
THE QUESTION: Will Obasanjo, Adeboye, Oyedepo work for Jonathan’s re-election?

When Muhammadu Buhari, former head of state and a retired general, was elected the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in December, the opposition party took a massive leap forward in its bid to wrest power from President Goodluck Jonathan.

Then everybody waited with baited breath on who Buhari’s running mate was going to be. A Muslim-Muslim ticket would have been hard to market but if the candidate was going to come from the south-west, the political heavyweights are mostly Muslims.

Yemi Osinbajo, a professor of law, pastor and former Lagos commissioner, came to the rescue. He got the nod, and the initial reaction was that he is a political lightweight. But a few days of media marketing soon roused public enthusiasm, and the Buhari-Osinbajo ticket suddenly became a bestseller.

Ever since, it has been an upward swing for APC, with the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Jonathan playing catch-up. Jonathan could not have had it so scary. Social media was awash with reports that the Redeemed Christian Church of God, probably the second biggest Christian denomination in Nigeria, had endorsed the Buhari-Osinbajo. After all, Osinbajo is a pastor in the Redeemed Church.


Buhari, whose ambition had been very difficult to market to the south as well as to Christians, began to gain ground in the southern part of the country. The Christian clergy were getting more comfortable with him. Ejike Mbaka, a popular Catholic priest in the south-east, specifically campaigned for Buhari. Sunday Adelaja, a Ukraine-based Nigerian pastor reputed to have the largest church in Europe, has also endorsed Buhari on the account of his pastor friend, Osinbajo.

Jonathan fights back

If you expected Jonathan to fold his arms and then wave Aso Rock goodbye, you made the wrong assumption. He has been on the counteroffensive, flagging off his campaign in Lagos on January 8 in what could be described as an impressive outing in front of an impressive crowd — at least, to his supporters. He has also fought back at APC’s characterisations of him. On his own, he launched rare attacks at Buhari and APC, at some point saying his opponent, who is 72, does not even know his own phone number.


But by far the biggest step taken by the president is his meeting with his adversary and benefactor, former President Olusegun Obasanjo, at his home in Abeokuta, Ogun state, on Monday evening. Even more significant is the presence of Enoch Adeboye, the general overseer of the Redeemed Church, once listed among TIME magazine’s most influential persons in the world. Also present was David Oyedepo, who leads the Living Faith Ministry, another big church.

Contrary to the belief that the choice of Osinbajo would get the endorsement of Adeboye, the church had denied the tweet which was probably posted by an enthusiast. The official position is that the church does not play politics and will not endorse any candidate. But among the church hierarchy, the word is that the election is between Jonathan and Buhari, not between Jonathan and Osinbajo.

Obasanjo, meanwhile, has done enough damage to Jonathan to last him a lifetime. He has openly attacked the president viciously. His trilogy, “My Watch”, is still in the cooler following a court order. It contains some of the most damaging assessments of Jonathan any human being could offer. Clearly, Obasanjo is opposed to Jonathan and a second term bid.

However, the option for Obasanjo is Buhari — his archrival since 2003. Contrary to widely circulated messages on social media that the former president had endorsed Buhari “even if he is going to jail me”, he has not officially pitched his camp anywhere. He continues to say he would remain in PDP and would not defect, while PDP chieftains, including Adamu Mua’zu, the party chairman, are hopeful that Obasanjo would not work against the party.


Obasanjo, TheCable understands, has been pulling the strings behind the scene for Buhari, encouraging his loyalists to work for him. But he has not made a definite commitment. This can be interpreted in two ways. The first is that he does not want to be seen to be openly working against the PDP; after all, his professed problem is with Jonathan. The second interpretation is that being Obasanjo, he is holding out for a deal.

In 2011, according to Nasir el-Rufai, minister of FCT in Obasanjo’s government, the former president called a few of his loyalists together and asked them to work for Buhari against Jonathan. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala was to be drafted in as Buhari’s running mate. Recounting the story in his book, “Accidental Public Servant”, el-Rufai said as soon as PDP gave the controversial Ogun west senatorial ticket to Obasanjo’s daughter, Iyabo, Obasanjo backed out of the deal.

