Categories: Viewpoint

People of the year 2015

Hannatu Musawa

BY Hannatu Musawa


Persons of the year 2015: ‘The Nigerian people and voters’

The 2015 general elections began like a much-awaited suspense/action Hollywood movie with many actors featuring. However, while many feel that the real heroes 2015 election and the peaceful democratic election are the trio of President Buhari, former President Jonathan and Professor Attahiru Jega, I feel that the primary protagonists in this true-life movie set in Nigeria were the Nigerian people! All over the country, teeming Nigerians from 18 and above trooped out en masse on that faithful election day to make history. Eligible voters in all the 6-geo-political zones in the country certainly knew they had a date with destiny as they came out to exercise their suffrage.

After 16 years of PDP rule since the return to democracy in 1999, majority of the Nigerian voters went to the polls eager to overturn this dominance. During the March 28 and … general elections, Nigerians who had been thirstily awaiting the poll heeded the call for “change” and voted for the APC. They then went ahead to protect their votes to make sure that the results reflected their desires. This epochal and watershed event would be the first time since our independence that an opposition party has successfully wrestled power from a ruling party. Millions of Nigerians achieved this rare feat in Africa, despite fatal attacks by insurgents, widespread technology challenges and the alleged hacking of the national electoral commission’s website.

However, this feat wasn’t achieved without its fair share of drama. The “Nigerian factor” present in most things “Nigerian” expectedly reared its ugly head. The election, which was first scheduled to be held on 14th February was postponed by the electoral commission by six weeks. This was mainly due to the poor distribution of Permanent Voter Cards, and also to curb the ongoing insurgency in certain North Eastern states. The federal government also closed the land and sea borders from midnight on 25 March until the end of the polling date and the election was further extended to 29 March due to delays and technical problems with the biometric card readers. Nevertheless, the Nigerian voters persevered and remained adamant that their votes must count.

Over the years, the discernible Nigerian voter had been disillusioned with the conduct of elections in Nigeria. Majority had lost hope and saw elections as an extension of the hydra-headed monster of corruption, where only powerful politicians reap the benefits. Voter apathy was the usual norm as many eligible voters declined to exercise their rights. However, the build up to the 2015 general elections was never before seen in our clime. The emergence and amalgamation of some parties to form a single unit – the APC – and their mantra of “change” resounded with a lot of Nigerian voters who were fed-up with the 16-year PDP rule. From Makurdi to Maiduguri, Abakaliki to Abuja, Nigerian voters voted massively for the party with a broom as its logo. Even in areas that were traditionally referred to as “strongholds” of the PDP, the Nigerian voters defied this custom. Instead, they placed their mandate on the burgeoning party.


Retrospectively, before the elections, there was fear about the foreboding effects the elections were going to have to the unity and existence of Nigeria as a country. Western countries such as the US and the UK, issued several statements to this effect. The overheated polity prior to the elections through political vitriolic and shenanigans by some politicians, seemed as if the doomsday prediction of these countries was at hand.  However, when it was seemingly becoming clearer that Nigeria was heading towards it’s foretold doom, the Nigerian voters rose up to the occasion. Armed with their Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs), Nigerian voters patriotically and peacefully queued up in single files in different polling units across the country, waiting to be accredited, so that they can be able to cast their votes for their preferred political parties/candidates. Apart from skirmishes and pockets of violence in certain wards and poling units across the country, the election was largely seen as credible, free and fair by international as well as domestic observers.

The Nigerian voters inadvertently became the heroes who ushered in the present “change” dispensation. They were the heroes that unsentimentally cast their votes and stood by their votes in making them count. They were the heroes who voted in the spirit of unity and oneness as the results of the election reflected this. They were the heroes who used the social media to canvass for support for their preferred political parties and candidates, in ensuring that they get elected.

That 90-year old woman who braved all odds to cast her vote on Election Day with the hope of creating a better future for the present, future and generations yet-unborn, is certainly a hero in my book. That 18-year old who just became an adult and eligible to vote for the first time and voted on election day with hopes of a better tomorrow for himself, family, generation and country, is indeed a hero in my book. That blind man who on Election Day insisted that he must vote and his vote counted, is also a hero in my book. That pregnant woman who on Election Day insisted to vote with her unborn child, with the hopes of a better tomorrow for herself and her baby is a hero in my book. All eligible Nigerian voters who voted peacefully and in an orderly manner on Election Day, and who protected their votes to the latter, ushering the present change-led administration are definitely the biggest Nigerian heroes of the day.


‘…For their tenacity, sense of self, love for kin and country, hope for the future, patriotism, desire for change through peace and unity, “the Nigerian people and voters…” are my persons of the year for 2015.’

Non-Nigerian of the year 2015: ‘Safyre Terry’

Safyre Terry is an 8-year-old American girl who survived a house fire in 2013, which left her with burns over 75% of her body and killed her family. Her father and three of her younger siblings all perished in the fire. As the fire ravaged Safyre’s home, the little girl’s whole family was trapped in the apartment. Safyre survived because her father hugged her tight in his arms shielding her from breathing in fumes. He ultimately saved her life.

