It might have seemed like a mental moment to frequent attendees of the grill at the pent series who must have heard the phrase ‘Its a movie’ being yelled from one corner of what may seem to be the craziest day party Lagos has witnessed yet.
But then, it must all have been sucked in by the sights of beautiful people, ice cold Ciroc, great ambiance, the best DJs, amazing grill menu, fireworks, popcorn, dancers, flame throwers, and a varieties of other activities.
Regardless, the faces behind the union of the liveliest crowd atop the penthouse at Kudeta Lounge in Victoria Island are confident that they are nowhere near their true purpose of proving to the world that Lagos City is the heartbeat of the parties in Africa.
Now nine months and 19 parties into the hit party franchise, the GATP Series has transcended from being the brainchild of Bankhead Entertainment into being an event that is a must mark on the calenders of a large number of celebrities and members of the social upper class in the city.
Partnering with Weyworld, Bang&Kosher and powered by Ciroc Ultra Premium Vodka, the Grill at the Pent relies heavily on a wide network and lots of hard work in creating the most exhilarating day parties in Lagos. So why not make a movie out of it? The crew thought and, voila, a mini-documentary directed by Yomi Black was created.

Titled It’s about to be a Movie All Over Again, it talks about the inception of the shindig and its journey so far as well as their expectations and goals.
The last edition held on September 7 and was, in its usual fashion, with the tag, Half Time Special, featuring Dj Consequence.
This edition marked the end of the first half of the series as it embarks on a break for the renovation of Kudeta [which saw a fire incident earlier in the year]
Watch the video here-
Note: The Grill at the Pent holds every second and last Sundays of the month at Kudeta Lounge, Victoria Island, Lagos and is Strictly 18+
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