On the Go

Usain Bolt self-isolates after taking COVID-19 test

BY Remi Sulola


Usain Bolt, Jamaican sprint legend, says he is self-isolating at home as he awaits his test result for COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by coronavirus.

The now-retired 100m and 200m world record holder took to his social media page on Monday to react after reports from Jamaica claim he tested positive for the disease.

According to Nationwide90fm, a radio station in Jamaica, the ex-sprinter took a test for the virus after his 34th birthday party last Friday, and discovered on Sunday that he had tested positive.

Bolt, however, did not confirm or deny the reports.


In a video shared on his Instagram page, the eight-time Olympic gold medallist said he is still to receive the results of the test taken on Saturday.

He also said that he has placed himself in quarantine as a precaution, adding that he is not suffering symptoms.

“Good morning everyone. I am just waking up and checking social media and have seen I am confirmed (to have) COVID-19,” he said.


“I did a test on Saturday to leave because I have work (aboard). I am trying to be responsible so I am going to stay in and stay away from my friends.

“Also I’m having no symptoms but I am going to quarantine myself and wait on the confirmation to see what is the protocol on how I should go about quarantining myself from the ministry of health.

“I’ve talked to all my friends and have said if they have come into contact with me then just to be safe, quarantine by yourself and take it easy. Be safe out there.”


Bolt is widely recognised as the greatest sprinter to have ever lived.

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