
Tiwa Savage: Tee Billz was cheating on me at the hotel while I was bleeding at the hospital

Tiwa Savage has been the subject of public ridicule since husband Tee Billz went public with allegations that she was adulterous and that she had multiple sexual partners before marriage.

Tiwa has now responded with her own side of the story, highlighted by her claim that she discovered that her husband was “getting knocked off” at a hotel by another woman while she was hospitalised an bleeding profusely.

See video interview with Pulse below:



Video credit: Pulse Nigeria

  1. Young girl what happened to you is the repercussion of being a celebrity in an indecent way (being a singer)which to me is not a career for a decent woman. As a woman you need to have a thought for your parent. The good name they built. Look at you discussing your marital life publicly. Is a pity. Please don’t go into drugs.Try and console your self;eschew singing and look for another man with decent background and marry.

    1. Olutayo Akande,our career chooses us.We don’t choose our career.Her choice of career has nothing to do with her marital relationship.I beg make you grow up.

    2. @Wurno,You are the problem with Nigeria. What careers are decent for women? Who made you the Judge for such. Such chauvinistic ideologies and mindset. We need to move forward and do not need people like you puling us back to the iron age.

        1. I did not see anything bad in what she said. I think it is just that both of them could manage their differences . May God Almighty help them.

    3. @wornu it’s a pity that people like you with very low iq and mentality still exists in this modern era.. Why do you think being a musician is not a career for a decent woman, what makes it indecent, it’s a pity people like you are still around, you need a brain transplant…

      1. Welldone mr/miss kardashian.It is unfortunate that sons and daughters of palm wine tappers whom were opportune to be exposed to other people’s culture by the grace of cinema are saying music is a decent career for women. Tell me are whitney huston, madonna, etc decent compared to a young beautiful Nigerian selling tomatoes in oshodi or Abeni salawa? It seems you believe in the slogan the end justifies the means. My IQ is intact perhaps more sharp than yours but i wouldn’t recommend you for brain transplant.

        1. @ Wurno, If I were you I wouldn’t even bother to talk anymore. I believe these personalities who responded to ur comment have spoken well, scolding you for such comment u have made over Tiwa. Your comment over Tiwa is not good enough. Art and singing is a good profession. E

  2. Wow.. i never wanted this to happen to my my you Tiwa dear! but it hurt so much to see you crying how could a man do this to you! TJ would have managed the issue better… i guess is over between you guys! you two danced naked outside. wish you so much luck and success Tiwa..and i wish you are happy again either with TJ or whoever God will send.

  3. Your comment..I know Tiwa to be a good & decent lady,but I dont know why this is happening to her like many celebrities before her.But,if I may ask why many celeb relationship always end up in total show of shame.

    1. simple, to them every thing is stage play and in most cases they don’t know when to cut the tape. They simply refuse to separate their real life from their stage life!

  4. My husband did worst thing to me try to built the home till he began calling a prostitute every where but I work has a nurse morning to evening no night shift come back home, pay bills and had no saving trying to keep the family together becos his business was doing fine but he because too jealous and all I go through every day is emotional abuse etc but my family came and pick me one day to avoid death. Men that don’t stand up to their family responsibility become abusive. The basic thing is that most o this men are mature physically buy are not mature for marriage.

  5. tiwa ,am s sorry for all that. i think tee billzz still wants to have more fun,so that was the reason why he looked for way to say all of this. He didn’t really understand what marriage meant before going into it .Nevertheless, Just move on with life tiwa, if he doesn’t want to move on with you anymore . Be strong ! All is well.

  6. Azuka, i think you did a perfect job. If you had held the hands of Tiwa on set, i would have said you are not professional at all. i am sure it is mostly ladies criticising your awesome work…because they think it is like when they gossip and they think you are simply gossiping (not doing your work).however, i will like to say that TJ or what does he call himself is not serious….he is not at all serious cos i believe you very well TIWA, However TIWA you dodged the interviewers question twice and i will just state one of the instances – you were asked if you slept with Don jazz and the likes but you answered by saying you have never cheated on your husband but that was not the question. TJ said you cheated on him while you guys were dating with those he mentioned but he went ahead to marry you despite that. Now in saying you never cheated on him as your husband did not answer the right question. What you simply told us is that after the Dubai wedding you never did but how about before the wedding?

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