
YOUR SAY: Should lawyers defend looters?

File photo of lawyers

President Muhammadu Buhari has implored Nigerian lawyers to join him in his anti-corruption crude, imploring them not to sacrifice the integrity of the judicial system because of lucrative briefs.

It is the opinion of many that people accused of corruption engage lawyers who they know can help frustrate the course of justice and that is a major reason many former public officers hardly get convicted. It is not just that the lawyers are smart and exploit legal loopholes, they also know how to “get across” to the judges to pervert justice.

Some will say lawyers should make it a matter of principle not to defend treasury looters, but many will disagree and argue that not only are accused persons presumed innocent until proven guilty, even the devil deserves fair hearing. Another angle to the argument is that if the prosecution does a good job, the lawyers will not be able to frustrate the trials.

What do you think? Should lawyers avoid corruption trials in the name of morality? Or should they defend accused persons no matter the gravity of the case against them?


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  1. The term “looter” is wrong and unprofessional in news headline because it presupposes guilt before trial. They are suspected or alleged looters until convicted by a court of law. TheCable should rise above this media trial and lynching. As passionate as we all are to fight corruption, we must respect the bounds of civility and rule of law. This is a democracy.

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