
Oshiomhole: Jonathan’s minister ‘cornered’ $6bn

Adams Oshiomhole, governor of Edo state, on Monday said that “senior American officials” told him during President Muhammadu Buhari’s visit to the states that one of ex-President Goodluck Jonathan’s ministers cornered $6 billion.

Speaking with state house correspondents after holding a meeting Buhari at the villa, Oshiomhole accused the preceding federal government of liquidating the country and exploiting state institutions for personal use.

“The PDP destroyed the country. I mean from the lips of American officials, senior officials of the State Department said one minister, under PDP, cornered as much as $6 billion. The man said even by Washington standards, that is earth-shattering.

“So, PDP is. a party that presided over the liquidation of our nation, destroyed all our institutions, converted the Armed Forces commanders to use them as if they were political thugs, converted NTA to a party megaphone, destroyed the SSS, went after opposition as if we were rabbits to be pursued in to our holes, compromised even student unions and destroyed everything that you can think of and elevated religion to a state affair.”


He added that during PDP’s reign, religious and ethnic tensions were so stoked that Christians were pitched against Muslims, while the various geopolitical zones clashed all the time as each sought to outsmart others purely on selfish interests.

“Just to retain power, Obas and Obis were elevated with dollars. You guys were reporting dollars that were changing hands; when NNPC was spending much more money than is available to the Federation Account,” he said.

“We are a very patient people. If we were not a patient people, anybody wearing the tag of PDP ought to feel very unsafe because you are all victims- all of us here.”


He recalled a visit to Johnnie Carson, former assistant secretary of state, in company of Senator Saraki, who was chairman of the governors’ forum at the time, on the eve of President Barack Obama’s first visit to Africa.

“We went to complain, ‘why is Nigeria not on the list?'” Oshiomhole said.

“What he said for me was quite instructive compared to what he said last week. Then I was present when he said, ‘you know, we who see ourselves not just as friends of Nigeria, each time we think there is light at the end of the tunnel and it is time to encourage Nigeria to build on it, you would wake up the following day under President Jonathan to find out that even the tunnel had been removed’.

“Those were the words of Mr. Carson. Now, last week, this same Carson chaired the president’s address at the Institute of Peace and he said ‘we now have a man of enormous integrity; one that has shown so much faith in the democratic process; one that refused to be frustrated even in the face of massively rigged elections. He submitted to the judicial process and even when that was compromised he never gave up’.


“‘America has done its check and we are convinced that this president is the one that Nigeria needs at this time to regain its leadership of the African continent. America now has a partner worthy of relations because they believe that every dollar that America provides to support Nigeria whether in the area of security, in the area of education, or encouraging American investors to invest in Nigeria, there is an enabling environment because what had been destroying the country is corruption.

“‘You have so much capital outflow; so, America is ready to stand side-by-side to support this president to achieve his core objective of fighting corruption, restoring security, creating jobs and redistributing prosperity.'”

  1. Oshiomhole should have resigned as a governor and pick up the appointment of the spokesman to Buhari. May be he is not aware that his name is among the richest public officers of Nigeria with their money kept in foreign country.

    1. I guess that is why his name is Oshiomh-Ole or better still, Oshiom-Hole!!!! Why do you think an Oyinbo Girl would run after the man? He has practically ran down Edo State. He was part of the PDP problem in Nigeria.

    2. Tayo, if that’s true it should be necessary for you to tell us how much of Oshiomhole’s acclaimed wealth is stolen or tainted by corruption.Until we stand up for objectivity, for so long shall we remain prostrate before the retrogressive forces of corruption,nepotism,ethnicity,tribalism, crass ignorance and illogical reason that makes destiny – collective or individual – tasteless!

      1. Thanks Ode. May the corrupt be exposed. That’s my prayers. We need to know why Nigeria so blessed will continue to stutter.

    3. Tayo and Joe, it’s apparent you guys are ignorant and never wished this nation well. You are the most superficial and parochial human beings i’ve met in recent past. With this magnitude of allegation, all you guys could jargonize was Adams-na-thief! If you are not PDP members and you reason like this, then you are not fit to be called human being. Go and have yourselves examined. Period!

