
I will be president at the wrong time, says Buhari

Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria’s president-elect, has appealed to Nigerians to exercise patience with his government because he is taking over the reins of governance “at the wrong time”.

Buhari accused the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) of mismanaging the economy of the country, alleging that the revenue that the PDP has had at its disposal during its 16 years rule is higher than that which the country realised from 1914 at amalgamation till 1999 when PDP took charge.

He was speaking on Sunday when he played host to the northern elders’ forum led by Mataima Sule, an elder statesman.

“You have to convince your constituencies that you have virtually arrived at the wrong time and that they have to temper their expectation. Try and persuade the people that it is not possible to change the state of affairs over night,” he said.


“See how efficiently the PDP managed Nigeria in the last 16 years and those 16 years, most of you know it better than myself; Nigeria earned revenue more than what it earned from 1914 to then. Now, we have invariably inherited all the problems, especially in the north-east.

“You know that we use to have Nigeria Airways, Nigeria shipping line, Nigeria Railways. Where are they now? Where is the infrastructure? Consider what we earned Between then and now and what we earned in-between and what is on ground. That is how efficiently how the PDP managed Nigeria in the last 16 years.

“Now, we have invariably inherited all the problems, especially in the north east. I am sure that you have heard or seen the children recovered from Sambisa forest. Only the children and women are remaining while all the able bodied have been gotten rid of somehow. Some have been taken to as far as Adamawa state to be resettled. A generation has been denied education and health care, infrastructure has gone.


“You can imagine what is happening in the high sea where up to 400,000 barrel of crude oil which we rely on is stolen everyday with the full cooperation of those who are supposed to protect it. The fuel price has gone down and 90 percent of foreign exchange we rely on come from that.”

Buhari reaffirmed his commitment towards ensuring that the situation gets better, assuring Nigerians that he would fulfill his campaign promises.

The incoming president has never minced words in saying that the expectations from his government are high.

Early last week, he told a visiting delegation of the All Progressives Congress (APC) at the defence house in Abuja that he had been explaining to Nigerians that Rome was not built in a day.


“Please give this incoming government a chance, give us a chance to stabilise security,” he had said.

“The expectation is too high and I have started nervously to explain to people that Rome was not built in a day.”

  1. The president elect has not even been sworn in and yet the supposedly kidnapped girls, women, and men by Boko Haram have been “released” and so who should Nigerians and history give the credit to? And speaking of Boko Haram, i am now convince that it was a ploy to make Jonathan look incompetent and win election. Too bad, we Africans are sleeping to realize that outside interest are really the ones deciding who win and lose election in Nigeria.

    1. The kidnapped women and children were not released by Boko haram. Stop miss informing the public. When you hear news, read or listen very well. The women and children were rescued by the nigerian military after bombarding of Boko haram. There is a big difference between ‘released’ abs ‘rescued’. The question is, why did it take the nigerian army such a long time to carry out a proper offensive attack on Boko haram.

      1. A ploy by who? GEJ thought it would help him win elections, unfortunately we are all smarter. Why did it take him this long to storm Sambisa forest?If you had relatives there and you realise if only the president had taken action 2 weeks earlier, imagine how many people would still be alive today.

        1. Did you seriously that say that? How can you think Jonathan was behind it in anyway when that dealt one of the most damaging blows on his government.. Do you even follow the news at all or do you sit back and listen to gossips? Do you know how long Jonathan had been trying to secure weapons from the west and how many times his attempt was blocked and frustrated? Do you know that it was russia and china that finally sold weapons to us? Do you think it take one month to order those kind of weapons? Get real sir

    1. Why should we pray for him ? We are waiting for his miracle of change. He was a stumbling block to gej administration. They said one good turn deserve another. What you sow you will reap in return

  2. The ills about PDP you campaigned against and promised to fix while still complain please think of how to fix them, you knew the Nigerian economy was dwindling and promised to stabilised oil prices, Nigerian Airways, Railways and shipping died many years ago and can not attribute it to the PDP. The APC promised to fix them they should simply do and save us the sermon. I wish APC well.

  3. GMB, patience will be a very scarce commodity in this journey. All the expectations management skills known to man will not make much difference. The only thing that will is an honest delivery of your election promises. Get set and get to work. The good thing is Nigerians will know if you are giving it your best shot, and will support you if your best shot is good enough.

