
VIDEO: ‘Who bombs for humanitarian reasons?’ — protesters storm CHOGM 2018, ask UK to stop war in Syria

Protesters took to Parliament Square at Westminster amid the Commonwealth Head of Government Meetings (CHOGM 2018) to ask Prime Minister Theresa May and the UK government to stop bombing Syria.

The Stop the War Coalition, who protested outside Parliament as MPs debated, said they were told that the UK bombed Syria for humanitarian reasons, with plans to destroy Bashar al-Assad chemical weapons.

They asked why the UK, US, Russia, Israel will all be bombing different portions of Syria without caring for Syrians themselves.


One of the protesters, who addressed the public, said the war in Syria is the most ridiculous in the history of the wars against terrorism.

He said the UK was backing terrorists in Syria while fighting the same manner of terrorists in Iraq.

Theresa May, while speaking in parliament, said the UK had clear evidence that Assad was responsible for the chemical attacks on Syrians, and all diplomatic channels were explored before the UK resulted to force.


She said, “we have not done this because President Trump asked us to but because it was the right thing to do”.

President Donald Trump of the United States has been seen as flip-flopping about Russia and Syria, and the bombing he authorised against the Syrian government is considered a statement to Russia, rather than a war against Assad.

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