
‘You’re Not a Muslim. You’re a Terrorist’

This quotable quote, more than anything else, captures my position on the Boko Haram maniacs. It is taken from Season 3 of the American political thriller, Homeland. Nicholas Brody, a retired US Marine sergeant ─ who had turned against his country, converted to Islam and become a terrorist while fighting in Iraq ─ was on the run. He was a suspect in the bombing of CIA headquarters. A bounty of $25 million was placed on his head. On self-exile in Venezuela, he escaped from his overbearing “protectors”, moved into a mosque and introduced himself as a Muslim to the Imam, who gladly received and housed him.

But not long after that, the Imam discovered Brody was a fugitive ─ declared wanted in America for terrorist activities. The Imam immediately confronted Brody, telling him to leave his mosque and shouting: “You are NOT a Muslim. You ARE a terrorist!”

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the missing jigsaw in our attitude to Boko Haram in Nigeria. We continue to view these thugs through Christian and Muslim lenses rather than see them for what they truly are: bloody-sucking terrorists from the pit of hell. No genuine Muslim should be proud of the activities of these demons. No genuine Christian should rejoice at the unending slaughter of the innocent. No true Nigerian should be happy that a section of this country has been turned to killing fields by deranged fanatics, who murder children and women with brainless fervour, who haul bombs into crowded churches and mosques.

For too long, we have failed to isolate these retarded adults and treat them as a different bunch of gangsters who are a threat to all of us ─ Muslims, Christians, Northerners, Southerners, PDP, APC, Jonathan, Buhari, etc etc. When this whole madness began to unfold on a large scale, we chose to treat it as a religious or political problem. To many Muslims, it was a problem for Christians ─ until Boko Haram went past churches and started attacking emirs and mosques. To many Christians, it is “these Muslims who hate us” ─ but we can now see that even “these Muslims” hate fellow Muslims. The attack on the Central Mosque in Kano last Friday is as barbaric as the one on St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, Madalla, on Christmas day in 2011.


To many Southerners, terrorism is a problem for Northerners. “Let them keep bombing themselves” is their terrible attitude. But they forget that the victims in Abuja, Nyanyan, Maiduguri, Kaduna, Kano and elsewhere are full-blooded Nigerians from different tongues. “Let us divide Nigeria” is a chart-buster among some Southerners ─ as if having blood-drinking terrorists next door is going to be a tea party. Ask Kenya about the al-Shabab menace in neighbouring Somalia.  Ask Turkey about the hazard of ISIS in Iraq. Ask Mali about the fall-outs from the fall of Muammar Ghaddafi in Libya. It is pure ignorance to think that leaving innocent Northerners at the mercy of these lunatics is a great idea ─ when they will eventually share border with you if your dream of breaking up Nigeria comes true.

The politicisation of Boko Haram is absolutely odious and horrendous. On the one hand, the All Progressives Congress (APC) sees it as a publicity tool to win votes by highlighting how clueless the PDP-led government is. A party chieftain once said APC would end Boko Haram within three months if voted into power. That easy? On the other hand, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has been trying to demonise APC as the sponsors of Boko Haram ─ all because of 2015. And I keep saying: if PDP is sure APC is behind terrorism, is it not the job of government to arrest and prosecute the suspects? Does the PDP government have a game plan to defeat terror? Is the game plan working? That should be their preoccupation rather than demarketing APC.

For too long, we have had a wrong attitude towards Boko Haram. We underestimated the problem. We played politics with it. We have been pointing fingers back and forth. We have been propounding all sorts of senseless theories. The only theory that I understand, and I will continue to say this, is that Boko Haram is a committee of vampires. They display their insanity by hiding behind religion, but they easily lose the case when even Muslims become their prey. What point are they making by killing worshippers at a Jummat service? What God do they believe in that takes pleasure even in the death of Muslims like them? The only sensible conclusion is that these hooligans are not Muslims. They are terrorists.


