
Palestinian ambassador asks AU, ICC to investigate Israel ‘war crimes’

Abdullah AbuShawesh, Palestinian ambassador to Nigeria, has asked the African Union (AU) and International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate “war crimes” committed by Israel.

There has been a war between Israel and Palestine since October 7  after the surprise attack launched by Hamas, the Palestinian militant group, which saw hundreds taken hostage and some 1,200 persons killed.

In retaliation, Israel vowed to wipe out Hamas and has since bombarded Gaza with major ground and air offensives in a bid to fulfil its objectives.

The Hamas-run health ministry says at least 18,608 Palestinians have been killed in the ongoing Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.



Speaking at the 4th webinar edition of the geopolitics series on Thursday, AbuShawesh said Palestine is committed to peace.

The webinar which focused on the “Israel-Hamas war and the way forward” was organised by the Media Centre for Development (MCD) in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital, in collaboration with the West Africa Democracy Radio (WADR) in Dakar, Senegal.


The event brought together stakeholders, ambassadors of Israel and Palestine, and prominent voices across Africa as part of efforts to seek a lasting solution to the war.

The Palestinian ambassador rejected accusations of harbouring hatred against Jews, saying misinformation has hindered an understanding of the age-long tension between both nations.

“The Israeli settlers are responsible for the horrifying acts of burning and burying Palestinians. The claim of widespread rape is baseless and untrue, contrary to the facts,” AbuShawesh said.

“We stand resilient against attempts to eradicate us from our land, a struggle dating back to 1917, but we will not succumb.


“Our acknowledgment of the Israeli people’s right to live is not synonymous with teaching hatred towards Jews; such allegations are unfounded.

“It is crucial to recognise that Israeli supremacy is deeply embedded in their leadership, as evidenced by historical remarks.

“Dispelling misinformation is paramount for fostering understanding and seeking a just resolution to the longstanding conflict.”

However, Michael Freeman, Israeli ambassador to Nigeria and permanent representative of Israel to ECOWAS, accused Hamas of inflating the casualty numbers to paint Israel in a bad light.


Freeman reiterated his country’s commitment to wiping out Hamas and said the only guarantee for a permanent ceasefire is for the militant group to surrender.

“We are witnessing a heartbreaking reality where children are ruthlessly killed in the presence of their parents, and parents are brutally murdered before their own children,” Freeman said.


“This level of brutality surpasses even the atrocities committed by ISIS. Hamas, in a disturbing act of pride, televised this horrific attack, openly declaring their intent to repeat it.

“For Israel, our priority is ensuring that Hamas does not perpetrate such atrocities again.


“Ceasing fire is a possibility, but the release of kidnapped victims is non-negotiable. If Hamas genuinely desires an end to the conflict, they must commit to a long-term cessation, not a temporary pause for regrouping and subsequent attacks.

“Hamas’s current agenda aims to inflate casualty numbers for manipulation against Israel.


“They possess hidden weapon facilities, and even terrorists surrendering from hospitals reveal their insidious tactics. Their call for a ceasefire is not rooted in genuine intent but rather in strategic words lacking sincerity.”

However, AbuShawesh proposed an inquiry commission, independently investigating claims from both sides.

He called for the involvement of the African Union and the International Criminal Court (ICC) to address what he termed war crimes committed by Israel.

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