
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Carbon emissions gas flaring Carbon emissions gas flaring

Ikechukwu Ekeanyanwu Ogala

The world is becoming hotter every day. This is because of greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gasses are gasses that trap heat in the atmosphere. They include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane. Carbon monoxide is produced by incomplete combustion – this occurs when things burn in low oxygen levels. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, is produced complete combustion-this occurs when things burn in normal oxygen levels. And methane is produced in cow farts and fertilizers.

Greenhouse gasses trap sunlight and heat in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gas emissions increase the number of greenhouse gasses, making it harder for light and heat to escape into space. The heat getting trapped along with the heat entering would make it hotter every day (And I don’t think the world would like being a frying pan).

To reduce emissions, use less electricity. This will decrease both carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emissions. You could spend time reading books and fixing puzzles instead of watching television and playing video games. Instead of electric fans and air conditioners, you could use hand fans or open windows. Instead of using AI to teach languages, you could get a tutor. Your tutor could even become a friend! Also, turn off the lights when there is nobody in a room. And never charge your devices when they’re 100%.

Greenhouse gasses have always existed but now, thanks to our emissions, there are more than ever. If we don’t stop emitting, our world will turn into a desert. There would be little to no water. As plants die out, the rest of the food chain would slowly start dying. Eventually, every living thing would die out.


The world is in danger and we are the only ones who can save it. A solution arrives in the shape of solar energy and wind. Light and wind can create electricity. Switching to renewable energy could save the world. People are already switching to renewable energy. You can be one of them. Fight for our planet. Fight for renewable energy. The world is counting on you and me. 

Renewable energy is emission-free and does not run out. The wind is one kind of renewable energy. Every day wind generates enough energy to produce 35 times more electricity than humans need. Windmills change the wind’s kinetic energy to rotational energy. 

The rotational energy powers a generator. Windmills only work in the wind. As there is more wind the higher up you go, most windmills are very tall. Most windmills can power 750 houses on their own.


Another form of renewable energy is solar energy. Solar energy is the most abundant type of energy. Solar panels are made from silicon. Silicon atoms are connected by bonds. These atoms are divided into two halves. The N half and the P half. The N half has electrons while the P half doesn’t. The N side is negatively charged while the P half is positively charged. Electrons do electrical work then go back where they came from.

Together, wind and solar energy could power the world. However, there are some problems. Wind and solar energy take up a lot of space. They only work in certain circumstances. Windmills only work in the wind so when the wind stops, they are useless. Also, solar panels are less effective in cloudy areas. However, windmills and solar panels are being upgraded and getting more effective. In the not so far away future, renewable energy will likely become one of the best choices of energy.

Ikechukwu Ekeanyanwu Ogala is a seven-year-old budding writer with a keen interest in science. He can be reached via [email protected]


  1. Nice One Ikechuckwu. We really need to look into saving and protecting our planet. The earlier we do this the better for all of us.

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