I know have well tested and well-ordered structures for getting relieve if your rights have been trampled. I have gone through it as a boss. I had lost my temper during a heated meeting and unwittingly threw a pencil at a junior staff. She went through the process and I faced a disciplinary Committee and was found guilty. The system didn’t care that as at that time I Was number 3 in hierarchy in our subsidiary and that this lady was very near the bottom in hierarchy, I was made to face the music. Same I am very confident would be the case if there is an official approach to this matter by any complainant even if it is me being Mr. Thomas Landlord.


The major issue here is not even Mr. Nuru and his supposed errant private member but our societies’ eagerness to throw caution and common sense into the gutters in matters like this while putting on the toga of arbitrariness in pushing this types of issues. I fear that our institutions for fear of Market share  can bow to public pressure and take decisions that would further weaken them and infringe on the human rights of their people.

Please in conclusion, where is Mrs Thomas in all of these for only she can solve this problem. Her position would either indict or free Mr. Nuru, she has to answer some very salient questions – was she in an affair with Mr. Nuru while at FCMB, was she in that affair willingly or not and who truly is the father of the child and where she has no answer to the last question, would she willingly take a DNA test on this matter.

My advise to FCMB is to stand firm by its rules, do not be pressured to take hasty decision by a fickle social media crowd who will move on to the next hot gist, while you would have destroyed not only the career of a man who is possibly innocent and in the same vein destroy the fabrics that hold your institution together. Seek the facts and base your decision on those facts.

I wish you a fruitful review of the matter. But will I close my account with FCMB ‘cos the MD has two children with a married staff? I think not. Thank you.


Views expressed by contributors are strictly personal and not of TheCable.
  1. All l can say is. It’s quiet unfortunate that you could be thinking in this line. Well its not suprising to hear that anyway.
    Would it be out of place for Mr. Nuru to come out and defend himself rather than you crying more than the bereaved. Go and read the story well again and if you are reasonable enough come back and retract your stands.

    1. Say no to Social Media jungle justice…. FCMB should be very careful in this matters… Social media trigger so many issues that are not verified… I stand for point of view of the writer… Don’t destroy the carrier of a fellow man cuz of social media crunches…

      1. Birds of the same feather, typical Nigerian thinking, consider silence as acceptance of guilt from both Nuru and Moyo. Anyway for some of you its pay back time. Just sent instruction for my account with FCMB to be closed

        1. Did you say you are Mr Tunde Thomas landlord??? That’s your sentence in one of the middle paragraphs. Anyway, it’s either false or a decoy to lend credibility to your assertion of neutrality.

          Having said this, I support your point that the bank board should properly investigate the case and make known its findings. If Nuru is guilty, he should openly be dealt with to assuage the soul of late Tunde and for justice. If not guilty, the case should be trashed and a public statement made. In business and politics, public sentiment is everything!

        2. This is obviously a paid PR APOLOGIST. By your deftness and careful philandry with words, it is nothing if consequence to you that a Man lost his life from the deep deathly adversarial wounds he received from love.

          Your authorial infusion panders with bold mention to FCMB, their MD, and your averseness to social media commonsense.

          Going by your write up, one is wont to say you are lettered, intelligent and still in custody of average reasoning. Therefore I wonder why it towers too high for you to think with basic human intellect and direct your voice in the direction of a DNA test as a cul de sac to this unfortunate discourse.

          I am happy to have read your write up and see that commonsense is not common AFTERALL especially when pecuniary considerations are blinding.

          1. Well said! I suppose the write up is a feeble attempt to sway people and play at consequence management. You have very good command of English by the way.

          1. You wrote well but even a blind man can trace the children skin and conclude they are Nuru children. Notwithstanding,further investigation need to be carried out on d matter but Tunde family are still grieving d death of their son and they might come out later to talk about it

      2. With all due respect sir, these are not mere social media “crunches”…..whatever that means. The lawyer to the bereaved husband of the woman in question made those allegations publicly. They’re no longer gossips. Mr. Nuhu should do what every innocent man will do and respond. His silence speaks volumes. Please don’t belittle this case. An innocent man died.

