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Think Tank condemns ‘sensational reports’ on Sanusi’s presentation

BY TheCable


The Savannah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development, Abuja, has condemned the “sensational reporting” of the presentation of the emir of Kano, Muhammad Sanusi II, at its forum on Friday.

Sanusi, former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), had, in his presentation titled “A Plan to Restor Confidecne, Direction and Growth”, said the relationship between the CBN and the federal government was no longer independent.

He also said bad policies were being perpetuated — and warned of a worsening currency crisis.

The CBN has responded, blaming the current situation at the bank on “those who held office in the past” in what is apparently a reference to the emir who was governor from 2009 to 2013.


Shehu Garba, presidential spokesman, also accused the emir of not getting his facts right.

But in a statement by its executive director, Abdullahi A. Omaki, the Savannah Centre decried the media slant of Sanusi’s presentation.

He said in a statement: “The attention of management of Savannah Centre has been drawn to the expectedly wide coverage of its event, Policy Dialogue on the State of the Nigerian Economy, which took place at the Transcorp Hilton Hotel on 2nd December 2016, has received in our media and wish to express sincere appreciation for the wide coverage.


“Regrettably, and as feared, some media organizations/agents, who despite been provided with copies of the presentations at the session, chose the path of sensational reporting rather than the collective and coordinated efforts needed to draw attention to the serious economic challenges facing the nation for which every well meaning and knowledgeable Nigerian from Government to the Academia, Civil Society, the Youths and Women must engage to finding the most appropriate policy mixtures to redress our common challenges.

“At the commencement of the Policy Dialogue session, an appeal was made to the media to report accurately as that would help focus attention at finding sustainable solutions to the myriads of challenges that face Nigeria, the core of which is fixing the economy.

“We apologize profusely to all our panelists, especially, His Highness, Muhammad Sanusi II, Sarkin Kano, for the embarrassment that the media reportage of some of these misrepresentations may have caused them. We remain committed to our collective resolve to continue our policy engagement dialogues on the basis of truths backed by facts on the state of our domestic challenges and the prospects for finding lasting solutions to them.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the Savannah Centre reproduces here below, the ACTUAL TEXTS of all the presentations made at the Dialogue session.”


Click here to download the Sanusi’s presentation

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