
Norway defends sale of warships to ex-militant

The Norwegian government says it cannot be held responsible for the six decommissioned Norwegian warships sold to ex-militant Government Ekpemupolo, also known as Tompolo.

In all, Tompolo, a former commander of Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), owns seven decommissioned Norwegian battleships, his most recent acquisition being the KNM Horten, a fast-attack craft now allegedly engaged in piracy off Nigerian seas.

The export of arms from Norway requires an export licence from that country’s ministry of foreign affairs.

The ships were first sold to CAS Global, a British security company that has such licence, and Ekpemupolo bought the ships from the British company.


Questions have been asked on why a man who was recently fingered in the kidnap of 14 journalists would have access to Norway’s arms, but Frode Anderson, head of communications at the Norwegian State Department, has defended the arms sale.

“As far as we can see, the export of KNM Horten has followed correct procedure and terms of export to Great Britain,” Anderson told the Dagbladet.

“The re-export from Great Britain to Nigeria is a question to be handled solely by British export control authorities.”


KNM Horten was sold to the UK company in 2012, recorded as working for a fishery.

Tompolo now controls the Global West Vessel Service, a privately-owned contractor for maritime security for the Nigerian Maritime Safety Agency, while the seven Norwegian ships are now part of the company’s maritime fleet, allegedly acting as pirates while patrolling for the Nigerian government.

Once declared “the most wanted man in Nigeria” in 2009 during the administration of late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, Tompolo, now enjoys close relationship with the government after amnesty.

  1. This is trash journalism. The APC has set up another dirty website just like sahara reporters just to fight Jonathan and his supporters. You cannot write stories based on “allegations”.

    1. Say whatever you like, TheCable is one of the most objective newspapers in Nigeria. I read them everyday and you cannot tag them PDP or APC, unlike Premium Times and Sahara which are pro-APC, and all this Pointblank which is clearly a PDP newsletter. Keep it up, TheCable, if you want some of us to continue to read you.

    2. Obviously, you are not well informed , and that is the problem with most Nigerians. How is stating the truth trash journalism? He bought the gunboats, his organization has not reduced crude theft in the area under his command; instead, it has been on the increase. So, what is trashy about all of this? That country will change when people like you begin to admit and accept the truth, regardless of which table your crumbs fall from.

  2. @Nnamdi Sorry I have to say you are a f*** to have said APC has setup a website to fight Jonathan.. Is The Cable the only online news website carrying this News. This news has been online before now. You are part of the Nigerians who never want the progress of this Nation and you will all fail. You have a bad leader who is corrupt and selfish, yet you are saying those who want the better of the nation to hold their hands and do nothing. One question I would want to ask this so called president is this…. How many corrupt government officials or politician has the law enforcement agencies has been exposed and punished. I am a law enforcement agent and know some of the dirty and stupid game played by this leader called Jonathan.

    1. If you should vote out Jonathan and vote in Buhari We have just succeeded in compounding the problem of this country

  3. Some Nigerians are just dumb and gullible. I guess Sahara reporters were pro-apc when they were fighting the yaradua cabal so that Jonathan could president

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