      1. You guys should not be carried away by statements like this. It’s more of a political propaganda. If the senior American official said all that, why did he not reveal the name of the ex-minister?. You guys should stop buying lies from Oshiomole, until he comes out clear and clean

  2. Your comment..Oshiomhole should tell the nation who the former minister is. This habit of saying an ex this and an ex that without mentioning who the ex is does not bring about credibility. If Washington Officials told him as he claims, did he not ask who the ex minister is?

    1. I agree with Mike. Matters are not helped by not naming the rogues. Name them so we can shame them.

  3. I think the Nigerian society is just being taken for what it is. A place for the gullible and the disoriented which is the reason Oshiomhole and his ilks will at every given day throw one accusation and wait for the Nigerian crowd to hail them for achieving nothing.
    At a time their parrade in US flopped and nothing was achieved they should have gone to the drawing board to ensure things work especially in the face of fuel scarcity over diversion of products despite subsidy and incessant killing of the innocents by the Boko haram
    I feel for Nigeria and those who benefit from the temporal dividends of these propaganda government

  4. Oshiomole is becoming a loose canon, a misfit, noise maker and a political nuisance. His smooth talking techniques since President Buhari emerged has translated into nothing meaningful but mere attention seeking status. A wise man ought to speak responsibly with verifiable facts and not quick to dish out unsubstantiated allegation when ever he sees the microphone.

    1. you are one of the persons that are so comfortable with corruption that dont want to hear anybody been accused of it.It is silly to keep on tolerating corrupt leaders.

  5. For Buhari to have taken Okorocha and Oshiomole as key figures on his trip to the US says a lot on how well he would manage our affairs. He might as well taken Tinubu and Amaechi along.

  6. Were you on the entourage to divulge all you hear? Sir, What of the unpaid wages or the deductions from local govt council accounts within your own state ?…. Please if you live in a glass house stop throwing stones.

  7. I am highly disappointed at Oshiomole’s approach to the issues killing Nigeria. I use to trip for him as unionist but I cant figure out his approach in this government. If a senior American officia told you this and you go on air with it without facts and figure, then you do us no good as a Nation. Put a name and your evidence to the accused and let us be the judge instead of you play both roles and more over, its unprofessional to quote a source of such high standing because it would be betrayal of trust. If you were told and a name was given then let the president know and let the law enforcement agencies do their job then we will all be happy that you exposed this criminal. We know PDP was filled with people of questionable characters but most of them have migrated to APC. change of party does not cancel crimes committed in the past. So your party must lead by example by expunging all the national cake thieves then I will say change has come. Charity begins at home. So Osho stopping pointing fingers and tell us who the thieves are and also tell us how much you are worth and how you made that money or defend the allegation of you being one of the richest Nigerians now.

    Thank you.

  8. You all are enermy of dis great country, I strongly bliv in dis administration, PDP almost turned dis country to a mess dat our case was almost close to dat of greese, yet you buhari haters seem not to see wats happening. Light has been regular, fuel scarcity is no more even refinaries are up and running, lutted funds are recovered. You guyz should give PMB more tym, he is God sent to dis country take or u leave it.

  9. Those bigots and unpatriotic Nigerians who see political participation only from the prism of selfish gains can never appreciate what Oshiomhole is saying but informed Nigerians do

  10. Please tell us when PMB will wake up to his responsibilities to we Nigerians in the alleviation of mass poverty that is ravaging the land. We don’t need any tales from moonlight from Oshiomhole but rather action plans in getting the economy out of the woods


  11. doesntnfo frfromsOshiomoleodoesntolve the problem at all .Nigerians are in need of results-oriented good governance . The immediate challenges are getting worse !!!

  12. Is Adams Oshiomole name is not the list of governor that shown among those that embassle millions of dollars by the U S government? Then what is he saying now trash

  13. Your comment..This guys your saying nothing but nonsense, it is wrong that Adams belongs to APC agreed and what next ? If Adams remain in PDP all this your thrash could not arise. Mostly you guys over there sentiment had already eaten up your faculty of reasoning when it comes national issue, why ?

