
I am not afraid to die, says Mbaka

Ejike Mbaka, founder of the Adoration Ministry Enugu (AMEN), has alleged threats to his life after his scorching crossover message charging President Goodluck Jonathan to step down for Muhammadu Buhari, candidate of the All Progressives Congress in next month’s presidential election.

But speaking at a church service on Sunday, he assured his congregation that he was not afraid of death, saying he had already delivered the message he was told to.

“Tell them I am not afraid of them; I have said what I was asked to say; the only word I have for them is Isaiah 54:15, 17: ‘Surely they shall gather, but because the gathering is not of God they shall scatter. No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper.’”

He denied rumours that he was paid by Buhari to deliver the message, saying he had never personally met the retired general and he was only working in the interest of the country.


“I only delivered the message I was given and I stand by that message because the future of this country is bleak with Jonathan on the saddle,” he said.

Mbaka, one of the most revered preachers in eastern Nigeria, revealed that the first lady, Patience Jonathan has refused to honour his calls.

“When she came here, I told her to give me her number so that I could give her messages, but thrice she refused,” he said.


“It was later she told one of the pastors with her to give me his number. Before that message (On December 31), I had called the number for two weeks but it was always the personal assistant to the pastor that picked the calls.”

In 2006, Mbaka was attacked by gunmen who he said were just out to assassinate him.

Earlier in the week, he released a message in Enugu titled ‘From Goodluck to badluck’, urging Jonathan to step down for Buhari.

But earlier in November 2014 at a church service, the same Mbaka had defended Jonathan against series of public criticism, with the first lady in attendance.

  1. Journalist should ask him to clarify the inconsistency in his November comments about Jonathan and the current one? Second he should be asked to clarify some of his prophecies that never came to pass.

      1. Please do not turn the scriptures upside-down. James 3:2 says ” For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.”

        Please that scripture did not say that you should not tell the TRUTH. Do you know that if you see the truth and you refuse to say it, that you are committing sin. Please read James 4:17. It says “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”

        We should desist from deceit, which is the bane of most Nigeria politicians. If you are a Christian read Revelation 21:8. It says “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

        GOD can not be deceived.

        1. Please I think Chekwube is on point saying a particular truth about a person may not be pleasant to such person. And the bible says its only the truth that will set us free.But if i may ask, who is ready to say the truth as it stands now in Nigeria without having personal interest? We need God’s intervention.

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