Safyre has undergone more than 50 skin-graft surgeries resulting from that tragedy. She has also lost her right hand and left foot. She has basically lost everything but instead of being bitter, Safyre looks at life with optimism. When asked what she wanted for this year’s Christmas, rather than ask for something material, Safyre asked for people to send her Christmas Cards.

Her simple request should remind us how important the little and simple things in life can bring joy and happiness to a person. Safyre will continue to face life altering difficulties but she teaches us that it takes very little to make a young child feel loved and happy.


“…For giving the world a story to listen to, which changes our focus from the materialistic aspect of life to its humble, inspiring and beautiful simplicity; and for being brave, beautiful and optimistice despite the challenges she faces,  ‘safyre terry…’ is my non-nigerian of the year, 2015.”

Nigerian of the year, 2015: ‘President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’

In Africa, autocracy is a regular form of government. Incumbent Presidents are infamously known for their reluctance to relinquish power. Hitherto, the near absolute power of incumbency has been the bane of political development within the continent. So when on March 31, as the presidential election results from all but one state was being counted, former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan did the unusual. When it was apparent that the presidential candidate of the APC was clearly in an unassailable lead, the former President in the spirit of sportsmanship immediately placed a call to Muhammadu Buhari, conceding defeat. He, thus, made history by becoming the first sitting Nigerian president to do so in the present Republic. This gentlemanly gesture sent shock waves and admiration within the country, continent and the world at large. At a time when many African heads of states cling to power at all cost, with a do or die attitude, here was a President that was ready to concede defeat even when the entire results was not announced officially by the electoral umpire.

For many who followed the saga, former President Goodluck Jonathan was the hero of the elections. At precisely 5: 05 pm the final day that the election results were being read, the former president called the present President to congratulate him for emerging victorious.

As a sitting African President, had President Jonathan not cared enough for the country and welfare of the people, he could have held on to power. In fact, it was reported that many people around him were allegedly insistent that he shouldn’t relinquish power. Like or hate him, agree or disagree, President Jonathan had options had he been desperate enough to hold onto power at all costs. He could have annulled the elections and set up an interim government. However, chose not to rock the boat any more than it had been rocking. His action inevitably prevented the country from being mired in the certain chaos that would have followed a PDP victory. His swift congratulatory message to the president-elect, unanticipated as it was, has catapulted him into a real statesman, an uncommon patriot and a heroic leader.


After this grand gesture by the former President, some believe that the effusive praise pouring on him was unwarranted. They argue that the very least a defeated contestant in an election can do is concede defeat and depart without a fuss. While this is understandable, in our clime one must admit that it was incredible he did so. Election results are habitually bitterly contested, often with partisan violence and prolonged litigation. Much of the uneasiness surrounding the polls was hinged on the question of whether the incumbent would readily concede defeat. Also, there was the apprehension of whether the incumbent will illicitly marshal the might of his office to scuttle the manifestation of an unfavorable electoral outcome. There were obviously leeches around the former President who believed that the power of incumbency should be deployed to secure victory by any means possible and at all cost, even if it meant throwing the nation into chaos and violence.

However, President Jonathan’s, out-of-the-blue, concession took the leeches by surprise and stopped them in their tracks. Refusing to concede defeat would have portrayed him as a tyrannical sit-tight do-or-die President, negatively tarnishing his image (more than it had been) and achievements while in office. As he chose to gracefully concede defeat, he has been able to burnish his legacy and shape how he would be remembered by future generations. In recognition of this rare concession, he was named to lead a 33-nation observer mission to the October General Election in Tanzania. Paying tribute to Jonathan in an editorial ahead of the elections, The Daily News of Tanzania commended the former president for taking his defeat in the presidential election “in all magnanimity,” adding that “Jonathan may very well have averted bloodshed that is characteristic of incumbent leaders who cling in power tooth and nail, fang and claw!” Similarly, the Guardian of Tanzania also poured encomiums on former President Jonathan, describing him as a democrat who has pointed the way forward for the rest of Africa.

Indeed one gives recognition to President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for acting contrary to the expected norms of sit-tight African politicians.

‘…For refusing to deploy the almighty power of incumbency in scuttling the elections, which would have resulted into protracted chaos, for choosing peace out of concern for the generality and wellbeing of Nigerians and not succumbing to the goading’s of powerful forces behind the scene, motivated by greed and selfishness, “President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan…” is my Nigerian of the year 2015.’

First runner-up; Nigerian of the year 2015: ‘President Muhammadu Buhari’

First runner up to President Goodluck Jonathan is President Muhammadu Buhari. President Buhari’s journey to Aso Rock is a classic case of “persistence extraordinaire”. It is a case of perseverance, never-say-never attitude and remaining steadfast at attaining ones goals in life. He unsuccessfully ran for the office of President in the 2003, 2007 and 2011 general elections, over a period of 12 years. However, when in December 2014, he emerged as the presidential candidate of the APC for the March 2015 general elections, unbeknown to him; this was his date with destiny. His destiny of becoming a democratically elected President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria was already at hand.  President Buhari subsequently won the election, defeating the incumbent President, Goodluck Jonathan, marking the first time in the history of Nigeria that an incumbent president lost to an opposition candidate in a general election. He was sworn in on 29 May 2015.