  14. We should not be surprised at your comments, maybe you guys are part of Jonathan looters, now u are done. Road to looting are closed and now you are all like a hungry lion. Its over for you take a patriotic decision now.

  15. It is hard to understand what former comrade Oshomole is talking about.I travelled to Edo and saw with dismay his exclusive house with all the luxury therein.Maybe we should ask him some few questions about the sources and correlate it with the times he was the leader of labour. May be he should take over E F C C leadership from Lamorde. let him take stock of the now A P C team and see what party they were before now.Is it save to conclude that if one changes from a party to the other because he wants to continue benefiting,makes the person or group of people saints?Its all about them eating with both hands from any plate. I expected A P C to have rejected such turn around politicians who change because of self benefit and not to serve Nigeria right if they are saints.

  16. i should think this Apc has taken over government. They should stop acting like opposition. They’re now incharge. Let them use machinery of government and deal with offenders rather than behaving like they are opposition. Is like they are better in opposition than taken charge. Who are they reporting to now? Please our president swing to action and get this people prosecuted and recover our moneys. We voted Apc to get things rightly done and not to run government in the media. Thank you.

  17. I am sick and tired of this charade called change. One American told you that a minister took so much from your government and that even in Washington such loot is mind blowing as a good citizen why did you not ask the American man why his country have to allow such loot kept in their country or allow itself to be used as channel for such without exposition. If this is not enough Americans over time have being benefiting immensely from dubious money coming in from Nigeria. Back home APC as a party, they are noise makers, your announcement here does not hold water solution refuse to come from a government pretending to be focused and there is no agenda.Oshiomole who is now the Nigeria pontiff just to remind you that the Pope is human and pray as well to God for forgiveness of sin.If you know that you have never enrich yourself secretly by spending Edo State money in your capacity as a Governor continue to shout of the rot you are on but if reverse is the case then better stay quiet.

  18. Nigeria need to fight so that the country can be better the new president we not also work go and mark today date

  19. I dnt know and cant tell our leaders problem what do they really want with us, it only in nigeria you can find political propagandas like this.

    1. Oshiomole just married oyinbo who cooked okro soup for hiim. So he is yet to recover from the soup . If not I wonder why a governor will become megaphone of the president.

  20. 6,000,000,000.00USD translates to 1.2trillion Naira cornered by an Ex-Minister? How much was his budget for a year? And the 6 or 4 or 1 year he was on seat he cornered all the money? I really what to know the Minister that performed the feat of using all the money in his custody without the knowledge of his or her Permanent Secretary and his/her directors. It is easy to talk but difficult to prove such mammoth accusation. I hope that the campaign is over and that we are now governing. I wish our rulers and Nigeria well. Enjoy peace, Nigeria. I love Nigeria.

  21. We should ignore such ridiculous talk like that of oshimole. The budget of the entire ministries for the period is not up to the money peddled by him. Talk is cheap. Oshimole should mention names.

  22. I am highly disappointed with Oshiomole’s grandstanding and posturing attitude. This says much of the bunch of charades and noise makers that call themselves agents of change.Talking of SSS being mis-used by the previous regime, what do we then have to say with recent harassing of vocal minds and the on-going selective probing?

  23. Oshiomole should stop these whistle blowing. He is a Governor and must weigh his statements to the public . These bogus tales will not help him

  24. The problem is even if any one is apprehended and the public saw that public will see when he is punish

  25. 1, Corruption is endemic in Nja, particularly since d ‘settlement’ regime of Babangida’s misrule. For “SOLUTION” PMB shud follow God’s way–Mercy 4 d repentant & hell 4 d unrepentant. PMB shud announce dat all dose dat ever stole govt. mony shud voluntarily return dm as OBJ has said he will do, with detailed info & be 4gvn, bt dose who refuse & ar caught shud hv all their properties & dose dat shield dm confiscated. 2, the RMC & odas dat gave the NASS dose ‘Robbery’ pay, shud be investigated & prosecuted. Any embezzlement > #1m shud attract death sentence. 3, Our total recurrent expnditure shud 65% for capital expnditure. 4, God has alredy blessed Nja, bt we must stop these stealing & stop living like a prodigal son.

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