        1. 27 years ago I was an accidental witness of mob justice at Oshodi, Lagos. Those were halcyon days before Fashola brought order to the chaos that was Oshodi at the time. Yes, the victim, in broad daylight tore off a women’s gold necklace, and made to flee with it. Unfortunately the wheelbarrow of Aboki’s albassa was on his escape route. His attempt to jump over the wheelbarrow led to his fall. By this time the chasing mob who were shouting “ole, ole, ole” had caught up with him. The mob led this hungry looking fellow back to the spot where he violently snatched the women’s gold necklace. Instantly he was stripped naked. Heavy stones, planks of wood etc were being thrown at him. Soon he was on his back. A guy iin military uniform stepped out of the crowd and berated them for wasting their labor in wanting to kill the thief. He told them to watch him finished him off with minimal fuss. I had never witnessed such violence in my life, up to that point. My eyes were almost jumping out of their sockets when this military guy put his jackboot on his forehead and violently twisted it. The victim who by now was too dazed and too tired to shout screamed in pain, with blood gushing out of his mouth. I had had enough. I couldn’t take it anymore. I screamed at the top of my voice, while pushing and shoving until I got to the military guy and the mob victim on the ground. I told the military guy something like ” shame on you and shame on those who educated you and gave you an opportunity to be an officer of Nigeria’s military. By your training you’re meant to defend the rights and dignity of this corporate entity and of every Nigerian wherever that dignity is threatened. Here you are at the center of Oshodi, in the middle of a mob committing murder. Shame on you. Shame on you.” Within seconds he ran out of the mob. Several of them were talking in Yoruba and pidgin, “he’s a lawyer, heee, omo ibo awon love ma ba country yi je.” They started to leave. Immediately I turned to the guy on the floor and shouted that he should just disappear. As he struggled to stand up, he was saying, “E se, E se.” Without wasting time I disappeared too.
          If that thief had been handed over to the police, his offense, a felony, would have attracted a prison sentence of about three to five years. It was not a capital offense. And that’s the problem with jungle justice: the punishment far outweighs the offense. Worse still, sometimes, there isn’t any offense in the first place or it’s an innocent person that’s made to face the music.

        2. The writer has tried to sit on the fence on this matter, but it is glaring that he has support for Mr Nuhu Adam’s. Bias*

          1. What do you expect from them, always trying to cover up for their shameful and dubious characters…. Same thing happening in union bank plc, the kogi cluster group head molesting all the female staff in his cluster, he doesn’t if they are married or not.. And when they blowed whistle against him, the MD and the compliance man agent of the bank kept silent about it instead of taking deciplinary actions, while their staff are dieing silently in pains…

      3. It is wicked souls like you who think men with high status in our society can do a thing like this and go scott free. An affair almost cause the US president Bill Clinton to be impeached. Yes Nuru career is already destroyed. The EndSars protest should tell you that Nigerians are waking up to the need to fight for justice. Beware, the days of people in places of high position doing what they want without consequences is over!

      4. Nuhu has appointed you as spokesperson,, right?
        Nuhu would have done well to defend himself and emplace a process to establish the true paternity if those children to prove he’s not their father and that he was never in a relationship with their mother, who was another person’s wife while he slept with her

      5. Don’t just get your stand, are you Mr Nuru mouthpiece or the PRO of FCMB? Why not allow the MD to defend himself, worked in the bank for fifteen years and am so preview to what is obtainable when it comes to relationship.
        The social media is a cheapest and simplest way the voice of poor, masses and oppressed can be heard in this country. So please, don’t help us to kill it.

        1. Thank you for this information you have started here. Social media is only but one of the best, simplest, cheapest and most convenient platform to voice out any issues. The writer is trying to murder social media platform or create a biased feelings on the minds of people.

      6. The woman in question is the only solution to these issues maybe bcs of the man’s status she went ahead to have children so as to get big money without the concent of the man just to destroy someone else’s home greedy woman

      7. There was never never a time moyo denied having an affair with Nuru.
        If the deceased have any sibling, a DNA TEST can still be conducted to find out who truly fathered those children
        At Least the children deserve to know who their true Father is

    2. As simple as it is the writer stated facts why social media justice does not in any way stand as justice for whatever it’s worth cases are won with facts and evidence,till then lets be guided

    3. Is a strange world we are in.lead us not into temptation.The story of king david still playing back after 2000 years ..what a wonderful world .

    4. It is unfortunate that someone is saying this in the face of these clear evidences. Let us ask Moyo what led to the death of her husband.

  2. And how much where you paid to stand as Voltron for FCMB and write this epistle?

    Would i bank with them? No.
    Sold off my 60k stovk holding and moved on with my life and will continue to support ethical organisations

    1. I definitely take the same view. It could have happened to me. The Bank’s decision will seriously shape it’s future.

  3. Majority of people I know are asking FCMB and other related organisations like the Apex Bank to carry out an investigation and if Mr Nuhu is found wanting he should be made to face the music.
    You are a little bias in your submission.