However, what singles him out as one of my persons of the year was the fact that he won the Presidential elections despite being erroneously labeled as a religious extremist at a time extremist insurgents under the auspices of the Boko Haram sect are waging their own warped form of “Islamic Jihad” on the country.

Since 2002 when President Buhari began his political sojourn for the presidency, all manner of character assassination was concocted against him in an attempt to malign his character and make him unelectable. He has been serially labeled as an Islamic fundamentalist having a radical Islamist agenda. At one point, he was labeled as a sympathizer and funder of the current extremist insurgency group.  He was even said to have supported the total implementation of Sharia across the country, ignoring the fact that Nigeria is a secular state. Surprisingly however, Buhari didn’t win elections at a time when the current insurgency was non-existent. He won elections at a time the insurgency was at its peak. This certainly makes him an extraordinary individual as he was overwhelmingly voted for even in states dominated by Christians.

While campaigning for the 2015 general election though, Buhari attempted to clear the air. He stated that he favoured freedom of religion and every Nigerian should be free and secure to practice their different religions. He went further by stating that “even as military Head of State, we never imposed Sha’riah”. In May 2014, in the wake of the Chibok schoolgirls kidnapping, Buhari strongly denounced the insurgency. He urged Nigerians to put aside religion, politics and all other divisions to crush the insurgency. In his words, Boko Haram “is fanned by mindless bigots masquerading as Muslims”. In July 2014, he was almost killed by the sect when he escaped a bomb attack on his life in Kaduna. Every discerning Nigeria can attest to the fact that the nefarious activities of the sect members have been reduced to a minimum since he assumed power. The President has made internal security and wiping out the militant group one of the key pillars of his administration.

…For being one of the most honest, capable and decent people, by every standard, to occupy public office in Nigeria; by being a gentleman who is guided by his faith and committed to his family; by putting the peaceful coexistence of Nigerians above his own personal interest, by being the people’s hero and persevering for 12 solid years in the labyrinth of Nigerian politics, ‘President Muhammadu Buhari is the first runner up as… my Nigerian of the year 2015.’

Story of the year: ‘Europe migration & immigration…’

2015 has unquestionably been the year of the migrant. The European migrant crisis began when a rising number of refugees and migrants began to make the journey to the European Union States to seek asylum. Majority are fleeing chaos, violence and bad governance in their home countries. Travelling across the Mediterranean Sea, or through Southeast Europe, a multitude of the migrants come from the Middle East; particularly from Syria and Iraq. Others are from Africa (Eritrea, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, the Gambia), South Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh), and the Western Balkans (Serbia, Kosovo, Albania). According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, as of December 2015, the top three nationalities of the almost one million Mediterranean Sea arrivals since the beginning of the year are Syrian (50%), Afghan (20%) and Iraqi (7%). Most of the refugees and migrants are adult men (60%). The phrases “European migrant crisis” and “European refugee crisis” became widely used in April 2015, when five boats carrying almost 2,000 migrants to Europe sank in the Mediterranean Sea, with a combined death toll estimated at more than 1,200 people.

Europe has been inundated with these migrants especially of Arab descent since the beginning of the year. In the news, pictures of vast crowds of migrants shuffling through the borders of European countries, have dominated the print, visual and social media. Migrants being treated with brutality and hostility in some places and given a reluctant welcome in others, have featured prominently with respect to the migrant crisis. In some places, Germany in particular, the warmth of the welcome the migrants were accorded by some groups compared with the hostility from others. Also, the fact that many of the migrants are Muslims and are perceived as challenging Europe’s identity, has also been a source of concern; hence the hostility and reluctant welcome. Europeans have begun complaining that their societies are changing very fast as a result of immigration. In London, for instance, more than 300 languages are now spoken, according to a recent academic study. This has also begun instilling apprehension in some European societies making them unreceptive to many of the migrants.

However, it wasn’t till the lifeless images of a 3-year-old who had drowned sparked outrage across Europe. The images of the toddler’s lifeless body washed ashore on a Turkish beach after their boat sank sparked horrified reactions as the tragedy of Europe’s burgeoning refugee crisis hit home. The child was lying face down, his head to one side with his bottom slightly up – the way toddlers like to sleep. Sadly, the water was lapping around his face and his lifeless body. A photo of him lying alone and being approached by an official has been shared widely around the world, often with the Twitter hashtag #KıyıyaVuranİnsanlık or “Flotsam of Humanity” in Turkish. The boy, in a red T-shirt, blue pants and tiny shoes, was one of 12 people who drowned off Turkey and washed up on a beach. The boy and his family were Kurds from Syria trying to reach relatives in Vancouver, British Columbia. In addition to the boy, Aylan Kurdi, his brother, Galip, and their mother, Rehen, also died at sea.  The boys’ aunt, Tima Kurdi, who lives in Vancouver, had filed refugee paperwork to get her relatives permission to come live in Canada, but the application had been rejected.

