
NTDC in transition: Is this Paul the messiah?

That government interest in tourism is troubled is not a fable, neither is it a moonlight story that Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) has gone to the dogs.Therefore to salvage tourism is also to have a strong institutional framework that will carry out a clinical surgery on how this business grows and those who will power its recovery.It is the desire of Nigerians that NTDC lives up to its billings and shake off the ragtag ranking. NTDC sadly lost any semblance of progressive ranking about three years ago when a Sally Mbanefo happened on the scene. It was disaster, a cancer that has become difficult to manage and Nigeria reduced to a dry bone.

We take no credit for new developments at NTDC. It is the job of the Ministry of Tourism and they did the needful. Is our joy restored or better still, any silver lining in the sky for NTDC? I can only perceive that something is about to happen or will happen to restore NTDC lost glory. I may be wrong though.

On the account of the new change, neither Mariel Rae-Omoh nor Boniface Ebuka should bear any grudge. Their acting rankings have always been a stop-gap agenda until the real and substantive solution driver appears or is appointed. So let no one spill the tourism oil on account of the appearance of Dr. Paul Adalikwu as acting DG, NTDC. He is not standing on a solid rock yet.

There is no doubt that Dr. Adalikwu knows his way around tourism but will his administrative and academic qualifications see him through the tough task of reinventing NTDC? It is no news that the industry has lost respect for NTDC and the workforce, a rag tag army of depressed and disorganized team. To add poor funding to this poisonous soup in NTDC presents a tourism kitchen as unattractive as Siberia.
Unlike his name sake Paul of Tarus who had his mission to the gentiles clearly spelt out, our Paul Adalikwu may likely meet with internal NTDC brick wall, not to talk about the ever suspicious private sector players now used to the hot and cold posture of NTDC leadership in recent times.


I am convinced that Paul Adalikwu will try to turn around NTDC but my fears lies in his limited and controlled powers as acting DG which may not allow him to go full hog with the reformation needed to rebirth this important government tourism agency. Indeed, there is need for the government to give Adalikwu all the “emergency” powers to source for funds, appoint and chose his team and present a practicable and bankable blue print for tourism with at least a three year gestation period. Interestedly, Paul Adalikwu and his backers must realize that Nigerians are not gentiles, so his operational philosophy and tourism evangelism must be premised on the “Thomas encounter” with Jesus Christ – Seeing Is Believing.

For Paul Adalikwu to wait on national seed money – (budget) and also brandish classroom statistics which has become the face of new engagement with Nigerians will never work. To tell us that Abuja airport when completed will create one thousand tourism jobs without practically showing how it can be done, should not be part of Adalikwu style.

There is no doubt Paul Adalikwu is positively constructive and engaging but what we desire to see in NTDC from the gate to exist point is a new vibrant leadership and workforce that can bring us back to dream positive tourism dreams. Admittedly, Adalikwu cannot do it alone and needs support of all us to succeed.
I trust that the industry including the vocal tourism press will partner with him to bring about the change but he also must at all time make himself available to be helped. Am aware that Adalikwu has desired to be at NTDC since Nigeria initiated the tourism master plan about a decade ago, that opportunity is here, in his laps and what he makes of it depends on how much could factor the various challenges and goodwill available to him.
NTDC indeed, is in deep pit and to pull it out to the front case is not a Christmas party. Adalikwu must ask for wisdom and seek best hands – tourism hands-on men and women to make the type of Segun Runsewe statement, even more.


Will Adalikwu deliver? A week, just a week not a month on this beat will either make or mar this new apostle of tourism.

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