What exactly do these guys want? I have been monitoring and analysing Boko Haram’s pronouncements since the emergence of Abubakar Shekau as their leader in 2009. He has never suggested ceasefire or complained about poverty or lack of infrastructure. He has been incredibly consistence with his mission statement: to establish an Islamic caliphate and get rid of the infidels. Infidels, in this case, are not just Christians ─ who, in any case, are their natural targets ─ but Muslims who do not share their bestial brain. From the very beginning, he said he had a divine mandate to kill human beings “like chickens”. He said the Nigerian system is anti-Islam and he had a divine call to cleanse the land. He has said this again and again and again.

If we are wise enough, it should be clear to all by now that we are not dealing with a religious problem, even if it has a religious content. We are not dealing with a political problem, even though they have a political message. We are not dealing with a regional problem, even if the North-East happens to be their base. We are dealing with a security problem. A national security problem. A problem that spares no one. We saw this problem start in the backyard of Maiduguri. It became a Borno problem. It became a regional problem. They started with swords and daggers. Now they are using bombs. They started with hit-and-run. Now they are in command of towns and villages.

If we are to learn from the pattern of insurgency around the world, what we are seeing is just an introduction. Nobody knows the next frontier. Nobody knows their next strategy. And nobody is safe. Nowhere is safe. That is why it hurts me to my bones when we play politics with this insurgency. It hurts me to my soul that we cannot see beyond our nose. It hurts me deep when we introduce 2015 and regionalism and bigotry into this unambiguous national security tragedy. What we have in our hands is, evidently, a copycat of Al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS, name them ─ funded, equipped and motivated by forces who have a global terror agenda, headlined by Osama bin Laden in the last decade.

Fellow Nigerians, I am convinced beyond reasonable ─ and unreasonable ─ doubt that this Boko Haram lunacy can only be tackled when we take away the religious and political veil from our face. We need the buy-in of every Nigerian to confront this insanity. We need the political class across the divides. We need Nigerians of all religious persuasions. We need a national consensus to cast out these devils. They are not Muslims. They are terrorists.




So crude oil prices have fallen, demand for forex is on the rise and the CBN has finally devalued the naira (or, to quote economists, allowed the naira to depreciate)? We saw all these coming one day, didn’t we? We were warned, weren’t we? Yet we kept on spending like there would be no tomorrow. We were piling up travelling allowances, buying jets, building state-of-the-art (they call it “befitting”) governors’ lodges, padding up allowances, embarking on white elephant projects, looting the treasury and holding sex parties in Dubai. Who cares? Who cares about the future? Who cares? Heartlessness.


He sure has his critics, but you are not going to get many public administrators who understand the basics of rebuilding the society like Babatunde Fashola. The governor of Lagos has just handed over the rebuilt Area C headquarters of Nigeria police, which was set ablaze by “unknown soldiers” in 2006. It is what a modern police station should be, complete with CCTV, forensic room, finger print room, interrogation room with cameras, cameras office, communication equipment, gym, befitting male and female cells. I dare say it is the most modern police building in Nigeria today. God bless Fashola. Amen.



Was it some joke? The Consumer Protection Council (CPC) has fined Coca-Cola and Nigerian Bottling Company N100million because of a defective product. That is, two half-filled cans of Sprite. Now, I don’t have anything against imposing fines and sanctions on all these big companies who have gone virtually unpunished over the years. For all I care, CPC can fine them N1billion. However, what amazes me is the justification of the hefty fine by CPC. According to them, they spent N60million to investigate the case. N60million! I mean N60million! What exactly were they investigating? How many countries did they visit? Scandalous.



Mrs Diezani Alison-Madueke, minister of petroleum resources, last week made history as the first female president of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). It may escape many of us but this is truly historic: a woman heading an organisation where the all-powerful Arabs call the shots. A women at the top of such an organisation is novel indeed. Having been the first Nigerian female executive director at Shell and first female petroleum minister of Nigeria, Alison-Madueke has hit an interesting milestone. She must use this position to raise Nigeria’s profile and clout in the cartel. Very important. Congratulations!

  1. U hav spoken wel n al u said is an eye opener to al nigerians i wish our leaders wil take note of diz point n make gud use of it 4 peace n d betament our greate country

  2. Sir, u defintely speak out d minds of millions true Nigerians! I hope religion bigots n ethnic jingoists will learn from this. God bless Nigeria and God bless u

  3. if only nigerians could reason positively and come together to fight boko haram. lets leave d issue of xtian -muslim. Remember we all originated frm same father i.e Adam. let us collectively turn down US assumptin dt there wil be nothing cal NIGERIA come 2015.