    1. U totally agree with your position the writer is bias I don’t actually see anything difficult in this case FCMB is capable of footing the bill for a DNA even if it means repeating it a million times just do a DNA and the case is over in fact if I were Mr Nuru and I know Am innocent I won’t waste much time to have a DNA

      1. What this man is saying is absolutely right u can’t conclude on an issue that has not be investigated. Just now you all are calling for the man to be sacked. Where is the woman in question? My point is this matter should be investigated first before anything. Stop spoiling the image of FCMB

    2. It’s a very simple thing just conduct a DNA test again and that solve the whole issues and also all this your hullabaloo is just a junk of advert

    1. Mr Solicitor, are you telling me because both Mr Nuru and Moya hasn’t said anything about the allegation means they are guilty ?? I beg your pardon, you don’t handle such sensitive issue of this nature just like that and extra precautions should be implored. If you want to close your account with FCMB because of such unverified issue, please go ahead. How much is your current account balance with the said bank ? FYI, issues like this happen everywhere both here in Nigeria and abroad. Just pray your loyalty don’t get tested. I come in peace!

      1. This is uncalled for.
        Even having the temerity to dare customers to close their accounts and question their account balance.
        I’m very sure if Mr Adams and the woman in question ain’t guilty, they would have come out to debunk it. Their silence speaks volume.

        Conducting partanity/DNA test should be the next line of action.

    2. Mr. Nuhu is morally bankrupt for sleeping with another man’s wife continuously until she gave birth to two children. I believe he is alive and he has heard this allegations, I am asking, why is he silent? You and I know the answer to the question

  4. The erudition and thoughtfulness of your narrative is not in doubt but, honestly speaking no amount of defensive write-ups can exculpate Mr. Nuhu Adams and Tunde Thomas’ wife of being willing conspirators and fornicators whose lustful act and moral bankruptcy is solely responsible for the death of a man described to be gentle and possessively loving of the two innocent kids he never fathered!

    The flight of Tunde’s wife to the US with the kids and deft desperation of the wife to shut Tunde out of US forever by claiming conjugal violence is a script produced by Nuhu and the lowlife woman. And the duo being adults, they knew the consequences of their illicit and promiscuous escapade. Not only before men are they guilty. They are both eternally guilty before the Immovable Mover of the Universe!


    1. The fact is that you know nothing about ethics. The issue is not with the public or anyone who believe in allegation, but on how the bank is able to come out and be open and transparent about the allegation. The onus is on the board of the bank to act, and if the allegations are mere rumour, to come out and situate the matter properly. For the bank to be working on this matter without putting out words out there to its larger stakeholders is quite unfortunate. The bank is fortunate that we are in a wide dispersal environment, otherwise, it would have been overwhelmed by the level of erosion of value that would have happened. Finally, I hope the bank can act swiftly and fast. Thanks.

    2. This uncle either has not read the request of the petition, or is refusing to understand the request or is an accomplice to these unethical acts in the industry which is well happening speaking from experience as I have been in the industry for over 9years. Worst of all, it’s more associated with the top management staff of various banks. Pushing ladies to sell the banks services even if they have to sell their bodies, bosses sleeping with junior female staff members… For your information, the social media crowd you are referring to is not asking for his crucifixion, but rather an investigation into the allegations, why is that so hard for the bank & the Apex institution? What’s wrong in even quelling the uproar but letting the public know that thus is being looked into? Ur claims that no one has come out, yen yen nyen… what about the accused, any defence from him yet or his employer? It’s important to always understand the requests of the public before jumping into writing such epistles. I wonder if you would write this if u had been directly related to the victim or even you as the victim…😢😢

    3. Summary of the article; make no conclusions without investigation. If you can be moved by a movie then you should realise that this could be another well written script.Let us respond like educated people.

      1. Jesus Girl, clearly you did notice how subtly the writer presented FCMB in its ‘idealness’ and it’s staff as impeccable.
        There is an accusation at hand, conduct an open investigation and swiftly too because their ethics is being challenged.
        No one is calling for unjust judgement. If the MD engaged in an affair with a legally married woman forcefully or not/ children or not he should be removed. Youth were arrested for planning a sex party where the would-be participants were to willing pay a fee to gain access, here now lies a case of alleged carnal knowledge of a married woman.
        Open DNA test and published results by the accused, the institution, the family and the state (judiciary) will actually put rest to this accusation.
        It’s actually that simple in my opinion.

