
Our Voices Matter Too: What Nigerian children and youth want to see from the next administration

On Saturday the 25th of February 2023, as Nigerians above the age of 18 all across the nation cast their ballots – our country’s children did not rest. Even though we were unable to vote, we knew that our opinions about who should rule our country and what we wanted to see from the next leader could not be dismissed and neglected. Through the movement – Fight Global Warming Nigeria @preserveourroots, hosted by Amara Nwuneli, Nigerian youth from all over the world gathered via a virtual discussion platform #OurVoiceMattersToo, to discuss the future of our nation.

This panel provided the opportunity for the participants to not only learn about activism but challenged them to look at modern-day Nigeria and identify the problems they faced whilst brainstorming solutions. Inspired by a speech given by, Oluwaseyi Moejoh, and splitting into breakout rooms, the youth were finally able to feel part of the solution and used their knowledge to work out solutions. #OurVoiceMattersToo fostered an open space for active discussion about the need for movements that inspire change, as well as, how young people can advocate for what they believe in if they are motivated enough. Through this engagement and the empowerment that was generated, three critical issues were generated that they, as representatives of the young generation, want to see from the Nigerian government.

Firstly, there was a widespread voiced need for genuine government transparency. This accountability, fostered through regular dialogues with the citizens, would fuel a real-time active portal for information dissemination. We firmly believe that Government transparency is the solution needed to rebuild the trust between citizens and the ruling class of this nation. Through effective and regular communication with the citizens, including regular engagement circulated through media including social media, radio and television, and town hall meetings; Information on the visions, objectives, investments, clear steps and rules and regulations, will be able to be understood and shared. We must know what the government is doing to improve the lives of the citizens, especially the children. We as young citizens deserve to feel protected and respected enough by the government to be able to directly access information regarding our country. There should be an active website, with daily updates where we can find data on how resources are being deployed to address our education, health care, safety, and future, as well as our welfare. Without this, there will most definitely be disruption and a lack of trust.

Secondly, there was an urgent need identified to initiate a youth parliament and active youth participation in every committee and government advisory council. While historically, the term youth has been widely defined as anyone under 40 years old, we must stress the need to revert to the United Nations classification of youth as between 16 and 24 years old. If there is not adequate or sufficient time and money put into child literacy and education, skills training and the development of their talents and minds; the future of Nigeria would look exponentially grim. Anybody with the skills and talents to help Nigeria evolve would most likely either leave the country or devote their time and energy somewhere else. It is imperative that we take care and nurture adolescents of every class all over the country and this duty is on firmly the responsibility of the government. Some simple solutions include: Initiating school-wide competitions that award gifted and talented students, engaging young people in decision making and investing more into public and government schools to assure proper education of youth everywhere.


Thirdly, we need urgent investments into our health care systems. This was seen as a critical need because the health and wellness of a country’s citizens are directly linked to the productivity and prosperity of the nation. For a clock to work and keep the accurate rhythm, all the gears and screws have to be properly greased and fixed – the same goes for Nigeria when paired with its health care system. Although optimistic, if resources and infrastructure are effectively and properly used in the public health sector, there will be a definite increase in national output, more efficient projects, less crime, less migration, and improved lives of many who have been plagued with illnesses. Tangible solutions that were generated include: (1). Hosting government initiatives that reach low-income areas and offer health relief. (2). Building a relationship between the public and private health sectors to create avenues for cross-sector partnerships (3) Enacting health care plans for families and individuals who have to deal with lifelong illnesses and (4) Investing in the training of healthcare professionals and construction of hospitals and health care facilities in villages and health deserts.

Although these are only a few of the many needs identified and hashed out, something that we can all agree on is the danger of patience. If we, as youth, and whoever reading this, simply complain about issues and gaps in government services then no proper change is going to happen. As Abraham Lincoln once said, we cannot just dream for our future, we have to be the ones to create it. Regardless of what happens to Nigeria over the course of the next decade, the people that will bear the impact the most are the children. Not only are we going to inherit this nation, but we are going to be the ones who will suffer the consequences of our choices or lavish in the prosperity of today’s innovations. We will have to endure the outcome of this country and deserve to have a say in how it is going to play out. Our voices will always matter and our thoughts will always count and reveal important insights, but what we hope Is that the President is ready to listen!



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