Since the crisis began, the European Union has struggled to cope with it, increasing funding for border patrol operations in the Mediterranean, devising plans to fight migrant smuggling, and proposing a new quota system to relocate and resettle asylum seekers among EU states and alleviate the burden on countries on the external borders of the Union. Individual countries have at times reintroduced border controls and rifts have emerged between countries willing to accept asylum seekers and others trying to discourage their arrival. As the crisis continues, Germany wants to draw a clear distinction between refugees fleeing conflicts and migrants seeking economic opportunities. With several proposals on the table, Europe continues to struggle for a unified response to the migration crisis. Thus, as long as conflict and bad governance continues to exist in different climes of the world and are not being adequately dealt with, the flow of migrants will never be stopped. Also, with ISIL controlling parts of Iraq and Syria and the inability of the international community to work together in finding a lasting solution in ending the Syrian conflict, the end of the migrant crisis is not near in sight.

‘…For the palpable desperation exhibited by migrants and the powerful images of small children and whole families, which prompted calls for Europe to ease its regulations for refugees fleeing war in their respective countries, “europe migration & immigration…” is my story of 2015.’

Champion of the year 2015: ‘Pope Francis’

There is no doubt that Pope Francis will feature somewhere on this list. The amiable 266th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is loved globally. In a recent poll in the US, Americans named the president as the man they admired most in 2015, while the runner-up was Pope Francis.  The Pope was also second place finisher on the list in 2013 and 2014. Throughout his public life, Pope Francis has been noted for his humility, emphasis on God’s mercy, concern for the poor, and commitment to interfaith dialogue. Shortly after his election, the Pope called for more interreligious dialogue as a way of “building bridges” and establishing “true links of friendship between all people. He is attributed to having a humble, less formal approach to the papacy than his predecessors, for instance choosing to reside in the Domus Sanctae Marthae guesthouse rather than in the papal apartments of the Apostolic Palace used by his predecessors. Surprisingly, on the night of his election, he took the bus back to his hotel with the cardinals, rather than be driven in the papal car.

In the course of the year, the Pope was extremely influential in mending decade’s old strained relations between Cuba and the US. In the month of May, the Pope met with Cuban leader, Raúl Castro. The success of the negotiations was widely credited to the Pope because as a religious leader with the confidence of both sides, he was able to convince the Obama and Castro administrations that the other side would live up to the deal. Also that same month, under the influence of the Pope, the Vatican signed a treaty recognizing the state of Palestine. The Pope met with Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, at the Vatican and expressed hope that peace talks could resume between Israel and Palestine.

However, the highlight of the year for me concerning the Pope was his visit to three African countries; Kenya, Uganda and the conflict-ravaged Central African Republic (CAR), in the month of November. His time in Kenya highlighted two of his personality traits we have come to know him for; humility and service to the less fortunate. During Mass he officiated in Nairobi, he unequivocally called on citizens to reach out to the downtrodden. He preached the sincere concern for the needs of the poor and reject everything that leads to prejudice and discrimination. In a lesson in humility, the Pope rode from the airport in a small gray Honda. Typical of African top officials, the Pope’s car was dwarfed by a convoy of SUVs and sleek Mercedes carrying Kenyan officials. As one observer rightly pointed out, his ride was the kind of car Kenya’s affluent would not even accept in the exclusive membership clubs or the leafy gated communities.

In an act of bravery, the Pope visited a Mosque in a Muslim neighborhood of the CAR’s capital that has been a flashpoint for violent clashes, continuing his message of religious tolerance and peace. The visit to the Mosque in Bangui’s was a powerful gesture in a country wracked with fierce ethno-religious violence in recent years. His visit to the country marked the first time in modern era a pope had set foot in an active conflict zone. The Pope further left everyone worldwide in awe as he could be seen undeterred, travelling in an open-topped pope-mobile and later mixing with crowds throughout the capital. In a glorious sight to behold in one of his visits to an internally displaced persons camp, home to about 3,000 people uprooted by the conflict, the Pope charismatically laid his hands on children’s heads in a gesture of blessing. “My wish for you and for all Central Africans is peace” he told them.

‘ …For a unique endearing quality he naturally possesses, his pure heart and good soul; and for his unending struggle to halt conflict and spread unity love and hope, for catching the imagination of the world beyond religious barriers, “Pope Francis…” is my champion of 2015.’

MVP of the year 2015: ‘Professor Attahiru Jega’

Without mincing words, Prof. Attaihiru Jega is undoubtedly a global MVP. His exceptional performance in the conduct of the 2015 general elections has garnered him accolades both nationally and abroad. In Attahiru Jega we found the hope of a New Nigeria. Everything we are celebrating today would have evaporated and disappeared into thin air but for the dogged daringness of Prof. Jega and his glorious team. During the campaigning for the general elections, Professor Jega faced fierce criticism from both the opposition and the ruling party. However, he maintained an apolitical stance and dully acted as an independent umpire he was appointed for.

His ingenuity was brought to fore with the birth of Permanent Voters’ Cards and the Card-readers, which to a large extent stemmed our infamous election malpractices. Those who thought they could rig themselves permanently into power couldn’t imagine what hit them with the introduction of the twin invention. By the time they understood the gravity of what was coming at them, they kicked vehemently against the introduction of this efficacious machinery and sought a return to the archaic status-quo of conducting elections. Pre and during the elections, it was a fact that the fate of Nigeria was hanging in the balance. Allegations about manipulations inundated the print, visual and social media. There was an overwhelming apprehension in almost every quarter of the country about the possible derailment of the elections. However, thanks to the likes of Professor Jega and his team, we managed to pull through.