    4. Alonso, I appreciate your honest comment on this subject matter. I am ashamed of how some of us can’t honor a fundamental principle of ETHICS.
      If the Duke of Shomolu spent 15 years in the financial industry and believes that a superior bank official should not be reprimanded for having an illicit affair with a subordinate, guess how many staff members have been deprived of promotions, advanced trainings, and other perks.
      It is common knowledge in the Nigerian banking industry that sleeping with bank bosses is a step toward corporate advancement.
      On a moral ground how can someone live their own life knowing that another life has been destroyed. It is not the duty of a dead man to right a wrong but of the living to fight an injustice
      I live in the US, and I can assure you that something like this will be quickly addressed by the bank by an independent organization. Nigerian corporate enterprise please learn from the ME 2 MOVEMENT

  5. You are supporting FCMB bunch of dubious staff someone transferred money to me since December 2015
    My account number is 0613701016 while the money went to this account number 0163701016 there is no type of forms I did not fill at the end they told me the owner of the account is owing them so they can’t refund me my money check 35,000, as at 2015 what moral do they have

  6. What’s all the hue and cry about two consenting adults who allegedly had an affair. Big deal. Even if it did break up one half’s home. You lot should stop being politically correct.
    Was the affair that allegedly produced two children so secretive that no one in the bank knew, that it is now coming out after Mr. Thomas’ passing?
    The husband moved on, got himself another lady he was engaged to and about to marry just before his demise.
    Some persons have it in for these two. Either from the home front or at work.
    Office romances occur daily everywhere. Abeg make una pass.

    1. Very correct Blueblood. Why are we so sentimental. I have been reading comments for days and am appalled. The late man in question was even making arrangements to marry another woman, his girlfriend who is also pregnant for him. Why all this wolfian cries all over social media. I am still wondering what the bone of contention is. In my opinion the late man should be allowed to rest in peace for I fear that if the other living parties begin to speak more revelations about the deceased which may not be good may come out. They may be trying to honour the memory of the dead. The investigation is whether she was taken advantage of when under the employ of the bank by her boss. Nobody is responsible for the death of the deceased abeg. Separation that took place since 2017, Na 2020 Dec he pass oh after giving another woman belle, all the parties involved moved on jare. Somebody just wanna destroy the woman and her lover or ex lover, we never know the current status. The one wey should concern is Na bank practices on relationships between subordinates and supervisors, what do we consider ethical? Then for those angry at the affair, ekpele oh, is it today that you know that the moral decadence has eaten deep, the western part of Nigeria especially Lagos is one place where sexual immorality has been seen as a way of life. Since I relocated to Lagos a year ago, I have been like this place Na Sodom and Gomorrah. Mtchew

  7. You did a poor job whether you were paid for it or not. All well meaning people are asking is for justice to be done. Nobody wants Nuru to just be dismissed even though that will seem a favour to him. Let it be investigated.
    So even if the woman consented to the relationship, it is okay? Nobody accused Nuru of raping her but using his office to influence her action. Is it oK for two married people to betray their spouses to the point of having two kids together?
    Oga you no try

  8. It is only in Nigeria you find debauch treachery, and people insist on investigation. In advanced nations such man would have resigned his appointment. Who do this to us? Na war oo

  9. I am ashamed of this writer. This is an accusation that could bring the corporate existence of the Bank into serious repute. Does a corporate entity need to wait for a signed petition to address a serious matter of damage to its corporate image.
    Some people are already threatening to take their accounts to other Banks if the issue is not addressed.
    If you are the image maker of the bank you could have unwittingly brought the Bank to it’s knees by your headless argument of looking for a signed petition. There is no doubt that you are either working on behalf of somebody or simply want to impress someone for future benefit.
    The Bank has done well by responding that they are investigating and we should wait for the outcome of the investigation. The Bank is not oblivious of the impact this scandal can have on the patronage of the Bank.
    Who wants to put his money where mindless immorality is being displayed at the highest echelon of a corporate entity.
    The death of the injured party in this case means nothing to you.
    Pray that you don’t find yourself in the position of the man who has suffered and even died as a result of this madness

  10. To the general public…

    Don’t let us react to what we didn’t confirm to be true.

    Let million say bad about you, I will tell about you to billions.

    The Best Bank in Africa.

