Nigeria: Time for the grand design (3)
Two decades of civilian administrations, Nigerians deserve to know where we are; indeed whether we are on course!
The Peoples Democratic Party’s 16 years rule brought severe pains which the party compared to a woman trying to put to bed. Incompetent midwives are high risks to mother and unborn baby, some Nigerians warned. The party called such voices unpatriotic, enemies of the state.
Listed five times among the most corrupt nations, Nigeria became the third poorest nation on earth. PDP countered that Nigeria became the largest economy in Africa under the leadership!
The All Progressives Congress’ take overextends the sad records of PDP years.
In six years, Nigeria listed thrice on topmost corrupt nations and overtook India and China, and became the world’s poverty capital in 2019.
The PDP introduced the National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy, NEEDS. Despite support from the World Bank and the IMF, the project failed. One minister felt Nigeria’s mass poverty owed to the huge population!
The dream of great Nigeria started at independence in 1960 on high hopes but now the prospects are drying up. Fear, cynicism, and nightmares prevail…
Fundamental Objectives
The Constitution has seen abuses and misuses. Chapter Two (Fundamental Objectives) features the reliefs that citizens are dying for.
The chapter says that the security and welfare of citizens are the primary duty of government; that Federal Character must prevail at all times.
The Chapter further provides:
#13. Fundamental Obligations
2 (a). Sovereignty belongs to the people of Nigeria from whom government through the Constitution derives its powers and authority, and
(c). The participation by the people in their government shall be ensured…
3. The composition of the government of the Federation or any of its agencies and the conduct of its affairs shall… reflect the Federal Character of Nigeria and the need to promote national unity…
16 Economic Objectives
1 (a). Harness the resources of the nation and promote national prosperity.
(b). Control the national economy and secure the maximum welfare, freedom, and happiness of every citizen on the basis of social justice and equity.
2. The state shall direct its policy towards ensuring…
(b) Resources of the nation are harnessed and distributed as best as possible to serve the common good.
(d). Suitable and adequate shelter, suitable and adequate food; reasonable national minimum living wage, old age care and pension and unemployment, sick benefits and welfare of the disabled are provided for all citizens.
17 Social Objectives
The sanctity of the human person shall be recognized and human dignity shall be maintained and enhanced.
22. Obligation of the Mass media
The press, radio, television, and other agencies of the mass media shall at all times be free to uphold the fundamental objectives contained in this chapter and uphold the responsibility and accountability of the government to the people.
Great Nations
Some were called to be great while some became great by exemplary endeavours. Every great nation did great things which uplifted their peoples and humanity.
No miracles or no great nation! Doing or experience extraordinary things mark great nations. From Israel to Greece to the US or China there is no exception.
Bold, heroic, yet past great nations failed to evolve anew and went down.
Greece gave the world democracy but failed to reinvent it hence the decline.
Great Nigeria
Local and world leaders often spoke of great Nigeria. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe was the first to utter the words: this great nation, Nigeria (November 16, 1960).
Make Nigeria great lies in making her the home of the black race: sanctuary or place of refuge. The secret is join hands and uplift the peoples and humanity: cooperation.
Nigeria’s greatness demands we reinvent politics, economics, the institutions and make the world a better place.
Nigeria was closer to great nation title at independence than ten years later or today.
Make Nigeria great demands quality insights. Consider national core values: Unity, faith, peace and progress.
Foundations on which to build the dream nation, the leaders place unity first yet progress is the starter. Without progress, there is no peace; without peace, there is no faith or unity.
No person is worthless but 100 million Nigerians are worth nothing.
To unleash Nigeria enjoins joining hands signified by the Rivers Niger and Benue!
Democracy For All
Does the government of few by few for few sound strange or familiar? Can politicians pay hundreds of millions in nomination fees and resist corruption? Can poverty and democracy cohabit?
Less than one percent of Nigerians are in the public services and take 75% of the Commonwealth. Under democracy!
Competitions are children/youth affairs. State administrations are no children’s play. All citizens do not need to be in politics/government to get the fair due. Cooperative democracy changes the old order.
The age of competitions is over.
US democracy excelled the British which excelled the Romans which excelled the Greeks. Superior politics and better economics go together. Bad politics is good politics in which time has passed.
19th-century democracy did not go far in the 20th century as 20th-century democracy will not in this 21st century.
It took 14 years to write Democracy For All… reinvent democracy and unveil Nigeria. Every great nation brought new political values, visions.
21st-century democracy must differ from the past. Nigeria’s contribution to the new world order will empower 100 million citizens and billions worldwide by four years to end poverty this decade!
Poverty and corruption are curable.
Universal prosperity is the road to great Nigeria, to global progress and peace.
The goal of politics is economics, the goal of economics is the wellbeing of citizens and humanity.
A national movement to implement the extant constitution from May 30, 2023 is necessary. How about a national summit for a start?
Make Nigeria great is critical to the black race, a duty to mankind, and in honour and glory to God Almighty.
Anyamele, a journalist and author, wrote from Lagos. You can reach him via email: newheritage.books@
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