
OBJ: I refused the choice of a corrupt successor

Olusegun Obasanjo, former president of Nigeria, says late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua was the best among those who intended succeeding him.

The former president asked those who felt he exercised poor judgment in choice of his successor to “wait for their time” and see if they would be able to perform better.

He said he could stand “before God and man” to show that he did his best for Nigeria.

He was speaking on Wednesday during an interview with Channels Television at his residence in Abeokuta, capital of Ogun state.


“With all the people that are available, for successor, what we came up with was about the best that, at that time we could think of,” he said.

“Even if you take your son as your successor, you are not sure of what he will do when he gets there. Don’t ever kid yourself.

“What do I know about any successor? What he presents. When he gets there he presents it differently.


“We did our best, but if you say our best is not good enough, I will say, when it comes to your turn, do better.

Obasanjo said he had to turn down “a very corrupt person” who approached him for the job.

“Is it the one that we know are corrupt that we will now go and take? No,” he said.

“If I give the job to the corrupt, will I be able to defend myself before God and man?”


Some of those who wanted to succeed him include his vice-president, Atiku Abubakar, Mohamed Marwa, Peter Odili.

  1. “Obasanjo said he had to turn down “a very corrupt person” who approached him for the job”
    Aah, Baba Iyabo, who are you talking about here, hope it’s not the man masquerading himself around the people’s general. I know call name ooh

  2. This is amazing. I thought we had democracy until Obasanjo said he was the one who decided for 160 million people that he was the one who decided who their leader should be. No wonder Nigeria is stagnant. How can we say we have democracy when indeed what we have is an authoritarian state?

    1. My thought exactly. How can Obasanjo arrogate the responsibility of millions of Nigerians to himself and still have the effontery to rub it in our face. Is he saying that we are so stupid that he has to decide for us?

    2. Obasanjo has just bragged about how he selected Nigerian president for 170 millions in a democracy. This is the basis of Nigeria’s rot. But God divinely installed Jonathan to lay the foundation of true democracy in Nigeria. God is Great.

  3. OBJ keeps insulting the intelligence of Nigerians and we keep tolerating him. He is lying about his successor, it was his choice to have Yar’Adua, not even his party’s let alone Nigerians’. See what his choice led us to. Obasanjo is very selfish, it all about him always, he wants to dominate everything, everywhere and everyone.
    His claim that there no other suitable is also a lie! Out of over 50 million grown up Nigerians Yar’Adua was the best?! Utter nonsense. He ruined the PDP’s internal democracy that could have brought the right people to national limelight, he introduced “do or die” politics, political corruption and he was very deceitful. In that situation how would the true best be produced? What a shame that this man still talks in public.

  4. some times obasanjo will be claiming that he is a Saint, as if he is not corrupt he should please go and relax as he remain the major cause of the present Nigeria’s predicament that was why he will never like to hear the name of Atiku because he played a role in stopping him to succeed in his Third Term bid. God save Nigeria.

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