
Ondo senator asks senate to LEGALISE corruption

‎Omoyele Omogunwa, a senator from Ondo state, has called for the legalisation of corruption in the country.

Speaking on the floor of the u‎pper legislative chamber on Wednesday, Omogunwa lamented that corruption was pervasive in the country. He argued that it should be “legalised”.

He said there was corruption in the judiciary, and even within the anti-corruption ‎agencies.

He said if corruption was legalised, Nigerians who stole public funds would use them in building factories and industries in the country, instead of having them stashed away abroad.


Omogunwa said this while making his contributing to the debate on the 2017 budget.

He added that the performance of the 2016 budget should be examined first before that of 2017 is determined.

The official twitter handle of the senate also confirmed Omogunwa’s suuggestion, writing: “Senator Omogunwa notes that Budgets doesn’t have maximal impact due to corruption. He says corruption shld be legalized/liberalized then.”


  1. Senator Omoyele Omogunwa should be commended for wanting to legally entrench corruption (an act he and his esteemed colleagues)are proficient at. It is not everyday we hear the truth from those in power. If only the truth will set Nigerians free from those who continue to put them in shackles.

  2. We give thanks to God that one of the senator had said it.Even without saying it,we have corruption everywhere.Also I believed that this what some of the legislators are praying for. Truly if we have corruption everywhere, I think it is the work of the legislators to look for a way to eradicate it once this corruption is the main program of the present Federal Government program. It.May God bless this country.

  3. I think there are more reasons behind whot senator said apart from the one he listed,let him be interrogated for more reasons.

  4. Your comment.. I think the senator is right for his statement, from Genesis of this country our leaders have been telling us they are fighting corruption without any positive result. Am ln full support of ligalisation of the said CORRUPTION.

  5. The Senator is figuratively paradoxical. His reasons are germane as all the past and present leaders and the led are involved. We need a Messiah to deliver us from corruption!

  6. Thanks to our distinguished senator and all other senators of the federal Republic of Nigeria who participated in that debate for them to legalize corruptions in Nigeria.It has been legalized already in the 8th session of Senate assembly ,In the first session Senate assembly president of Senate Evans Ewenrem was removed from office for offence committed over sixty years after it was committed ie 1999 the present Senate assembly are dining and wining with a Senate President standing trail in the Court of land for forgery and corruptions when he was the Governor of Kwara state less than ten years 2003-2011 all senators are signing support documents for him to remain in the office Are they not all the same ,if any one of them came up with idea to legalize corruptions and forgery he is showing us their true colours what they known best to do is padding and forgery Thanks

  7. already CORRUPTION is on the ground. let leave it as that.
    remember the story of the rich fool in the bible
    one day God will require your life

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