  11. May the soul or Thomas rest in peace. I think he should have gone to court immediately and there would have been DNA test. The lady in question should also prove if she was forced into whatever relationship they had. One very important question HOW WAS THE HOME FRONT WHILE IT LASTED” Is not easy for ladies who are into double dealings to hide. Money from a responsible husband added to MD’s pocket money should have put everyone on alert. Am not sure the lady wouldn’t have stories to tell. This may be result of I don’t care FREEFUND.Your child is not a drycleaner but he keeps bringing clothes into the house and you are not at alert. Almighty God is the best Judge

  12. I can only say this is a paid post with an intent to deviate or cause dillusion, however, the writer did a very poor job. While you’re trying to get paid, your morals should stand tall. Why didn’t you reach out to Adam Nuru, make him to tell his side of the story before coming out to write another one sided gibberish? Why haven’t the adulterous home breaker spoken up directly or through his lawyer. And why would you call the petitions alleged? So, you don’t know how online petitions work? Anyway, na Naija we dey, where the rich get away with all manner of nonsense because even the poor will defend the rich against another poor person being intimidated.

  13. Your argument would have been more appealing if you have been more objective… How did you come to the conclusion that only the woman in question can provide answers? Since the news broke, what has Mr MD said? Nothing! If you were so accused, would you say nothing? Oga, abeg park well…if you like, go sell your house and property and put the money for FCMB, na you sabi!

  14. Thanks Edgar for airing your views on this. I agree with you. The Social Media mob is too fickle. Who are the parties in this case? Mr Thomas did not lodge a complaint while alive, the wife did not. So who are those carrying this campaign against Adam Nuru? Whose interest is being served by this campaign? For me these are questions that should be asked before even starting any sort of investigation.

  15. Mrs Thomas had already said dat d 2 kids dont belong to Mr Thomas, her former husband but they belong Mr Nuhu. Am also sure dat her affairs with Mr.Nuhu is a common knowledge within d bank’s space.

  16. Your view that Mr. Nuru’s career should not be destroyed simply because there’s a supposed petition against him is understandable; in fact I agree that there’s not enough evidence to go on. However, I object to your view of social media as a mob in this regard. The story deserves at least to be looked into, like you said. But that wouldn’t even be on the table were it not for social media, by means of which people can collectively lend their voices to perceived injustices and a call for change. On social media, there are those who may speak rashly and be too quick to dispense judgment. However, the focus should be on the spirit of the complaint rather than its presentation. FCMB needs to keep reassuring the public that they understand their agitations and that they’re doing everything possible to address the matter. Keeping silent and waiting for it all to blow over isn’t the way to go.

  17. Let Mr. Nuhu come out and defend himself. Before a woman will take decision as to take the children back to the real father and declare to her husband, ot means Mr. Nuhu have really treating to collect his children back and maybe promise to marry the woman along the line. You are here writing rubbish in the name of writing. Remember, karma is real. You people failed to realize that internet people are real people not ghost and they are wise too, and internet has help to bring justice all silly act that people like you will want to cover up, if not internet, the commissioner that molest a 16 yrs old girl will have cover it up, without internet the deeperlife school saga will have been cover up… We will not stop until necessary investigation is carried out.

  18. It is wicked souls like you who think men with high status in our society can do a thing like this and go scott free. An affair almost cause the US president Bill Clinton to be impeached. Yes Nuru career is already destroyed. The EndSars protest should tell you that Nigerians are waking up to the need to fight for justice. Beware, the days of people in places of high position doing what they want without consequences are over!

  19. Exactly my stand and pint on this matter. If at all the affair was real, it couldn’t have been during his tenor as the MD as he barely became MD some 3/4 ago

    1. This writer consciences is not clear. tell Mr. Huhu to speak up publicly and deny the allegation. Tell him to publicly take a DNA test to protect his wife(family). Off course, FCMB will not brush this aside. Why? Cover-up.

  20. Let start by asking you this where in anywhere on this earth does having an affair is considered a crime? Was the lady in question forced or raped? Why do we as a society tend to hide behind social platform becoming judge? jury and executioner. Would this have made the news if it didn’t involve Mr Nuru? The man didn’t breach any rules of fcmb because having an affair is not a crime anywhere in the world

  21. Well I saw Mr. Nuhu’s look alike in one of the children ( the girl ).
    A look that can never be traced to moyo nor the late gentle.

  22. We dont know the name of the writer.

    Valid points raised by the writer.

