
OBJ backtracks, says he never endorsed Buhari

Olusegun Obasanjo, former Nigerian president, says he has not yet “endorsed” any candidate in the forthcoming presidential election.

Speaking in the United Kingdom during the launch of ‘My Watch’, his controversial autobiography, which has been proscribed in Nigeria, he said he would let his stand on the election known when the time comes.

He, however, maintained that he wishes to see Nigeria being led by a strong president.

“I didn’t endorse or unendorse him as such,” he said.


“What I said and I will say it again and I will do it: when the time comes for me to vote, I will consider the track record of all the candidates that are contesting and I will assess and based on my assessment, whoever I believe has the best track record to perform the job of the Nigerian president will have my vote.

“If anybody should know what the job of the Nigerian president requires, I should know. Nigeria has a population of 180 million and you wouldn’t have anybody other than one person or two persons that can run the affairs of Nigeria.

“There are millions who can run the affairs of Nigeria who are not even coming out. So why should you die on behalf of one who is probably performing as a mediocre? What the hell are we talking about?


“If you love Nigeria, you would look for the best for Nigeria and I don’t believe that at this point in time we have the best for Nigeria.”

Speaking on Tuesday at the launch of My Watch in Nairobi, KenyaObasanjo, who served his two terms as president on the same Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) platform that Jonathan is now running on, had said he would “support” Buhari.

“The circumstances [Buhari] will be working under if he wins the election are different from the one he worked under before, where he was both the executive and the legislature – he knows that,” he said.

“It’s a question of leadership – political and military. He’s smart enough. He’s educated enough. He’s experienced enough. Why shouldn’t I support him?”


Obasanjo’s statement in Kenya drew the ire of the ruling party, with Adamu Muazu, the chairman of PDP, who described it as the biggest surprise.

Musliu Obanikoro, the immediate past minister of state for defence, and Doyin Okupe, special assistant to the president on public affairs, also reacted angrily, saying: “Obasanjo’s endorsement of Buhari is meaningless in Yorubaland and should be treated as such across Nigeria.”

“Someone was reported to have said a new government will be installed on the 29th of May 2015, who is he that saith, and it cometh to pass when the Lord commandeth it not? Lamentations 3 vs 37.”

Meanwhile, Buhari expressed delight over Obasnajo’s ‘support’.


Speaking with Christiane Amanpour, CNN’s chief international correspondent, on Wednesday, Buhari said the endorsement would boost his campaign.

“It will certainly bring more support to us, and will bring those who are sitting on the fence to us,” he said.


“General Obasanjo is highly respected. As far as the Nigerian nation is concerned, there is no issue that is so serious without people seeking his opinion.”

  1. Hah! Baba Abga! Obasanjo has been confusing Nigerians and everyone else, I’ve said it! Na wa o! Left today, right tomorrow!


  3. What is really d problem wt dis OBJ? Let someone tell me any country where a former head of state nd an elder statesman for dat matter talks in a reckless nd undeplomatic manner as obj. Is Obama the best American president? Sure he has his own challenges nd shortcomins but no American can address a press conference to run down nd ridicule their president. Those clapin for him today are d same pple who will cal for his head 2morrow.

  4. The worst mediocre is even in OBJ. 80% the the challenges this govt had been facing were created by his approach to governance. Is it d power sector? The political sharia now full blown terrorism? The institutional collapse due to his ‘I know all attitude’? Obj has become a nuisance.

    1. “So why should you die on behalf of one who is probably performing as a mediocre.With all due respect. if you love Nigeria, you would look for the best for her and I don’t believe that at this point in time, we have the best”

  5. I strongly believe that we have not have the best leaders yet to rule Nigeria It is time for us as citizens of this over 50 years immature nation to put behind us forever all these tribal,political and religious sentiments and vote in the best candidiates to move this nation forward.By this I do not mean voting in murderers who will execute all their critic or opponents in the name of changing Nigeria.We suppose to be setting the standard for what true democracy should look like to other African countries;but because of our lack of growth since becoming an independent nation,let us copy from our neighbours Ghana,South Africa and USA where true democracy is practiced and do the same.What we need in Nigeria now is a strong,honest,non tribalist,non religious bigot leader who will unit the country as one and lead the whole factions of Nigeria,not just certain factions as we had witnessed since independence.When we have such mature leaders that equally represents all the geopolitical zones and states of this country ;these incessant fightings and killings during election periods for presidency between the zones would automatically stop.Let us also learn from Malaysia which in the earlier years learnt many things from Nigeria,they had for long overtaken Nigeria and became one of the richest countries in Asia and the World because of best choice of leaders who meant well for their country.Some of our past leaders only represented their geopolitical zones in the past and did virtually nothing during their tenure as presidents in other geo political zones.Now for us to grow as a nation we must change this unworkable pattern in this country that had created nothing but anarchy since independence.In the civilised countries of the world presidential aspirants are always called out on the podium and televised nationally to give their presidential manifestos of what they intend to do for their countries when voted into power and how they intend to achieve that.For those aspirants who had hold public offices prior to vying for presidency,their previous track record would be referred to

  6. I strongly believe that we have not have the best leaders yet to rule Nigeria It is time for us as citizens of this over 50 years immature nation to put behind us forever all these tribal,political and religious sentiments and vote in the best candidiates to move this nation forward.By this I do not mean voting in murderers who will execute all their critic or opponents in the name of changing Nigeria.We suppose to be setting the standard for what true democracy should look like to other African countries;but because of our lack of growth since becoming an independent nation,let us copy from our neighbours Ghana,South Africa and USA where true democracy is practiced and do the same.What we need in Nigeria now is a strong,honest,non tribalist,non religious bigot leader who will unit the country as one and lead the whole factions of Nigeria,not just certain factions as we had witnessed since independence.When we have such mature leaders that equally represents all the geopolitical zones and states of this country ;these incessant fightings and killings during election periods for presidency between the zones would automatically stop.Let us also learn from Malaysia which in the earlier years learnt many things from Nigeria,they had for long overtaken Nigeria and became one of the richest countries in Asia and the World because of best choice of leaders who meant well for their country.Some of our past leaders only represented their geopolitical zones in the past and did virtually nothing during their tenure as presidents in other geo political zones.Now for us to grow as a nation we must change this unworkable pattern in this country that had created nothing but anarchy since independence.In the civilised countries of the world presidential aspirants are always called out on the podium and televised nationally to give their presidential manifestos of what they intend to do for their countries when voted into power and how they intend to achieve that.For those aspirants who had hold public offices prior to vying for presidency,their previous track record would be referred to before voting.These and other necessary criterias would help to endure that we always vote in the right leaders.Let us stop being the architects of our own misfortune in this country by taking bribes and voting our conscience away

  7. Obj should be relegated with his expired syndrome. he is doing all this out of envy because GEJ’s name has been written in gold.

  8. Giftzola,he is an elder state man so he should act like one not traying to say a thing that can put this country in an unpleasant state Even at this critical period .baba cam down.

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