In Jonathan’s camp, therefore, there is optimism that Obasanjo is still “available”. Their prayer is that at least if he won’t campaign for Jonathan, he should stop campaigning against him. Obasanjo’s primary grouse is believed to be because of the prominent role being played in the south-west PDP by his “enemies” — Buruji Kashamu, the mobilisation committee chairman, and Ayo Fasoye, governor of Ekiti state. Both of them, who used to be his associates, have been attacking him.

Monday’s meeting in Abeokuta was at the instance of Jonathan, who, TheCable learnt, enlisted the support of Adeboye and Oyedepo to help talk to Obasanjo to sheathe his sword. It is one of those meetings where nothing filters out. Journalists were not briefed. All queries were deflected. No statement will be issued. It was classified as “private meeting”.


Nevertheless, one fact is emerging: Jonathan has not been cast aside by the two prominent Christian leaders. They may not guarantee him re-election, but they are not going to do an Mbaka or Adelaja either. As for Obasanjo, the guessing game continues.

  1. If God says Jonathan will win, who is Obasanjo to work against him? The ways of God are not the ways of men. Obasanjo should go and rest and leave Jona alone. Obasanjo should be working for the peace and unity of Nigeria and Nigerians instead of harassing GEJ. ONLY GOD HAS THE FINAL SAY AND WILL DETERMINE WHO WILL WIN THE ELECTION.

  2. People who understand politics predicted this; that the best OBJ will do is to speak less but not to come out and support GEJ. Don’t forget that he does not forgive.

  3. Redeemed Christian Church of God is the largest christian denomination in the Nigeria.The church has not endorsed anybody and for the two respected men of God to mediate in a dispute is between the two most powerful men in the country today does not imply that they are in support of any candidate.I also believe that Obasanjo meeting with Jonathan was because of his respect for Pastor Adeboye and Bishop Oyedepo as he has rebuffed all entreaties to meet with uncle Jona of the saying goes,time shall tell.

    1. Liar, please don’t write what you know. Who told you rccg is the largest Christian denomination in Nigeria? The catholic church is the largest.

  4. Lovely piece. Its better that our church leaders remain neutral as a church but guide the congregation in making the right choice of vote based on truth and competence not their personal financial gains. Still praying and looking out for the right candidate to come up for elecion. God help us!

  5. its ok that high powered men of GOD were called to wade into the fued. i hope we have seen the end of the tussle.

  6. The men of God are peacemakers. It is their responsibility to ensure peace. Blessed are the peacemakers. They however will never be partisan. To endorse Jonathan or anyone else, I don’t think these revered men of God would do so.

  7. At last, some people who had wanted dragging the name of RCCG and what it stands for into the mud have their face to cover with shame. RCCG vision and mission is to witness Christ to all and not to be used for some ambitious individuals to surreptitiously crawl into political arena thinking that will automatically earn them the lock vote of all RCCG members. Let somebody shout Halleluyah

  8. The most important thing about this election personally, is for the election to be FREE, FAIR and PEACEFUL. Let the will of the electorate and Nigerians be respected. This should be the prayer of everyone, most especially the men of God. Let candidates be evaluated not on religious sentiments but their ability to deliver good governance . Let everyone critically evaluate GEJ and Buhari and decide who is likely to move Nigeria forward. Let not forget that running mates in Nigeria power equation are essentially irrelevant. Osinbajo does not confine any advantage in making Buhari a better candidate. The decision should be based on GEJ and Buhari abilities pure and simple.

    Regarding OBJ, my advice to baba OBJ will be for him not to work against any candidate if he has the genuine interest of Nigeria at heart. He should allow the will of people of Nigeria to prevail. No one should interfere in anyway with the election results. The election should not be seen as opportunity to negotiate for any personal interest by any well-meaning Nigerian both small or great.

    Fr. Mbaka, baba Adeboye and every honourable men of God should pray for a free, fair and peaceful election and for Boko Haram and it’s supporters to be defeated in Nigeria. These are the greatest threats facing Nigeria today . God bless Nigeria.