  4. Thanks for this piece. You wrote that many Southerners believe Boko Haram is a problem of the North. No, Southerners actually empathize with the North. It is the President and his Niger Delta people who think that Boko Haram is a Northern problem

  5. A big thank to simon kolawole. Over the years you have remained consistent in your writings and non-partisan in an era that our journalism have being watered down by the money doublers and consistency in reporting the fact behind the scene is commendable. I encourage you to keep the good work.God bless and increase you.

  6. God bless u for writing such a beautiful piece Simon…if only each and every one of us acts and thks pro Nigeria rather than makes senseless comments abt the crisis we are facing….

  7. on the unabated spate of bombing, i urge the FG to take the bull by the horn and apply the brake of this derailing vehicle. all sorts of mistakes have been made in the past by both the govt, oppositn party n we masses but as Yoruba will say ‘oorun to ku l’oke to aso gbe’ the govt must draw up a practicable plan of action that will carry along all and sundry in this fight against terror.
    All we need is political will on the govt’s part and this must come very urgently because the Kano mosque bombing is the most catastrophic one so far and unless some far reaching measures are taken, an even worse one is in the offing. God forbid! #leadership

  8. Well said thank God for your life. I hear some of the so called leaders make statements on tv and radio I start to wonder if something is of from their brains. This a type of war Nigeria has not fought in the history of the nation and now our military are understanding the strategy do our lawmakers to argue about it, all they need do is to the state of emergency so that the military will fulfil what they promised. God bless you Simon

  9. I have not heard a honest, unbiased, non political inconvenient truth like this in a long time. This is a hard fact that every true Nigerian must key his/herself into, to saving our beloved Nigeria.
    We must all unite as one to ending these madness today or be ready to live with these for a very long long time. We all must do the unthinkable. We must expose everyone living among us that is either a sympathizer(s) to boko haram or a member of boko haram, even when such person is a member of our family.
    We are all casualties to boko haram. And until we all unite, we could never win the war so soon.
    God bless Nigeria.

  10. You said “To many Muslims, it was a problem for Christians ─ until Boko Haram went past churches and started attacking emirs and mosques.” This statement is erroneous. So many Muslims suffered from boko haram even before the first church or Christians were attacked. Sheikh Ja’afar Adam of Kano was the first prominent victim of the group in 2007. Then several Islamic clerics and district heads were killed in Borno in 2010 before Christians were targeted.

  11. D country is full of evils people.all terrorists are muslim.all muslim are not of fashola is a sophisticated leader of vission.he travel and learn what is good for a nation.not like most of d majority thief that had no vission than to siphon.and languished in foreign sad about my country nigeria.

  12. Dear Simon, you have said so many things in your piece which are interesting.Most importantly to me, is the word,”you are not a Muslim, you are a Terrorist.” This to me is just subjective as your view is related to that of the Imam.Please, answer me these questions? Is one born a terrorist first or a Muslim or a Christian? Which one comes first? The truth must be told here that while no true faith tolerates what is happening mostly in the North-East of Nigeria, the basic fact is that extremism and fundamentalism are the substratum of every religion just as partisanship is the basis of politicking. Thus it takes either a fundamental fanatic or extreme fanatic to live out his or her faith based on the teachings of that religion. In this regard, it is either one is a Muslim, a Christian or a Traditional worshiper. Now, those who are killing under the guise of Islam must be professing what is enshrined in their faith (Islam). Indeed, can you separate water from its ‘waterness?’ That is, water from its essence? That is what Terrorism is to a Muslim who has turned fanatic and addicted to his/her faith. By your name Simon, you may not know what the Koran teaches about JIHAD,except you were a practitioner. The Imam can teach what the Koran says about JIHAD but he cannot live the teaching himself except the faithful fanatical Fundamentalist. So why must Nigerians blame the BOKO-Haramists for practicing what their faith teaches? I challenge anyone across Islamic Religion to disprove me on whether, the concept JIHAD does not include the idea of Killing. That is the fulcrum around which the Boko-Haram Terrorists revolve to kill all infidels whether Christian or Muslim. I beg you, SIMON, in God’s name, let those who started this evil get back to the drawing board and stop it. They can invite Nigerians to assist them stop it if they are willing. Simon, tell me, how would an ordinary Nigerian like you and I stop a fight like this when the sponsors are our rich elites who are determined to suck our blood for their power demonstration? Who told you that the Government and the security agents in Nigeria and the INTERPOL do not know who and what is happening? They know. But I think nobody wants to bell the cat. I bet you,get back to the lane of History and you would understand who actually wants America’s prediction over Nigeria about 2015 to come to fulfilment.It is Nigerians themselves and not the Terrorists who are just errand boys paid by Nigerians to rise against Nigerians. Simon, tell me, which Nigerians are you asking to go against these terrorist now?

