
MMM to freeze all bonuses from 2016

Sergey Mavrodi, founder of MMM, has written to participants in Nigeria, asking that they pay some money into the system, before they can cash out of the ponzi scheme.

Mavrodi said all bonuses acquired before January 1, 2017 will be frozen.

This is coming more than a month after the company failed with its return plans, leaving a few Nigerians to commit suicide.

Mavrodi said the new rules are based on suggestions given by participants in Nigeria. He adds that “you cant withdraw bonuses without providing help (paying)”.


The full letter below:

Dear participants,

You constantly reproach us stating we don’t listen to your opinions however we really do. :-)) We try to carry out the most reasonable and efficient suggestions immediately.


Particularly, in accordance with your suggestions, we will soon take the following measures:

We will stop the growth of confirmed Mavros acquired before the 1st of January 2017. We will freeze the bonuses received before the 1st of January 2017 (so that limited withdrawal of Mavro-2016 will include only contributions, not bonuses).

We will introduce a new rule according to which the withdrawal amount cannot exceed triple amount of the provided help (so, GH cannot exceed PH more than in 3 times). Many participants and guiders withdraw bonuses in such big amounts without PH that it threatens the stability of the whole System. (We don’t agree, however we will accept preferences of the majority. :-)) With this rule, you can’t withdraw only bonuses without providing help.

Therefore, keep on sending us your suggestions. We will take them into account (At least, we will try :-))


Best regards,
Sergey Mavrodi.

  1. That is a very good idea,i still suggest that each participant in 2016 should should PH 50% of their mavro account, with an ultimatum of 2 to 3 month from now,failure to comply will result to the deletion of the participant account, the will bring back 80% of the old mmm participant if this policy is being enforced and there will be quick recovery of mmm stability lost, MMM together we change the world.

    1. Do you think all fingers are equal, majority of you given advises had nothing to collect from mmm, if yes you won’t bring idea of 50%. now if someone pH 50% again and get 80, is that gain or loose, I we should be transparent in given advises so that we won’t envy poor. 10% is enough.

  2. I will suggest you allow the 1st time participant get all their bonuses and Marcos but will suggest you stop the growth of bonus and marvoin 2016.

    1. It is good to pay first timers all their 2016 mavros. This is the first time they are getting help. I am one. And once I get help, I keep phing. It is difficult to ph again when one has not gotten help from previous ph. He or she may not have the mind to do it as they may not be sure this one will be paid or not. But if he receives help, then he can take part of the help and gh again. So, pay particularly the first timers as they have not gotten before.

  3. mmm is unbeatable in Nigeria i dont know what you are waiting for if you open operation tomorow people will still rush back to you .the earlier the better. the business is in Nigeria

  4. I suggested that Mavro 2016 is very impotant now to all the participants and it should clear by instruct all the paticipant to pH as little as they can so as to get atleast 20% to 30% of their 2016 mavro and stated it that the more you pH the more you GH even of the old and new mavro and freez the bonuses without ph as of 1 january 2017, if you base only on 2017 new mavro without relaesing out of 2016 mavro, I can asure you that the nigerians people we not even care about their old mavro and rather not encorrage other people to joing the comunity.

  5. l suggest that mmm should make a law that will eneable people to ph so as to pay 2016 mavros,pls make this law fast because alot of people are dying as a result of mmm

  6. I suggest they should pay all 2016 contribution,we dont need the intrest again,and let it be on time b4 people will lose hope totally in mmm,pay 2016 mavro and let start all over again.

  7. even up till today people still love mmm despite being a victm .immediately I joined mmm in 29th November 2016.everything changed.I pH but couldn’t get help. plz let’s join hand together .to make it function as well. since they asked us to ph and GH of 2016, if we can try as much as we can to get the mavro not the bonuses everything will be all right. I paid help but not paid, if they cannot disappoint us again I will still pay.long live mmm

  8. Your comment..I suggest you pay first timers their macro and bonuses so that they won’t lose faith in Mmm and trust me the moment you pay the first timers they will have the confidence to pH again that’s for sure

  9. Mmm should start whatever They are implementing immediately……no delay… and do is the solution of a problem.

  10. Mmm don’t owe me tho bt as a referrer I registered 5people around Nov as 1st timer and pledge with 20k /50k and now none of them gt their mavro they Av been on my neck if mmm come up again I can still confused them to pay so to get their 2016mavro plss b fast with ur plans. Mmm fans always

  11. I suggest mmm should put hand in their purse and pay the first timers that will build more confidence for people to return back

  12. Your comment..Please Sir,all Parpaticipant Of 2016 Are Crying Of Their Mavro!, I Sugest For All 2016 Mavro To Be Release I Believe Billions Of Peaple Will Participate They Are Just Waiting For Old People To Get Their Mavro.

  13. people are asking how fast the scheme is in paying participants of 2016 who are waiting to be settled.I suggest that something be done to enable them withdraw their money in huge sum.this way confidence will be restored

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