Doyin Okupe
Doyin Okupe, former special adviser to former president Goodluck Jonathan, says Hillary Clinton lost the US presidential race because she wanted to edit the Bible.
Okupe, who quoted many verses of the Bible in celebration of a Donald Trump win as the 45th president of the US, said “the Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought, He maketh the devices of the people of non effect. The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever”.
“Trump contested against the entire american establishment, against virtually all the mainstream media, against all the living past american presidents, against majority of world leaders including the current american president, and the celebrated Clinton machinery, and he won! Only God can do this,” Okupe said.
“Ps 2 vs 1,2,4 says ‘why do the people rage, and nations imagine a vain thing. The kings of the earth set themselves,and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and His annointed,. He that sitteth in heavens shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision’.
“Hilary Clinton, her husband Bill and the Democrats are the protagonists of liberalism in america. They encourage homosexuality, same sex marriage and all sorts of societal immorality in the USA.”
Okupe alleged that Hillary wanted to edit the Bible to accommodate current social realities, which he said led to her downfall.
“To make matters worse in July this year Hilarry publicly stated that, the words of the Bible (the Word of God) be changed to accommodate ‘current’ social realities.
“What a blasphemy against Jehovah, the maker and ruler of the universe, the God of all flesh, the only living and Supreme God. The bible says ‘the word of God is settled’ how can we imagine that God will allow someone who will change His word to have power! Vanity and nothing short of vanity.
“The events of today is a robust testimony to all, christian and non Christians, about the awesomeness of this God, who has ridiculed all the so called Principalities and Powers of the world and has used the foolish things of this world to confound the wise men of the world.
“God is going to usher in a new order in the world and its affairs. Only the righteous will prevail. For this historic victory, of a man with no experience in politics or public or military service, We give ALL Glory to the Almighty God and His Son Jesus Christ to whom all honour, praise and adoration, is due.”
Surprise to read this from okupe,I never expected him to be so sound biblically
Doyin you will never cease to amaze me. Same Nigerian mentality where everything is analysed only from religious or tribal point of view. Who are you trying to impress.
I laugh when i see some nigerians of doubtful and dubious character proclaimed godliness bcos of us election.American voted for trump bcos they want to take back their country from establishments.that is d simple fact.Almost all d ppl syphoned our commonwealth have become pastor quoting scripture bcos of this election.naija is a joke.
That’s the point. the likes of OBJ who write open letters.
Doyin never tried to impress anyone. He made his points very clear without ambiguity.Woe to they that call evil good and good evil. America was already at the brink of precipice under Obama as a result of bills he passed into law. They were at variance with God’s plan for mankind and the foundation of the country named America..Clinton’s failure is a warning to all who tamper with God’s principles
With each passing year,the world is becoming more and more is overrun with warring armies,dishonest politicians,hypocritical religious leaders,and hardened criminals. The world as a whole is beyond reform. The Bible reveals that the near when God will eliminate the wicked world including all governmental authorities during his war of Armageddon. This will way for righteous new world.
Only God Almighty has the final say.He can do all things.
I trust in God’s ability to do all things! He chose Trum for reasons He will reveal later. One of which is to shame the “wise”.
The newly elected President of America is not against the so call SIN of man. He has promised them much of all that…”we will take them by the Pu..y” he said. Be ready to witness more of same-sex and all that. The real Whites in America wanted revenge and absolute freedom.
There is nothing to this. Okupe assumes that Hilary will rewrite the Bible to accomodate his beliefs. Many have done so in the past without success. Too many people continue to misrepresent God daily. It is imperative that some things happen in the last days. God will not prevent those things from happening. God will not prevent an anti-christ from manifesting.
Only God can do this
Trump is on a mission.. I can see the sun rise somewhere from the trigger of a gun..!!
Okupe, spare me this crab of your fake god.You mean just as god made Buhari win and plunge Nigerians into misery.
Why Trumps won is beyond us for now.A man whose campaign hinged on hate, hate, and more hate for people of colour, blacks ,Hispanics, Mexicans, a man who went back to the American era of Jim Crow; Trump dug up the dreaded American Supreme Court Decision of Dred Scott V. Sandford which ruled that people “of the African race” are not US citizens. The same Trump sent by your god to rescue America, nay, the world, reminded the Americans that “The Dred Scott decision of 1857 still remains to this day the law of the land, which says that black people aren’t fully human”
The true God is mysterious and is beyond our quibbling and understanding.For your education Okupe, it was Thomas Paine 222 years who had castigated the Bible, not Hilary Clinton. It was bigotry,racism, hate for people of colour,that worn the American Presidential election.
I bless God..
THe mainstream media have deceived many people, including those that think trump was elected to stamp out blacks. CNN ZOMBIES. Stop watching CNN. it’s propaganda media.
I did say it that if Trump wins this election, it means that God is giving the world another chance before the Rapture and the rule of the Antichrist. Which will be the end of this generation.
People are fighting the wrong person. You don’t know the devilish motive of HILLARY because ur eyes always glued to CNN and Nairaland.
MOre blacks voted for Trump than they did 4 years ago for Mit Romney republican presidential candidate.The only thing wrong about Trump haters is that they choose exagerate his words.Trump has no evil plan like you all claim, you are just being brainwashed by mainstream media who clearly took sides with Clinton.Are you not all tired by the way US is controlling the world wrongly, Only mr Trump can fix that.
“To make matters worse in July this year Hilarry publicly stated that, the words of the Bible (the Word of God) be changed to accommodate ‘current’ social realities”.
Bros, the same way you attempted to change the Bible during the last campaign when you said your paymaster GEJ was equal to Jesus Christ or maybe that was why your party lost too. Lol
Just that we have a short memory in Nigeria and Christians believe any fool as long as he or she could read the Bible.
Dis word of God that you people are sharing, daris God oooooooo.
God is not a politician nor does he partake in world politics. The scripture is clear that the whole world lie in the hand of the wicked one. The book of revelation revealed the throne of the world rulers as the throne of Satan and he gives it to whom he pleases.Yes the kingdom (government) of God will sooner than later overrun the human rulership ! The prophet Daniel foretold that it ( God’s government) Will rule the world forever and ever.
Your comment..whosoever win God knows even before the election, but understand this that God in neither a politician nor a politician godfather. do not forget that billions of true bible is out there. true Christians have it already. let Antichrist come, the Lord knows how to care for that. remember also that the world politics is governed by devil. the word of God can not be broken. God has the whole world in His hand
For sure! Let God be God and all men be liars. Every of His council must come to pass.
Still, I put the blames on British who deteriorated Nigeria. They were busy extorting and siphoning Nigerian economy and now;they ‘d inculcated same spirit into Nigerians. That is why Nigeria is as worst as an excruciating painful wound.