
Purpose entranceway

Beneath the surface, Jesus was not handed over to those who crucified him by Judas but by God’s deliberate plan. Nothing happened to the man Jesus outside of God’s plan for him (Acts 2:23). The Bible calls it God’s deliberate plan. Confess with me, God’s plan for my life is deliberate.

And in Acts 13:36, the Bible says this about David “Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep, he was buried with his ancestors and his body decayed.” It means David did not die till he finished. Say with me, I am not permitted to die till I finish serving God’s purpose for my life in my own generation.

David and Jesus lived according to God’s plans for their lives. You too must live according to God’s plan for your life. This is important, so you do not die without unraveling the reason God has sent you to the earth let alone following hard after it. This is why this article is very important. In this article, I am showing you how you can come into purpose and God’s deliberate plan for your life, business and ministry.

I want to start by saying to you that if it is self-centric, then it is not God’s plan or purpose for you. When you read through the Bible, everyone who served God’s purpose and finished never served self. Infact, they stepped out of self to fulfill God’s plans for their lives. May you not spend all your life serving self, thinking you are serving God’s purpose or plan for your life!


You will build houses, buy cars, land great jobs and contracts, but that’s not God’s plan for your life. Unfortunately, that’s all what many people have lived and died for. But that’s not what the early disciples and apostles lived and died for. That’s not what David spent his whole life doing. Money and what money can buy are tools that can be used to serve God’s plan.

How do you enter into God’s plan for your life? The foundation is to first be with Jesus, “Then He appointed twelve (12), that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach (Mark 3:14). Once this foundation is faulty; then forget about the edifice of purpose. This is the first purpose entranceway. This is your first calling and appointment. Your first calling is not to preach. Your first calling is not business. Your first calling is not your career. Your first calling is being with Jesus. God’s purpose for your life will flow out of your being with Jesus.

It is in the presence of Jesus that flesh dies. That’s where the stone of your life is smoothened, for without this, you cannot become a giant-killer. He cannot send you on any errand when you have not being with Him. Many are preaching junks today because they have missed their first appointment and ministry: being with Jesus. There are too many carnal things in ministry today because many of us missed the real and first appointment: being with Jesus.


Now, many have been waiting idly and praying in futility for years to locate God’s plans for them. They do not know how to come into God’s deliberate plan and purpose for their lives. This is the secret the Lord showed me: locating God’s plan for your life begins with doing whatever is delegated and assigned to you—with all your heart and might (Ecclesiastes 9:10). God’s plan and purpose for you may be to be an apostle but your entranceway may be by being a dedicated, committed and faithful prayer-band member. It is while you are serving as a prayer-band member that you will enter into God’s deliberate plan for you.

Take for instance; I didn’t enter into God’s purpose for my life overnight. I have faithfully washed people’s cars with all my heart and might; I have carried bags and bibles for people. I have served as a prayer band member. I have served in the Sunday school unit. I have served in the media unit. I have served in the evangelical unit. I have served as a missionary, living in an uncompleted building far away from civilization. I even acted in a drama once. I have gone to pick preachers at their varied homes, paddling them to church. I have served as a PA. I have helped preachers publish their books!

Luke 16:12 says: “And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you, what is your own?” Your entry into purpose is you being faithful in another man’s, because if you are not faithful in another man’s, you cannot have access to yours. Whatever has been committed into your hand, do it faithfully with joy and with all your heart and might, because that’s your purpose entryway.

How did Saul in the Bible enter into God’s plan for him? He was at the beck and call of his father. He served his father faithfully. He found purpose while pursuing what you call an insignificant assignment, looking for lost animals. How did David find purpose? By serving his father, too! How about Joseph? Same pattern. How about early disciples of the man Jesus? Same pattern. How about Joshua? He excelled in Moses’ purpose and that was his entranceway into God’s deliberate plan for him.


Lastly, how about Elisha? His entryway into the prophetic was Elijah. How about contemporary Christian leaders? How did Jerry Shavelle enter into God’s deliberate plan and purpose for his life and ministry? He was a parker for Kenneth Copeland and was also helping him to record his messages. How about Joel Osteen? He was recording for his dad too before entering into God’s purpose for his life. I can go on and on. After laying the foundation of being with Jesus, the next is for you to start running faithfully with whatever has been committed into your hand, because it is your entryway into purpose.

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