Antonio Guterres, UN secretary-general
Antonio Guterres, United Nations (UN) secretary-general, says climate risks need to be added to the economic and financial decisions of countries.
Guterres said this on Thursday at the open debate of the UN security council in New York.
He said conflict-prevention initiatives need to factor in climate risks because environmental degradation enables armed groups to extend their influence and manipulate resources to their advantage.
He said in Iraq and Syria, the ISIL terrorist group has exploited water shortages and taken over water infrastructure to impose its will on communities, while in Somalia, charcoal production provides a source of income for Al-Shaab.
“Climate change is not the source of all ills, but it has a multiplier effect and is an aggravating factor for instability, conflict and terrorism”, he said.
“We need to address these challenges in an integrated manner and create a virtuous circle of peace, resilience and sustainable development,
“We also need to build on existing expertise in disaster risk reduction and integrate climate risk into all economic and financial decisions.”
Guterres said the regions that are most vulnerable to climate change also suffer from insecurity, poverty, weak governance and terrorism.
He added that Boko Haram has been able to gain new recruits in the Lake Chad basin, particularly from local communities disillusioned by a lack of economic opportunity and access to essential resources.
“Climate impacts compound conflicts and exacerbate fragility. When the loss of livelihoods leaves populations in despair, the promises of protection, income and justice – behind which terrorists sometimes hide their true designs – become more attractive,” he said.
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