    1. Mr Onabegha I wish u go back to historical origin of terrorism in world. You will know that it started in western Europe and the people where born Christian. But the world didn’t called the Christian terrorists .The IRA Just lay down their some few years ago , in Spain ETA the Spanish Government still negotiating with them presently in Ukraine some ground taking ARMS against the Government of the day. And this people where born as Christian first before becoming terrorists . Please we people should learn how to put Nigeria first before our triber bingo and religious bingo .

  13. There u go the way of myopic thinkers, comment as clean as the writer.
    when boko haram started with the bombings of Christian worship centers every northern leaders kept mum. even ordinary condemnation never came, rather the saw it as a pointer to force Jonathan’s ijaw and his S E supporters to blackout of 2015. With the Kano blast every northern leader have risen in one accord to condemn boko haram. May God give succour to those grieving amen but with the comments coming from the opposition and most Northeners, I see wild fire.

  14. Well said, Kolawole. I am in total agreement with your analysis and implied remedies -“Boko Haram lunacy can only be tackled when we take away the religious and political veil from our face. We need the buy-in of every Nigerian to confront the insanity…”. To argue otherwise is political desperadoes or religious fanaticism. No single country has successfully confronted terrorism along political or religious divide!!

  15. Good piece.
    My take on this may not be popular yet, it is a fact. Boko Haram is not Islamic. It is a tiny part of a new global religious movement which is destined to be birthed in the 21st century.
    These characters wrecking havoc around the world today are only riding on the back of Islam.

    When they get to their destination, they turn will fully and openly against Islam.
    They will try to destroy Islam completely. Then, they will reveal the name of the new religion and the identity of demons behind it.
    It has been difficult for Nigeria and other nations of the world, including the western powers, to curb their rise because they have the SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY.
    They will prevail for a season, but their end shall surely come.

  16. Simon, you’ve really hit the nail on its head. The vandals were really enjoying the devastating consequences of the division that follows the wrong tagging among Nigerians. If they were rightly tagged as mere criminals, they would have been wiped off our land.

  17. until all our leaders, who answered the name “politicians” , both APC and PDP stop looting our money to take abroad for their generations unborn, Nigeria will it overcome any of its problems. We need a revolution because these vampires in govt and house of assembly don’t mean any good for us. It’s not our fault cus we can’t help ourselves, it’s the fault of these l******* we entrusted our lives unto. It’s a pity to be a Nigerian

  18. Nice article.
    But before demonizing and eradicating BokoHaram,ISIS ,e.t.c. There’s need to thoroughly check if the book they often used as reference actually affirms their mission statements(such as hijra , Jihad..etc), and also ascertain if it is the same book that is used by all in the Islamic faith. If the answer turns out to be yes, then the true solution to this problem will have to begin with re-evaluation and complete review of this book which stands at the core of this faith, otherwise eradicating the ‘so- called’ demons or terrorists will be nothing more than attempting to kill a snake by merely cutting off its tail.
    This is my opinion.

  19. Would we call Christian terrorists Christianists?
    Would we call Jewish terrorists Jewishists?
    So why don’t we call Islamists terrorists what they really are?
    They are not islamists – they are MUSLIMS!
    All of them follow muhammad and the koran, so they are MUSLIMS!
    Let no one be fooled.

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