
Uba Sani hosts Prince Harry in Kaduna, says he is an epitome of patriotism

BY Maryam Abdullahi


Uba Sani, governor of Kaduna, says Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, is an epitome of patriotism and inspiration to the youths.

The governor spoke on Friday when he received Harry at the Kaduna state government house.

Sani said the Duke’s humanitarian pursuits align with his advocacy and goals for the poor and vulnerable citizens.

The Duke arrived in Nigeria on Friday alongside Meghan, his wife, to dialogue on the hosting of the next Invictus Games.


Prince Harry started the games which aim at providing rehabilitation for wounded members of the armed forces and veterans through sport.

“I am extremely delighted to welcome Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, to Kaduna state, the heartbeat of northern Nigeria and Nigeria’s centre of learning,” the governor said.

“Your visit reminds us of another happy event 68 years ago, when Queen Elizabeth II, your grandmother, was welcomed to Kaduna on 2nd of February, 1956, by our revered leader, the Premier of Northern Nigeria, Sir Ahmadu Bello (of blessed memory).”


The governor said the Duke is “a symbol of courage, perseverance, compassion, and the oneness of humanity”.

“You made your mark in the United Kingdom’s Air Force, attaining the rank of captain,” he said.

“Despite your privileged upbringing and position in the Royal Family, you opted to go to the battlefield in the service of your country.

“You are an inspiration to the youths and an epitome of patriotism.


“You also helped found a charity for children in Lesotho. In sports, you founded the Invictus Games, an international sporting competition for injured and sick veterans and service people.

“Your lifelong pursuit of good causes aligns with my own life-long activism for improvement in the conditions of the poor, vulnerable, and underserved in our society.

“As governor, I have committed myself to bringing hope to the weak and vulnerable.

“In the forging of Nigeria-British relations, Kaduna hosted some of the most prominent political and administrative officers from colonial times to the attainment of Nigeria’s independence in 1960.”


On his part, Prince Harry said the purpose of the visit was to “lift the spirit” of servicemen and veterans through the Invictus Games.

“Thank you for everything that you do as a service to this community,” he said.

“The focus of this trip is obviously the wounded Nigerian forces, men and women who served in the Nigerian forces to keep people safe and having founded the Invictus Games over 10 years ago, Nigeria was the first African nation to join last year in Germany with 10 fantastic human beings.

“And as we had a conversation with the chief of defence staff a few hours earlier, he acknowledged the smiles on their faces and the fact that opportunity, that moment being part of the Invictus community, put a smile back on their faces.

“We will build on that morale that anyone that is put in the line of fire with their lives despite injury is not over.”

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