
Saraki: We lost weight over 2016 budget

Senate President Bukola Saraki has joked that members of both the legislative and executive arms of government “lost some weight” over the 2016 budget.

Controversy had trailed the budget since it was submitted in December 2015, with allegations of padding, faking and omissions dogging its passage.

When it was finally passed in March 2016, President Muhammadu Buhari withheld his assent over some areas of disagreement.

On Friday, while thanking  those who worked to make the budget a reality after the signing, Saraki said: “In the process, on a lighter side, I think a lot of officials on the sides of the executive and legislature lost some weight.


“Though it was not planned but I think it was a good thing as well because we have officials who are more fit here.

“On a serious note, I think we have shown again that despite the challenges, we can work together as a government that has the interest of the people that have put us here at heart.

“We should look at the good side more and forge ahead.


“The most important part after the signing, of course, is the implementation, to ensure that the benefits of Nigerians who waited are met.

“Just yesterday, a man in quarry business told me that just because of the information that the president might sign, there has been activity.

“They don’t know what is in the budget but activity has picked up, so you can see the interest of our people.

“So it is the responsibility of all of us to ensure implementation.  It is our role to ensure that we follow the money and ensure that the document signed is fully implemented and Nigerians can benefit.”


He promised that the national assembly will monitor the implementation of the budget.

“I want to assure Nigerians that from the comment from the mouth of the president our commitment is to see that the budget is  implemented, is not just the assent is now the implementation, that is when Nigerians will begin to see the benefits,” he said.

“Like I said let’s focus on the good part and play less on the controversy, that is behind us now and I want to assure Nigerians that the benefit expected from this budget is implemented.”

Saraki promised that the 2017 budget will not be controversial.


“The process will start early. Don’t forget the fact that the government only came in May of last year. We have a long time now to prepare, the government is in place, the new appointments and those in national assembly are in place, I’m sure it will not be like this‎,” he said.

  1. Common problems in implementing the budget?
    #Funds diverted to unauthorized purposes or private accounts (corruption).
    #Significant areas which are not included in financial statements that requires attention in the current budget execution. (diversion)
    #Significant discrepancy between actual and reported expenditure for certain activities.
    This is just a few: The Senate President is right when he mentioned that it is the responsibility of the both arms of legislators to monitor proper implementation process by the executive arm and its agencies. This is to ensure that the people governed benefit fully from the dividend of democracy. Its been a long and groaning wait by the people of Nigeria.

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