The “oh no” moment came when the collation of results was ongoing. Nigerians watched in real time as Godswill Orubebe began vociferously challenging Prof. Jega, alleging the results of the APC was overinflated. He accused the former INEC boss of being partisan, in favour of the APC. Watching on TV, it seemed like Orubebe’s action was a cue for something foreboding. However, to everyone’s amazement and commendation, Professor Jega kept his cool and composure. He quietly listened to the ranting’s of Orubebe and calmly ushered him away from the spotlight. That in itself was one of the defining moments of the elections. The foreboding feeling most Nigerians felt began evaporating. The icing on the cake was when in a few hours’ time Nigerians learnt that the incumbent President had placed a phone call to the eventual winner of the presidential elections while collation was still going on. In realization and playback of what transpired during the elections, discerning Nigerians began attesting to the fact that Professor Jega had saved the day.

Indeed, the outgone chairman of INEC has made a deep, remarkably and favourable impression on the minds of many in Nigeria and beyond for his handling of the last general election.

‘…For making history where the world will recall that on the 28th of march 2015, under professor jega’s leadership, elections were conducted in what Nigerians and the world saw as free, fair and credible; for declaring an opposition candidate winner defeating an incumbent, a feat achieved in the first time of our history since independence, Professor Attahiru Jega is… my mvp for 2015’ 

Nigerian Governor of the year 2015: ‘Governor Nasir el-Rufai’

Like him or hate him, one can’t ignore Mallam Nasir El-Rufai. Duly elected as Governor of Kaduna state and sworn in on May 29, he literally hit the floor running. In his first town hall meeting about a month into his tenure, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai stated thus; “We are saddened by the condition in which we found the state. But we shall never use that as an excuse for non-performance. It is our duty to do our best always. That is why we are finding creative ways to deliver on our promises.” With this, he set the ball rolling in the pursuance of bringing about development, peace and stability to Kaduna state.

He has restructured the state ministries from 19 to 13, with 13 commissioners, 10 special advisers and 12 special assistants. Noteworthy, the previous administration had 24 commissioners, 41 special advisers and about 400 special assistants. As he rightly stated, “… good governance is not about recruiting vast numbers of political appointees. It is about the smallest number that can provide the quality of service that is required.”

In the early months of his administration, the Kaduna state government has begun a biometric verification policy of its employees, in order to update the payroll and provide reliable data as to the precise number of personnel in the public service. His administration has also set up a Tax Reform Committee chaired by Ifueko Omogui, former chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), to review the internal revenue generation structures, systems and laws of Kaduna state. The committee has been mandated to recommend ways by which the state can improve its internally generated revenue; thus, reducing the state’s dependency on the federal government. The El-Rufai government has also signed up to what is called “Open Budget” – a tool that enables the people of Kaduna state to track what the government is doing with their money.

The Kaduna State government further signed a Memorandum of Understanding with General Electric Healthcare to modernize its primary health centers and public hospitals. Both parties have committed to identifying the specific needs of the centers and hospitals, so that modern equipment can be installed to improve the diagnosis and management of patients. The government has also ordered the acceleration of work in the completion of the Zaria Water project by early 2018. The administration is also working on a project to upgrade the capacity to supply water to Kaduna residents through a new Kaduna Water Project. One of the administration’s first actions in office was to stop the unfair practice of allocating subsidized fertilizer to prominent persons to the detriment of ordinary farmers. The launch of the 2015 fertilizer sales season in Kachia had a clear structure that sells fertilizers to interested persons from designated sales point.

And while many political pundits see the insincerity and Machiavellian schemes of this Gollum-like imp imparts as part of his Napoleon Syndrome and a threat to the long term stability of APC due to his ‘alleged’ plotting and scheming for his main goal; the presidency in 2019, it would be ridiculous not to give him his fair due as the governor who seems to be out-performing all the other governors. Governor El-Rufai is well ahead of his peers. The former DG of the Bureau of Public Enterprises (the head privatization agency in Nigeria), the former Minister of the FCT, and now a current Governor, still has a lot of positive role to play in the development and advancement of making Kaduna great again.

‘…For his avant-guard policies and strategies to make kaduna great again and his unique ability to reinvent himself; for being the governor who is performing his duties as governor head and shoulders above the rest, “governor Nasir el-Rufai” is… Nigerian governor of the year 2015′

Douchebag of the year: ‘Tweedledum and Tweedledee, aka Donald Trump & Ben Carson’

On June 16, 2015, Donald Trump formally announced his candidacy for president in the 2016 US presidential election, seeking the nomination of the Republican Party. His early campaigning drew intense media coverage and garnered high levels of popular support and since July, he was consistently the front-runner in public opinion polls for the Republican Party nomination. His populist anti-illegal immigrant politics are a defining contrast with established Republican positions, earning him support among working class voters amid heavy and frequent controversies in the media. Trump’s immigration policy calls for deportation of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the US, and the erection of a substantial wall on the Mexico–United States border.

