
North-east residents commend military in fight against Boko Haram

The North East Coalition against Terrorism (NECAT) has showered encomiums on the Nigerian troops in their fight against Boko Haram.

In a statement, Nasir Babagana, spokesman of the civil society organisation, said the military deserves all the encouragement it can get.

“The North East Coalition Against Terrorism commends the military for the sustained war against Boko Haram terrorists in northeast Nigeria in the past three years and the numerous achievements it has recorded within that period particularly throughout the festive season,” the statement read.

“The gallantry displayed by the military in the ongoing military operations in northeast Nigeria and other parts of the country is worthy of commendation.


“The Nigerian military has indeed displayed an unalloyed commitment to protecting the territorial integrity of Nigeria as against what some mischief makers want members of the unsuspecting public to believe.”

According to the group, recent activities of the insurgents to regroup around some parts of northern Borno have been successfully repelled by the troops despite concerns being raised in some quarters for further arming of the Army to perform their duties.

“The case of Baga in Kukawa local government area is one of those cases where words merchants have so decided to mislead members of the unsuspecting public to believe that the town is under the control of Boko Haram terrorists,” Babagana said.


“it is highly misleading to state that the town of Baga has fallen again to Boko Haram terrorist by some section of the media. While it is safe to say that there may have been a fierce battle between the military and the Boko Haram terrorists but to say that Boko Haram terrorists succeeded in dislodging the military base in Baga is not a true representation of the state of things in Baga.”

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