
Seyi Tinubu: A son’s quest for glory

Seyi Tinubu, son of President Bola Tinubu Seyi Tinubu, son of President Bola Tinubu
Seyi Tinubu

Hector of Troy, a prince upon whose shoulders his father Priam’s hopes rested, bore a heavy burden, as the people placed their trust in him. He led with passion, commanded the army, and defended his homeland with unwavering valor. In the course of his service, Fate would pit him against Achilles, perhaps the greatest warrior of all time, leaving the Trojan with an immortal legacy etched in the annals of Greek mythology.

In the northernmost reaches of Nigeria, the rare exploits of the nation’s first Son during the sacred Ramadan season have stirred a chorus of mixed reactions. He extended a hand of generosity through the “Renewed Hope Youth Engagement” (RHYE) program, offering sustenance to fasting Muslims and ensuring that the deprived find provisions to quench their thirst. As is often the case with public figures, his actions have sparked both champions and critics. Supporters proclaim that he is charting a course no other first Son has stooped to traverse, singing praises of a heart as vast as the endless skies. They speak of his kindness, asserting that he embodies compassion in its purest form. Those who have walked closely beside him exalt his actions, bearing witness and scoring him favourably for his remarkable interventions.

Amidst the applause, critics murmur scepticism, claiming his deeds are merely a means to an end—an intricate strategy in the grand theatre of politics, aimed at paving the way for his own ambitions. To them, he is not breaking new ground; rather, he navigates a familiar path, driven by the desire to ascend from his father’s shadow.

Yet history remains an unyielding arbiter, offering no favouritism. It recounts its tales with stark honesty, undeterred by attempts to revise its narratives. The undeniable truth is that Nigeria has never witnessed the son of its President venture into the field to engage directly in charitable deeds as Seyi Tinubu has during this holy month. Let us give to Caesar what is Caesar’s.


In a world that often harbours disdain for those born with silver spoons, we must not allow our hunger to cloud our judgment. He has ventured into the field, choosing not to delegate the Ramadan program to agents who might compromise its integrity. His humility in direct participation, traveling across numerous states, stands in stark contrast to the lethargy often exhibited by leaders who hide beneath the umbrella of delegations.

At the heart of this unfolding narrative lies a profound realization: Providence has bestowed upon him a golden opportunity to reach for inimitable glory. Will he seize it? Seemingly positioned as a true “daddy’s boy,” with the trust and backing of Mr. President, Seyi has access to resources that could breathe life into innovative ideas. He must recognize the potential for a transformative era in Nigeria, where the voices of the young rise to determine the nation’s destiny—if only he can grasp the significance of his divinely favored standing. A deep realization of the divine expediency of this calling and its perfect timing. He holds the power to usher in a new generation of young politicians, gradually displacing the forebears who stubbornly cling to authority despite their failures. It will not be as easy as it sounds, but as Mahatma Gandhi said, “It is in trying that a man may reach for glory, not necessarily in succeeding.” If the first Son takes this seriously, however, it is very possible.

For this vision to materialize, Seyi must demonstrate his commitment through laser-focused, thoughtful actions rather than engaging his antagonizers with oratory speeches—the kind that has been reduced to a condescending caricature of ridicule on social media. The first Son of the Republic must learn to ignore toxic jibes; he cannot allow his detractors to deter him from the noble work he aspires to undertake. The clarion call for the youth to seize the reins of leadership has long echoed throughout the land. Can Seyi Tinubu be the driver of a new Nigeria, where the vibrant energy of youth shapes the political landscape? This is not merely a question for the nation; it is a profound inquiry he must pose to himself. Providence urges him to do so.


King Solomon, the son of King David in ancient Israel; Ashoka the Great; Emperor Meiji; Cyrus the Great—these are examples of sons who have left a lasting, transformative impact on their nations. Seyi has the opportunity to have his name etched among these distinguished leaders. It would be a tragedy if Nigeria’s first Son were to let this opportunity slip away.

It is vital for him to surround himself with the right advisers, as he presents a simple, approachable demeanour. He may be handicapped in certain respects, for there are limits to how openly he can make decisions; the 1999 constitution (as amended) does not recognize the office of the first Son, and he enjoys no official mandate. This is where his ingenuity, along with that of those around him, must come into play, enabling him to navigate cleverly around the obstacles that may stand in his way as he moves to achieve his destiny.

We are living in a time of indiscriminate suffering, yet Nigeria must endure, for we have no other country to call our own. Let him seize this opportunity. The people are crying for a saviour. He can be the hero that we didn’t see coming. There is much he can do to win the hearts of Nigerians; many who antagonize him now do so because they are ensnared in hopeless conditions, and for this, they cannot be blamed. The onus is on him to transform perceptions. Let him embody empathy; let Nigerians, particularly his generation, see that he truly cares about our future. The time is now; he cannot let this opportunity slip. He has the chance to secure a favourable mention in the annals of history by responding to this calling with fervour.

In this pivotal moment, Seyi stands at the crossroads of destiny, where the weight of history meets the light of possibility. As dawn breaks over Nigeria, a new narrative awaits its author, and he holds the pen. With every act of kindness, he can sow the seeds of hope, nurturing a garden where dreams flourish in the hearts of the young. The path may be fraught with challenges, yet it is through adversity that the spirit of a leader is forged. Let him rise, not just as a son of privilege, but as a beacon of change, illuminating the way for those who dare to dream of a brighter tomorrow.


The echoes of history call out to him, reminding him that greatness is not merely inherited but earned through courage, compassion, and unwavering resolve. He must listen to the whispers of the past and the calls of the present, for within them lies the blueprint for a transformed Nigeria. As he navigates this journey, let him embrace the strength of unity, rallying the youth to join him in crafting a future where their voices resonate powerfully in the corridors of power. The time for action is now; the legacy of a true leader is written in the hearts he touches and the lives he changes. Let Seyi Tinubu be that leader, a son not only of his father but, more importantly, of a nation yearning for hope and renewal.

Views expressed by contributors are strictly personal and not of TheCable.
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