In an attempt at profiting from the burgeoning anti-Muslims emotions and growing Islamophobia, in his campaign speeches, he has consistently called for a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration. This has led to widespread notoriety and condemnation. In response to the 2015 San Bernardino shooting, he proposed a ban on Muslims entering the US. The proposal to ban Muslims drew wide criticism from sources both within the US and abroad, and from unusual sources, such as foreign leaders who normally do not get involved in US presidential campaigns, and leaders of Trump’s own party holding party positions that do not normally get involved in its own party’s presidential primary. Critics included British Prime Minister, David Cameron, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Canadian Foreign Minister Stéphane Dion, as well as the chairman of the Republican Party Reince Priebus, Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, and Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

A petition to block Trump from entry to the UK gained over 540,000 signatures, a record for the UK Government website. Members of Trump’s own party argued that a proposal banning members of a major world religion violated the party’s conservative values, the constitution’s first amendment, and the country’s core values. Critics pointed out that the proposal would result in the exclusion of many of the most important allies in the country’s war on terror; from interpreters helping the CIA to Jordan’s King Abdullah, and that it would bolster ISIL by furthering its narrative that the US is pitted against the Muslim faith. The US Pentagon has even issued a statement on Trumps vitriolic speeches stating that “anything that bolsters ISIL’s narrative and pits the US against the Muslim faith is certainly not only contrary to our values but contrary to our national security”. Thus, he has even become a threat to the national security of the US.

Recently, Trump has even been compared to Adolph Hitler. For instance, Trump like Hitler blamed a specific group of immigrants for all the problems facing the US (And promises to eliminate them from the US society).  While Trump is presently blaming the Mexicans in particular for the woes the US is facing, Hitler blamed the Jews. However, it is becoming likely that he would clinch his party’s presidential ticket. It means his speeches resonate amongst a huge number of Americans. Such speech is a classic ploy to sow divisiveness and generate fear. That his message finds a home at all both within and outside the US should be alarming. It is one thing to argue about immigration policies. It is a completely different thing to condemn an entire ethnic group

‘Ben Carson’

Benjamin Solomon Carson, the retired American neurosurgeon, is a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the US in the 2016 election. However, it’s been common recently to refer to the Republican first tier as Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Ben Carson. Carson is hanging on to the lowest rung of the top tier by his fingernails, and seems sure to fall soon. This is owing to his surprising limited knowledge of America’s foreign policy, international relations issues, and his lack of tactical politicking knowledge. In an interview with the Washington Post on the subject of religion, Carson said he does not believe in the Rapture, or in the reality of Hell. The campaign had some cleaning up to do with evangelicals after that one.

Thus far, Carson seems to be a candidate who appears unprepared for the policy challenges of a campaign, much less the White House? In questions about Carson’s depth on both foreign and national policy issues, people in his circle consistently declare him one of the smartest people, if not the smartest, they’ve ever known. That, of course, misses the point. Everyone recognizes Carson’s medical achievements. But there are plenty of smart people who aren’t prepared for the presidency. Carson appears to be one of them. Despite his many admirable qualities, Carson’s extraordinary venture into presidential politics is not likely to end well.

In a blunder that has sent his popularity to the cleaners, Carson in a November debate stated that “people in the CIA” told him that there is Chinese military involvement in the conflict in Syria. Talking about direct China intervention in Syria exposed his limited knowledge of international relations issues and a grave set-back for a presidential hopeful. Critics have castigated him on such an expensive blunder, stating that he has no business talking about foreign policy and impossible to imagine him making sense of all these issues over the course of a campaign cycle.

‘…for their reeking, pungent, repugnant diarrhea of the mouth, which echoes the islamaphobia, racism and bigotry that is in their ignorant and misinfrmed hearts; for showing that, knowing how to operate on a brain and having a brain are two totally different things, tweedledee & tweedledum, aka bevis & but-head, aka stoopid & stoopider, aka “donald trump & ben carson” are my… shameless douchebags of 2015’

Book of the year 2015: ‘Against all odds’

The book is a creative flashback, which articulates the journey of a fascinating patriot born to lead a nation towards positive change, the services he rendered to his country in various capacities, the challenge that saw him rise above incarceration, suspicion, defamation, persecution, to show the strength of character to be the change he desired for his country, the ideal upon which he built a movement that, once again, gave a people a reason to believe. It is the odyssey that defines the calling of General Muhammadu Buhari, GCFR from military leader, to head of state, to prisoner, as well as the long political struggle that saw him, against all odds, emerge as the 16th president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. While the book is not yet published or available to the public, it will be riveting and insightful reading when it does become available to the public early in 2016

‘…For its place in the history of Nigeria and the inside and in-house view of the full journey of Muhammadu Buhari, “against all odds…” is my book of 2015.’

Columnist of the year: ‘Chief Dele Momodu’ 

Chief Dele Momodu is not only a seasoned politician and prolific writer, he is also one of the figures who was ready to give his life in the pursuit of freedom for the citizens of Nigeria. Gone are the days when Mr Momodu had to be smuggled out of the country to save his life. Nigerians can enjoy the frank views of the former Presidential candidate, who took the beacon from the Late Great #NationalTreasure, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, in his weekly op-ed, ‘The Pendulum.’

His articles are informative, thought provoking, enjoyable and give a deep understanding into any of the topics he chooses to write on. He is passionate and this shows through in his writing. He is fearless and writes what needs to be written the way it should be written. He is one of Nigeria’s most brilliant writers and I find his style of writing quite refreshing and incredible. He is one of the Kings of Masterpiece writers in Nigeria.

