
Senate confirms nominees for downstream authority

The Nigerian senate on projects The Nigerian senate on projects

The senate has confirmed President Muhammadu Buhari’s nominees for the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority.

The upper legislative chamber confirmed the nominees after Mohammed Sabo, chairman of the committee on petroleum resources (downstream), presented a report on Thursday.

The confirmed nominees are; Idaere Ogan (chairman), Farouk Ahmed (chief executive officer), Abiodun Adeniyi (executive director, finance and accounts) and Ogbugo Ukoha (executive director, distribution systems, storage).

While presenting his report on the floor of the senate, Sabo said the nominees met the requirements expected of them, adding that there were no petitions against them.


“During our interaction with them, they showed the capacity to hold public office,” Sabo said.

No senator had an objection to the nominations.

Speaking after the confirmation, Senate President Ahmad Lawan said the nomination is a step at repositioning the oil and gas sector.


“This is one important step taken. They are well primed, and time is of the essence,” Lawan said.

“They need to be selfless, we also need our oil and gas committees to be more active.”

The midstream and downstream authority is a creation of the recently enacted Petroleum Industry Act (PIA).

Meanwhile, President Buhari will lay before the joint session of the national assembly the 2022 budget proposals.

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