  10. Insecurity is the major challenge facing Nigeria, but the greatest challenge now is the economy, as the price of oil continues to slide. Who is the president that will be able to transit from oil as mainstay of the economy to other sources of revenue to the federal government? There is political angle to the Boko Haram insurgency despite all the denials. whoever wins will witness a slow in the activities of the sect. If Buhari wins the political angle of the insurgency will wane. If Jonathan wins it will also wane because being in his last tenure there is no need to threaten him anymore. He has taken the bold step to recontest despite the threats and the killing of innocent Nigerians.But who will manage the economy better. If Jonathan wins and the oil price continues to slide and things become tougher, the spate of criticism will continue, but if Buhari wins and there is no enough money for his government to carry out his campaign promises, Nigerians will become highly disappointed and they will begin to long for the government they have jettisoned. Like the temperament of the Roman mob, Nigerians will never understand that the dwindling economy started before Buhari take-over of government. But none of the candidates has any lofty strategy to rebuild the economy.

  11. If it happened that the north had the strategy to hurt itself with this trouble so that they can gain power, don’t you think you are deceived like eve to eat from the forbidden fruit.we are fighting a spiritual war open ur eyes Nigeria.

  12. Obasanjo has only one vote to cast. Why is Jonathan hell bent on this one vote. If he had done well, such endorsement should have been unnecessary.

    1. Thank you, for your perceptive comment. Did he not virtually call OBJ a tout when castigating him before some elders’ meeting this past week? It demonstrates the obvious: that he is, above all else, fixated on remaining in power, Boko Haram and Chibok girls be dammed.

    2. You don’t understand Nigeria politics at all. OBJ is one of those who hand pick him to become deputy president at first instance. And second, when he was in crisis of Yaradua Obj stood by him..then what do you expect now. Does Mr President know Nigeria at all and all his so call adviser are fake, all their campaign managers are just collecting money from him because they have study him that he doesn’t know Nigerian

  13. For Nigeria, the will of God shall be done.
    Let the politicians speak to facts and address the challenges that have prevented the deserved peace for the common men. I support a change. Six years is enough to demonstrate ability. However, where this is not so, there is probably no hope that anything will be done within 4 years. We should all pray in the interest of the future. Clearly, Nigerians deserve better governance.

  14. As Simon will well remember, one of the things we were taught in Mass Communication is the ” publish and be damned” sword that hangs on the head of journalists who are totally committed to factual journalism particularly when writing about or reporting matters that concern the powers that be in the land. As it is for journalists, so it is for men of God. The way politics are run in Nigeria does not make it easy for men of God to freely and frankly speak their mind. Reverend Sunday Adelaja was free to publicly support the ticket that has his friend on it because he has not a single church in Nigeria. For Rev. Mbaka, his televised prayers and anointing of the hands of DAME Jonathan speaks volume. Papa ADEBOYE and Oyedepo played their roles as Peace Makers not politicians. But I fervently pray for a Nigeria where Pastors or Imams will publicly speak their minds or the mind of God about candidates without having to answer to the eventual winner one way or the other. In the United States, Pastor John Hagee can freely speak against any democrat president without being afraid that his church will be systematically destroyed by the agents of government or be accused of planning to hack the President’s website or that of some security outfits. As for Nigerians, may we become politically matured that we focus on qualities and performance of candidates / the true interest of Nigeria instead of religion, ethnicity or what we are benefitting personally.

  15. The both contestants are humans and therefore, no human is perfect. We can’t categorically tell who will save our country Nigeria from the present catacratism. Therefore, my only prayer is for God Almighty to give us a suitable leader for a better Nigeria. Let the will of God rule.

  16. I believe everyone have their own perspective of seeing and analysing issues,as4 me Gej is trying to tighten up possible loose ends and trying to make peace with his old allies nd at the same keeping his enemies closer as it is said in politics no permanent frends or foes only permanent interest.On the other hand, I Keenly watched a documentary of Buhari’s military govt nd followed it up with his campaign speeches nd my submission is that You can’t teach an Old dog new tricks neither can a leopard change it’s sports..Nigerians be wise

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