‘…For his column’s passion, zeal, ambition and thought provoking quality, for his courage in writing about the topics that others shy away from… “Chief Dele Momodu…” is my columnist of 2015.’

Article of the year; Emmanuel Uchenna Ugwu’s collection of articles:

My favorite article of the year are numerous and were mostly written by the same person, Emmanuel Uchenna Ugwu. Mr Emmanuel chose to write on topics that were timely. He is an extremely prolific writer and I was always engaged with his writing from start to finish. He is a concise and fearless writer; one of Nigeria’s finest. I was unable to pick one of his brilliantly written articles as my favorite article because there were so many good ones. But I know that, if I were to choose my favorite article of 2015, it would be amongst his. I hope he gets the widespread recognition that he deserves. Mr. Emmanuel’s articles and links to them can be accessed through @emmaugwutheman or

‘…For His Candid Approach In Articulating Topics In A Brilliantly Prolific Manner, “Emmanuel Uchenna Ugwu’s Collection Of Articles” Are… My Articles Of 2015.’


On 24 September 2015, a crowd collapse caused the deaths of over 2,200 pilgrims who were suffocated or crushed during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mina, Mecca, making it the deadliest Hajj disaster in history. While the official death toll from the government of Saudi Arabia remains unchanged since two days after the incident with 769 reported killed and 934 others injured, estimates of the number of dead varies till this day. The incident happened in Mina at the intersection of streets 204 and 223 leading up to Jamaraat Bridge. While the cause of the incident is still disputed, the disaster has inflamed tensions between regional rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran, which were already raised due to the wider turmoil in the Middle East, such as the Syrian Civil War and Yemeni Civil War.

With regards to the casualties from Nigeria and as the last count, the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has said that the number of Nigerians confirmed dead in the stampede to 173 after some of those earlier declared missing were identified among the corpses in the hospitals. Sokoto tops the list of states with the highest casualties from Nigeria with majority being females. Notable Nigerians who lost their lives were: Adeola Maurufudeen Adefolabi, from Lagos. He was a one term honourable member representing Ifako-Ijaiye in the lower chamber of the National Assembly and former chairman of Ifako Ijaiye and Ojokoro Local Government Areas. Also, Tijani El-Miskin who was a professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Maiduguri and Chairman of the Borno State Pilgrims Board. In addition, Hajiya Bilkisu Yusuf, the first female editor from the northern part of Nigeria, and Abdulkadir Jega, brother to Attaihiru Jega former INEC chairman was also amongst the dead.

‘…For The Sad Heartbreaking Horror Of Being Stamppled To Death, Against The Backdrop Of Dying A Death For Allah (Shahada), “The Hajj Stampede And Deaths” Double As… The Worst & Best Headline News Of 2015.’



My favorite article this year was a piece that I wrote to my mom on Mother’s day called, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO THE BEST MOM IN THE UNIVERSE! While I acknowledge what an amazing person my mother is on a daily basis, it is not every day I get to share this with the world. I know that I am extremely lucky to have a mother like mine and I wanted to share that on Mothers Day in my article. She inspires me so much and continues to always be there for all her children and everyone she knows. I couldn’t be more grateful to have her in my life and have the privilege to call her Mom! She always encourages me, stands by my side to direct me and teaches me life lessons, even in my adulthood. I will be forever grateful to her for everything and I put my feelings about my Mother in an article. Today, on my mom’s special day, I thought I would share those lessons with you so you could benefit from my mom’s wisdom. She is the best and most kindhearted person  know.

‘…For The Beautiful Heart And Soul That My Mother Has And My Privilege Of Being Able To Put That Into An Article, “Happy Mother’s Day To The Best Mom In The Universe…” Is My Write-Up Choice Of 2015.’


I confess… I am one of those nerds and geeks who waited with abated breath for next instillation of Star Wars to be released. I have been a huge Star Wars fan since its inception. After watching The Force Awakens, I highly recommend for fans and those who love a good epic movie to watch it. For those who are yet to see it, I will try to remain Spoiler free in summing up the plot. So, in my opinion, the movie was very enjoyable and fun…“Yeeessss, the empire is not completely destroyed! There is the first order, which is making trouble for a struggling Republic run by General Laya.  She has a plan that involves trying to find Luke Skywalker.”

Now that I’m done with the summary, I will say that the movie had a mixture of humor, emotion, suspense and thriller making for an enjoyable, interesting, compelling and fun picture. The actors were very charismatic and the chemistry between them felt authentic. The mixture of the old and new cast members was done cleverly. It was extremely exciting and refreshing to see the old cast return. The nostalgia completely got a hold of me and I felt the ‘force with me.’ Yes, the force was with me all the way through.

I liked the casting choice and the actors made a good impression on me. I found myself invested in the characters and am optimistic to explore their stories in the next installment.

The directors did a great job of harmonizing aspects of the original trilogy with this installment in a way that didn’t make it come across repetitive or stale. Features of the old trilogy, playing against the framework of the special effects available today was brilliant.

The cinematography was absolutely gorgeous. From the images, the characters, the themes, the dialogues to the landscapes, the camera angles, the special effects and the CGI were done very well, for the most part.

I love everything Star Wars and was not disappointed with this movie. I can’t wait for the next installment of this epic.