  4. GMB will become president at the time wills it… (after several tries).And God’s time is the best.

  5. GMB shld stop complaining, else Nigeriams will think he spoke first before thinking. Wouldnt he have considered all these before making promises. He’d better fullfill his promises or we class him properly where he belongs

  6. GMB should stop these cries; he was voted in to fix the nation; he promised that he will do it if elected. The earlier he settles his mind to fulfill his electioneering campaign promises the better for all of us . If its really the wrong time (if there is anything like that), then why did he contest, why did he promise us that he will solve most of the problems facing the nation. We need his magic wand; thats why he got the votes…Buhari should stop complaining and get set to tackle issues on ground!

  7. This Man why are you dashing our hope too early, you applied for this job and we gave it to you so we no want excuses.
    When you were promising heaven and earth during campaign you didn’t know that Rome was not built in a day. We no want hear story you have better deliver on your promises. Dazol

  8. Your comment..dis man so cal GMB did`n know dat dis sit he his emback on so is an hot sit for him .all i need to say is dat he should just stop preaching patience into naija hearing and he should stop complain , all what we need he should just fullfil all his promise .it is now he we know what GEJ is passing through #ROME DID NOT BUILD in 1 DAY, dat1 na 1420 joke

  9. The man GMB is already shifting d goalpost when d referee has just blown 10 seconds ago. The signs are already there, this man will turn out to be an excuse given president.Change has come indeed.What a shame.

  10. Your comment..Please, gentle men, Let us all be praying for this country. It is only God’s intervention that will take this country to the much expected height.
    No campaign promise will ever do that. The promises, we all know was just meant to win election.
    In our closest and in the public, let us pray for God’s intervention in Nigeria.

  11. Nigerians,we have decided.Let us pray for his success.What he is saying is that we should lesson our high expectation as he is not going to perform magic.It is easy to destroy but not easy to build.May God guides him rightly.Amen.

  12. Its not too late for Mr buhari to step down if he thinks he isn’t capable for the job.its not by force! Stop complaining

  13. u never enter d sit u don de complain. nw u don kw say na hot sit b dat. we re waiting for d change ooh, no time

  14. GMB should not give us excuses for failure, especially now that is too early. A great ruler manifest anytime (whether in good or bad time). Delano Roosevelt was President of America during the during the worst recession. He performed wonders and went down in American history as one of its greatest Presidents.He performed this great feat notwithstanding that he was confined on wheelchair.

    For GMB, he can equally perform. Its a question of mapping out his strategies well and having a good cabinet. He will have enough funds to perform provided he tackles corruption and curb all areas of waste. He should not look at the problems, but map out the strategies and solutions, otherwise he has failed before starting. His performance will make PDP to regret or celebrate. I wish GMB exceeding success on the seat of power.

    1. Okey, you said my mind. Nigerians are not expecting magic either but we want good performance. GMB should go back to the draw board starting with selection of his cabinet. If he gets it wrong from there I’m assuring him, the failure just started. This our Nigeria and its time to set our priorities rightly. Sai Buhari, let there be positive change na beg.

  15. it took the combined effort of 3nations to get this result on boko haram.. in getting this nations to join force with us takes process & process is time..good planning yield better result. that is what I’m seeing in the boko haram issue..I will went to agree with the first writer that it was a ploy that worked. where is the bring back our girls team now?, pls GMB & its APC team should know Nigerians that not vote for excuses but for their electioneering promise.

  16. we will not take any excuse for an answer.we believed in you hope you will not disappoint us.

  17. It’s obvious some people will prefer to remain in darkness no matter how much you try to show them light,how can you be so judge mental about a man who has not even spent a day in power,and leave out the one who has spent six whole years with nothing to show for it?the simple truth is,if you don’t believe anything good can come out of a man or nation,even when such good eventually comes,you will hardly benefit from it(this is scriptural),I advice the positive thinkers,not to please join issues with these negative thinkers a gain.either they believe it or not,Nigeria will know change,as The Lord liveth and His word also liveth.

  18. Your comment.. GMB, U forced urself into the leadership of this country for a change without any excuse b4 and now u promised us Positive Change, thus elected. Why excuse now? Positive Change to Positive Excuse? Gen. be brave to face the task & keep our hope high, though is not too late to step out.

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