    Its all about an individual to choose between bias or reality.

    If you look at FCMB’s message, its stated that its a personal issue and you don’t expect bank to have their hands in a purported personal matter. This tells you where the matter is going from onset.

    Put yourself in Adam Nurus shoes. Would love to be treated the way social media is treating him?

    Nobody is supporting adultery but let’s be fair and re-read what the writer has said. Those questions raised are valid.

    I’m an ex staff of the bank too with suppressed anger but one should not be bias in his or her judgement.

    What goes around comes around.


  23. Can the man deny they he had affair with Moyo Thomas? Are you blind and you can see that those children doesn’t need DNA to prove that Nuru is their father. Who is bankrolling you? Let me tell you whatsoever a man sow he will reap. You will reap this seed in fullness.

    The death of Thomas is on Moyo and Nuru. This is an emotional fruad, robbery, bankruptcy. God will pay everyone involved in fullness including those who can say no to defending crime against humanity because of money. That money will be your undoing this year.

  24. This is your opinion as you’ve stated.
    Would you be silent if this accusation was levelled against you, I bet you wouldn’t for the sake of you, your reputation, family and career.
    He should have done everything to prove his innocence (come out to debunk it, offer/accept to carry out DNA test……).

  25. I so much respect the views of everyone. However, I wish to trail the path of MORALITY. I will suggest that the MD|CEO steps aside (not to resign) for a period that would allow UNHINDERED but COMPREHENSIVE INVESTIGATION. The outcome of investigation should determine the fate of both Sir Nuhu and Madam Moyo. It is indeed a challenging time for every stakeholder in the matter. And people needs wisdom and expertise to successfully handle matter.

    1. Thanks, Ebenle. That’s the path to go.

      It is really disheartening that a man, a top manager, who rose to the position of number three in an organization, could throw pencil ( a hurtful object), at a member of staff, no matter his or her status, in a management meeting. It shows how imbalance the guy’s mental status was, at that time, and how he rated humanity, especially those lower than him in position and status.

      Reading such a defence from him, when he has not been asked or given the portfolio to mediate or stand in for the errant Managing Director, leaves much to be desired.

      The woman said and declared that this Adams of a man, fathered her two kids, and here you are still stating otherwise.

      Really, if you are in a position to be the judge of this matter, this disgusting matter, it is certain you will end up twisting the arms of justice.

      I wondered how you got to the Top of your career, if your thinking is so disgusting and unethical.

      Better go and repent, and stay away from further utterances that could later affect your career and destiny.

      Pope JKA

  26. It’s only the living you can lie to, even a blind knows that the children belong to Nuhu.
    Tunde was scammed to death.
    Poor unsuspecting soul.
    Karma awaits the perpetrators.

  27. Initially when I started reading I thought you were making sense buy alas you weren’t..

    Truth be told.. Money must have changed hands for you to have come up with this gibberish of a write up man..

    Aside the good command of English which I observe u have, what happened to your reasoning.. I expected more from someone like you, if I’m to go by your submissions..

    Now, let it be known that the alleged accusations on Your Mr. Nuru which you termed coming up from internet cyber bullies and wrong call from the misinformed public, were released tobthe public by Mr Thomas’s lawyer.. So now can the validity of such accusations be questioned?

    The same energy you channeled into trying to prove the innocence of a man whose promiscuity is widely proven even by mere looking on those kids countenance, that should have been the same energy you should use in clamoring for maybe a retake of the paternity test to ascertain the paternity of those children and not taking side..

    Remember a life was lost bro.

  28. If the MD was having an affair with Moyo without disclosure then it amounts to close personal relationship which could have had conflict of interest risk for the bank. That been said, investigation into the matter needs to be done before passing judgement.

  29. These allegations should be investigated thoroughly without delay and a public statement made by the FCMB. The moral corruption in our society is unimaginable especially in public and private sector offices. There is more to it than meets the eye.

  30. Mr. Adams Nuru should issue a statement as all public officers do. His silence may be mistaken for guilt and if so he should face the music by vacating his office.

  31. It is obvious that the writer took sides with Mr Nuhu, even though he tried to be rational in his choice of words, but the truth is that Social Media speaks the voice of the voiceless and oppressed in a society like ours and it has been said that in every rumuor, there is a vestige of truth . So it up to Mr Nuhu to defend himself by voicing out, for his silence is viewed as consent. And the Management of FCMB will also do well to carry out a proper and well detailed investigation to ascertain the truth of the matter. Thanks

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