‘.…For ‘Just’ Being A Figment Of The Creatively Imagination Of The Genius’s Behind The Star Wars Series, Completely Obliterating The Box Office And Thoroughly Entertaining Me, “Star Wars, The Force Awakens” Is… My Movie Of 2015’


I am not sure why I continue to include this category in my PERSON OF THE YEAR edition because as long as The Walking Dead is on air, chances are, it will always win Best-Show-of-The-Year. It would take a phenomenally well-written show, such as Breaking Bad, Prison Break, Dexter to knock The Walking Dead off its top spot.

The Walking Dead is a post-apocalyptic horror-drama TV show based on a comic book series about a small group trying to survive in a world dominated by flesh-eating Zombies and hostile human survivors. The sixth season returned to TV earlier in the year with groundbreaking ratings and reviews. The season started with an astronomical horde of zombies and the 8 episodes shown so far take place over the span of a few days. It came with excitement and heart wrenching horror. It managed to completely emotionally overwhelm and drain me when one of the fan favorites was shown being chomped by a herd of Walkers (Zombies). The mid-season finale left viewers on a completely horrifying cliffhanger, which will not be revealed till February 14th 2016. I am completely invested in The Walking Dead can watch it over and over again.

‘…For The Adrenaline-Rush And The Emotional Drain Filled With Suspense The Show Provides, And My Morbid Obsession With Anything Zombie-Movie, “The Walking Dead Is…” My Show Of 2014.’


It’s not hard to see why this clip is my favorite of 2015. During a dance recital at her school, little Johanna displayed the sass and attitude that legends are made of. Johanna reminds me of myself because this is the sort of confidence I possessed as a child. Much to the delight of her father who was filming the clip and can be heard screaming for joy, Johanna owned her confidence. Watching her put her sass, confidence and a sprinkle of the Aretha Franklin attitude to the test, is just too adorable. It honestly takes a certain kind of confidence to get up in front of an audience and dance the way Johanna did to one of the most inexhaustible classics of all time.

“…For Having More Attitude, Confidence And Pizzazz On Stage Than Most People Could Even Dream Of, Cute And Adorable Little Johanna’s Recital, “‪Johanna Channeling Aretha Franklin…” is My Video Clip Of 2015.”


‪@wethedoctors ‪@doctorokey ‪@drjulz_o ‪@drwalaria


I recently came across an innovation for public health program, which features a panel of doctors discussing a variety of health topics. The program is televised on Cool TV Nigeria. Apart from the fact that some of the doctors on the panel literally helped save my life, I have been drawn to the show for its progressive set up and for the simple fact that I learn a lot just by watching the show. In each show, a medical topic is picked and comprehensively discussed. The doctors give medical guidance in a way that anyone watching the show would comprehend and answer questions sent in from viewers. They provide options and solutions for every topic they cover. They raise issues at the forefront of general health concerns and also invite guest specialists to weigh in on the specific topic of the day. Watching the doctors speak on TV is insightful and is actually almost as if they are speaking individually to the viewer from across the screen.

‘…For Bringing A Pioneering Medical Show Which Speaks Directly To The Public, For Breaking Down Medical Indices In A Format That Anybody Can Understand And For Having On The Panel Doctors That Literally Saved My Life, “We The Doctors…” is My Golden Pot Of Hanneyz Honneyz Of 2015.’ 


2015 was a year of extreme high and extreme lows for me and my choices for Songs of the year reflect this.

The first song that I would choose as my best song of 2015 is ‘Fight Song by Rachel Platen. Fight Song is one of those personal empowerment anthems with the power to motivate, be hopeful, inspired and uplifted. No matter how bad the challenges of any person, there is always a way out, and this beautiful song reminds one of that. It is about overcoming obstacles and not giving up. It also has a hopeful, optimistic tone, which reverberated so well with me. I loved Fight Song and found it to be an extremely strong and powerful song that invoked powerful emotions within me.

‘…For Rhythmically Relaying Its Key Message Of Hope And To Never Give Up, For Urging Us To Persevere And Letting Us Know That, No Matter What Happens, No One Can Ever Take Away One’s Right To Fight, “Fight Song By Rachel Platen…” is My Song Of The Year 2015.


Following closely behind Fight Song as my Song Of The Year is Uptown Funk By Mark Ronson Featuring Bruno Mars.’

While this song is not quite as good as the original classic funk music, the absolutely catchy funk is a lot of fun. Those close to me know that I love music that I can dance to. And while my Breakdance and Electric Boogaloo days may be over, I still dance to this song whenever I hear it. I’ve already mastered the dance moves to Uptown Funk to the horror of my children.

The structure of this song is fantastic. A Guitarist that produces an awesomely effective rhythm, with a brilliant base line, was always likely to work. On this song it worked, together with the over the top bounce to the music. When I hear Uptown Funk, it makes me feel as if I am the coolest person in the world. I also loved the video because I found it comical. Both Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars hit the nail on the head with this one.

‘…For The Song’s Ability To Make Me Feel Cool Again And Do The Electric-Boogy-On-Down Like It Was The 1980’s, “Uptown Funk By Mark Ronson Featuring Bruno Mars…” is my first runner-up song of 2014.’

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